
The Evil Villainess's Demons | Deidelia's Heart

Young Deidelia Steinbet's life may seem grand and fabulous as the first and only daughter of the Duke and the fiancée of the crown prince of the empire. However, her life has been one of misery—never receiving love from her father, her mother (a woman she had never met), and her fiancé, who openly flirted with a young commoner, a stain on her dignity, a MERE commoner had something she supposedly did not have. She was forced into an unfair contract, well, at least unfair to her. Deidelia's sanity slowly eroded as she was mistreated by the servants. No one took her seriously; she was merely a pawn, and everyone knew it. But one day, Deidelia snapped, falling madly in love with her crown prince just to escape the crushing loneliness. Over time, she became a hazard to everyone around her, earning the title of the Demon of the empire. It happened when a lady at a gala mocked her and asked, "Aren't you the Duke's daughter? Why are you so pathetic?" That lady lost her life the same day. As if a switch had flipped, Deidelia looked at all the servants who dared mock her. Everyone her father's influence allowed to be punished learned that mocking a Duke's daughter would have severe consequences. But deep down, Deidelia was sad and unbelievably lonely, with only her darkness to keep her company.

Percival_Black · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Deidelia's Behaviour

Deidelia Steinbet laughed with an obnoxious expression on her face as she poured wine over a frightened young lady; the onlookers were stunned at the display.

"Look at you, Melody!" Deidelia's voice carried disdain. "Don't you resemble a thirsty mutt?" She fixed her gaze on Melody.

"I don't care how much my darling looks at you; you'll always be a commoner, a filthy commoner." Deidelia called out the woman in front of everyone; there were just eyes filled with pity for the young lady being bullied.

The scornful gaze of Lady Deidelia was a chilling sight, driven by her hatred for the other female, who had encroached on her property.

"Lady Deidelia!?" A man's voice boomed; the King and Queen watched with an embarrassed look and couldn't help but sigh.

"Your pranks have gone too far!" A young man approached the two, and the bullied woman looked at the young man with hope in her eyes. "Ian!" The maiden called out.

Deidelia noticed this change in behavior and was appalled at the blatant flirting. How dare she call the Crown Prince by his first name, and in front of her no less.

Feeling her anger rise, she grabbed Melody's arm. "Who said you could call my fiancé by his name?"

"Argh!" Melody screamed.

"Answer m-"

Slap. The sound of a hand connecting with a cheek echoed in the royal palace.

Deidelia stepped back slowly as she touched her cheek. It was starting to sting really badly, and this feeling was building up in her chest. She turned and looked at the man who had struck her.

The assailant glared coldly at her. "Let. Go. Of. The. Lady. You are hurting her." Deidelia stood in silence as she touched her cheek, shaking before letting go of the lady's arm.

Lady Melody fell into the man's arms. "Your majesty!" She called out.

Grabbing ahold of her, he gently swayed and held her in an intimate position.

Deidelia held her cheek before she smiled gingerly. "My honey touched my cheek." She said as she turned and approached the Prince for some form of affection but was coldly ignored.

Turning to leave, Deidelia smiled. "I'll see you next time, Melody."

No one seemed surprised. "I do not understand their love story at all," some noble whispered.

"Lady Deidelia seems to love being struck. Why does she always cause problems?"

"Is she that desperate for her betrothal's attention that she would throw her pride away?" Another voice whispered.

Deidelia returned to her chambers, her servants undressing her and washing her before she climbed into bed with a blank expression on her face.

The next day came by fairly quickly; she started her day by going for an early morning run, and only the servants she chose herself were allowed to wait on her.

After she returned from her run, she found her breakfast already waiting for her. She nodded with satisfaction at the obedience of her servants, but that's when something caught her eye.

"Lizzie!" Deidelia called out in anger.

"Mistress?" A young maid rushed in.

"Did I not tell you to not make mistakes?" Deidelia asked threateningly.

"Yes, my lady, I apologize, please punish me as you see fit." The maid said in fear, shaking visibly at the idea of being punished by Lady Deidelia. She bowed on her knees.

A sinister look appeared on Deidelia's face as she spoke. "Well, since you so carelessly placed the eating utensils on my table, where a duke's daughter would eat, I think a fitting punishment would be…"

The maid trembled in fear. 'I was hoping…I was hoping she would not pick on me tonight as well…' Lizzie thought, breaking into a cold sweat. The scars on her body itched, and she could feel the pain from her memories surfacing.

