
The Evil Within My Soul

Levin found himself in an empty, dark void. He had no memories of his past life, except for one thing: he died. Thanks to an unknown Goddess, he was reincarnated into a different world filled with magic and adventures. However, he quickly discovered that this world was more than it seemed. Without any real powers, Levin found a way to become the strongest human that ever existed in that world.

YeYaYe · Fantasy
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11 Chs

I Can Beat Her !

The fight began, and Reia instantly disappeared. It was indeed true; she moved faster than the human eye could see.

Where is she?!

Levin turned around, checking every possible direction. Left, right, in front of him, and behind him.

A cold breeze flew over Levin's hair. The area surrounding him grew darker and darker. The students gasped, shock written on their faces.

Levin stood still – he just realized why he couldn't see Reia.

Above me!

He jumped a few meters away just as the swordfighter slammed into the ground where he had been standing, like a meteor.

That would've killed me!

The ground shattered, and Reia proudly got into another fighting stance. This time, she held her blade backward.

"Not bad, kiddo. You're the first one who survived a hit from my blade. But this is far from over. You still have to hit me, not just dodge my attacks," Reia explained.

Levin took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Through his inner eye, he saw the proud faces of his parents, the time he spent training with Master Haldor—all of these memories fueled his power.

"Fine then! But don't cry if you get hit by me!" Levin shouted, his voice strict, his stance aggressive.

The students surrounding them immediately went quiet after Levin's declaration.

Reia bit her lip and clenched her fist around her blade. "You'll regret those words, you little piece of shit!"

Reia vanished again. This time, she didn't attack from above. The teacher prepared a powerful attack right in front of him.

With a powerful blast, she charged at him like a projectile.

I have to block her attack!

Levin held his sword upright and managed to block her blade with his.

The recoil was so strong that Levin was pushed back several meters. His legs began to shiver as the aftermath of the attack coursed through his body.

"What's wrong? Was your little speech just full of empty words?" Reia taunted, preparing for another attack.

Come on, Levin, move!

My legs feel so heavy...

Reia's smirk widened as she saw Levin struggling. She took a step forward, her eyes gleaming with a predatory light. "You look like you're about to fall over. This won't be any fun if you can't fight back."

Levin gritted his teeth, forcing his legs to obey. He straightened up, his grip tightening on his sword. "I'm not done yet," he growled.

Reia laughed, a cold, mocking sound. "Good. I like a challenge."

With another burst of speed, she lunged at him. Levin's eyes widened as he barely managed to parry the strike. The impact sent vibrations up his arms, but he held firm.

I need to find an opening...

Reia didn't give him a moment to think. She launched a flurry of attacks, each one faster and more powerful than the last. Levin's world narrowed to the clashing of their blades, the sound ringing in his ears.

Think, Levin, think!

Suddenly, he saw it. A slight hesitation in Reia's movements, a fraction of a second where her guard dropped. Seizing the opportunity, Levin twisted his body and aimed a strike at her side.

Got you!

Reia's eyes widened in surprise as his blade connected, sending her stumbling back. The students around them gasped in astonishment.

Levin didn't stop. He pressed the advantage, pushing forward with a series of quick, calculated strikes. Reia parried most of them, but she was clearly on the defensive.

"Not bad," she muttered, a hint of respect in her voice. "But don't think this means you've won."

With a furious roar, she counterattacked with renewed vigor. Levin found himself struggling to keep up, his earlier confidence wavering.

She's so strong...

But he couldn't back down now. He had to prove himself, not just to Reia, but to everyone watching. With a surge of determination, he met her attacks head-on, their blades dancing in a deadly rhythm.

The duel continued, both fighters pushing themselves to their limits. Sweat dripped down Levin's face, his muscles burning with exertion. But he held on, driven by the memories of his training, the support of his family, and the desire to succeed.

Reia's attacks began to slow, her breath coming in heavy gasps. Levin saw his chance and went for it, delivering a final, decisive strike that knocked her sword out of her hand.

The courtyard fell silent. Levin stood panting, his sword still raised. Reia looked at him, her expression a mix of shock and admiration.

"You've got guts, kid," she said, a grudging smile forming on her lips. "Maybe you'll survive the Royal Academy after all."

Levin lowered his sword, relief flooding through him. He had done it. He had faced one of the toughest opponents he'd ever encountered and come out on top.

The students erupted into cheers, the sound echoing through the courtyard. Levin looked around, seeing their faces full of awe and respect.

For the first time, he felt a true sense of belonging. He had earned his place here, and he would keep fighting to prove himself worthy.

As the crowd began to disperse, Reia walked over to him, extending a hand. "Well fought, Levin. You've got a lot of potential. Keep training, and you might just become one of the best."

Levin shook her hand, a smile spreading across his face. "Thank you, Reia. I won't let you down."

As he walked away, his body aching but his spirit soaring, Levin knew this was just the beginning. The Royal Academy was finally open for him...

Levin's journey to the Royal Academy had been anything but ordinary. At six years old, his training began in earnest, orchestrated by his father and overseen by Master Haldor, a stern yet skilled teacher. Master Haldor's rigorous regime tested Levin's limits daily, pushing him to build strength and discipline essential for survival at the Royal Academy.

Levin woke up every morning with sore muscles, a testament to the grueling training. Despite his young age, he persevered, driven by the hope of impressing his parents and earning a place at the prestigious academy. His mother's constant encouragement and his father's pride kept him motivated, even when he doubted himself.

One vivid memory was Master Haldor's relentless training sessions in the courtyard. Levin learned the basics of swordplay, how to hold a sword, and the importance of different stances. These sessions often left him exhausted, but he refused to give up. His inner monologues, a mix of humor and determination, became his coping mechanism. If I can just get through this, maybe I'll meet some cute girls at the academy. That'd make all this worth it.

Years passed, and Levin's dedication paid off. By the time he was thirteen, his body was lean and strong, his skills honed to perfection. His father presented him with a beautifully crafted sword, a symbol of his readiness for the next step. Despite moments of self-doubt, his father's words echoed in his mind: You are the strongest young warrior, so behave like one!

The day finally arrived for Levin to embark on his journey to the Royal Academy. He walked along the big road, a traditional path for new students, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. The road was long, stretching over three days, and he quickly learned the importance of pacing himself. What the heck? I thought the academy was just a few hours away...

One night, exhausted from running, he dreamt of a gigantic beast engulfing a mountain in flames. Strangely, he felt proud and powerful beside the creature. This dream, filled with chaos and power, left him pondering its meaning.

On his journey, he faced loneliness and fatigue but also experienced moments of clarity and determination. Nature became his companion, offering solace and a place to rest. When he finally reached the academy, he was ready to face whatever challenges awaited him.

Levin's first significant challenge at the academy was a duel with Reia, a formidable swordfighter who moved faster than the eye could see. The fight tested every skill he had learned. Through sheer willpower and determination, he managed to hold his own against her, eventually disarming her and earning her respect.

Standing victorious, Levin realized that his journey had just begun. The Royal Academy, with its myriad challenges and opportunities, lay before him. He had proven himself worthy to his peers and to himself. The memories of his training, the support of his family, and the dreams of his future kept him going.

As Levin walked away from the courtyard, his spirit soared. He knew that the path ahead was still fraught with obstacles, but he was ready. With his newly acquired skills, a strong sense of determination, and the support of those who believed in him, he felt unstoppable. The Royal Academy was just the beginning of his adventures, and he was eager to embrace every moment.

No matter what challenge lies up ahead, Levin will face it, now that his time at the school can finally begin.