"Sir Luzit!" A knight entered the dining palace.

"My lady? How may I assist you?" He asked as he saw the maid on her knees, and the idea of her fate started to make sense.

"One lashing for Lizzie; she can't seem to serve her superior properly." Deidelia ordered as the maid shivered.

"I will take this punishment and vow to do better!" Lizzie nodded eagerly with tears welling up.

This reaction from the maid seemed to be off-putting for the young noble lady. Where was her fear? Why did she seem relieved?

As the knight helped the maid up and out of the dining palace.

"Lizzie!!!" Deidelia's voice called out.

Lizzie froze as a shiver ran down her spine, feeling lightheaded. Lizzie turned around slowly. "Y-yes, my la-"

"I spot several errors here!" Deidelia exclaimed as she knocked over a glass, spilling its contents onto the white silk fabric.

"There is even shattered glass here." She said as she dropped the glass on the floor.

"Imagine if I were to cut myself on this!? This is tantamount to treason. Don't you agree?" Deidelia asked as she stared at the maid's face, just in pure silence, awaiting the response.

A dark smile stared at the maid. Lizzie was terrified; she couldn't disagree or it would look like she is calling the Duke's daughter a liar, which would add to her sins. She had no choice but to agree and take the blame; surely the lady wouldn't do anything too drastic.

"Y-yes, I-I have committed treason…" The maid uttered as she sweated profusely.

"Lady Deidelia, I don't believe it would be a wise-" Deidelia turned and glared at the knight.

"Do you value your knighthood, Sir Luzit? Because I just need to tell my father of your deeds, and you would be disgraced with your head on a plate." Deidelia taunted.

The knight grunted before lowering his gaze and bowing. "I apologize, my lady." Luzit kneeled.

"Good. Now, Lizzie, due to this unfortunate situation your mistakes have caused," Deidelia mused. She aimed for a punishment that wouldn't let the maid off too easily, for it seemed Lizzie knew her role perhaps a bit too well.

If she hadn't moved the utensil herself, the maid would have escaped her daily lashings.

Making Lizzelle's job harder would have been preferable. Perhaps a dozen lashes with double the amount of work for three years? She would be bound to make even more mistakes.

A sinister smile erupted on her face at the idea before she felt her excitement boil over. "I know! Which is your dominant arm? And don't lie because you wouldn't want to live with the non-dominant arm now, would you?" Deidelia asked as that sweet expression returned to the maid's face.

A face consumed by genuine fear, it filled her with exhilaration. "Come on now! Otherwise, I'll decide randomly!" Deidelia spoke.

Striking true fear into her heart, the maid was panicking based on the way she was looking at her arms, having to choose which arm would remain.

Tears welled up in the maid's eyes as she croaked. "My - my right arm is dominant," the maid finally revealed.

"Ah, thank you for telling me, now we can truly avoid having you become useless," Deidelia said as she looked at Sir Luzit.

"Cut off her right arm," Deidelia ordered, stunning both the maid and the knight.

"But that's m-" Lizzie started, not believing her ears. "You said -"

"Well, I said a lot of things, but only I get to choose what happens, not a past me. We are discussing your punishment now," Deidelia said before she glared at Luzit.

"Are you going to carry out my order, or will you stand there like a fool? Or a love-sick puppy perhaps?" Deidelia asked, stunning the two.

"When I found out about your pure and innocent love, I couldn't help but get jealous. While my relationship with the crown prince is somewhat irregular, you two would frolic beneath the trees," Deidelia explained.

"It sickened me! So I specifically made you lash her. It was certainly entertaining! Watching you desperately try and strike in areas that would hurt the least, but the more you whip, the more it hurts!" She revealed. Luzit was shaking in rage as Lizzie quickly turned to him, trying to calm him.

"Guards!" Deidelia called out.

'Yes Mistress!' Guards flooded the dining palace.

"It is your duty to remove her right arm from her body. Failure to follow these orders will have dire consequences. Any attempts to escape will be taken as a sign of treason. Those consequences will make you beg me for this outcome, so just keep that in mind," Deidelia ordered as Luzit turned to the woman he loved.

"It's fine," she whispered. "I still-" Quickly unsheathing his sword and slicing his beloveds arm clean off before bowing before Deidelia with a pained expression.

Punishment has been inflicted upon the woman who dared incur your displeasure," Deidelia smirked. Lizzie screamed, but she quickly muffled her cry to avoid further angering the duke's daughter. Deidelia watched with anticipation as Lizzelle struggled to stifle her sobs.

Bowing to Deidelia, Lizzie spoke. "Th-thank you, argh, for teaching me this valuable lesson," Lizzie spoke as Deidelia finally felt satisfied before looking at another maid.

"Set up another breakfast for me in the third dining palace!" She ordered. "And don't make mistakes," Deidelia threatened as everyone just bowed and backed away leaving the daughter of the Duke alone.

'Forgive me, Lizzelle, I couldn't risk Lady - no, that monster increasing the punishment even more,' Luzit thought as the other servants helped Lizzelle and clean up the now blood-stained dining palace.

Deidelia relaxed as she sat in her chair and looked into her vanity mirror, staring into her own eyes. The dead stare showed the state of her soul, a smile crept onto her face as she touched her face slowly.

A knock on her door brought her back to reality. "Lady Deidelia." A maid's voice called from beyond the door.

"What is it?" Deidelia asked as she glanced at the door.

'The only reason anyone ever comes to my chamber is because of father,' she thought.

"Duke Steinbet has requested an audience with you," the voice answered.

Silence settled as the maid started feeling her heart rate increase. She flinched when her mistress's voice spoke.

"Alright, come in and help me dress appropriately," Deidelia called out.

The maid quickly spoke. "Please excuse me," she said as she opened the door and entered Deidelia's chamber.

To her surprise, the room was filled with pink ornaments and a variety of things one would assume would be in the room of a pure-hearted maiden. The idea that a demon like Deidelia liked it made the maid question whether or not she should like the color pink.

Once the maid entered the room completely, Deidelia's lip curled into a smile before questioning the maid.

"Who are you? I don't think I have seen you around here before," Deidelia asked innocently.

"Your name," Deidelia asked as the maid bowed.

"I am Baron Lycaster's youngest daughter," the girl answered. "Listeria Lycaster. I will be your personal servant."

Of course, this girl had only heard rumors of Deidelia; she cursed her own situation. Her brother sent her to her death.

"I am sure you have been brought up to speed, but just as a refresher, I would like to remind you not to make any mistakes while in my presence," Deidelia warned as she eyed the girl who was shivering.

'Another one to play with...'

"Get my bath ready," Deidelia ordered.

Minutes later, the bath was prepared. Upon entering the bathing chamber, she examined everything, analyzing the surroundings. She nodded at the sight. In fact, all of her favorite things were ready for her.

Without uttering a word, she immersed herself in the bath and began to relax. However, just as she was on the verge of drifting away, a sharp gasp reached her ears.

Realizing that she had disturbed her mistress, the maid's face was stricken with fear. Opening her mouth to question the maid of her unnecessary sounds, she quickly realized that the maid had been shocked by the scars across the young lady's body.

"Do my scars make you feel that uncomfortable?" She asked, quickly shaking her head, the maid answered.

"Not at all, mistress..." The maid started but couldn't finish her words.

"Leave," Deidelia suddenly said. Unsure of what to do, the maid didn't move because she had to wash her mistress.

"Are your ears for decoration?" Deidelia's voice cut through the air. "Or do you want me to show you what happens to those who do not listen?" she asked.

Quickly gathering her thoughts, the maid bowed hurriedly and exited the bath chamber, leaving her mistress alone.

Finally, she relaxed and turned her attention to a scar on her knee, gently touching it. "This brings back memories," she muttered, remembering her first maid who had lied and got her in trouble when she had no backbone—the day her father ordered her punishment.

Shaking her head, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. "I'll just wash myself later," she mused as she dozed off.

In her father's office, he inquired. "Do you have any excuse for the barbaric display you forced all the servants to witness?" as Listeria stood silently, pouring the Duke a cup of tea.

Biting her lower lip, she clenched the hem of her dress. "T-that maid couldn't even do her job properly," she stammered out.

"ENOUGH!" Her father's voice boomed as he stood up and walked up to her angrily. "Your behavior as of late has been outrageous. You're acting like a wild animal."

"The Steinbet name has become a laughing stock in high society. You don't even possess an inkling of charm either; otherwise, the prince wouldn't have a need to entertain himself with a commoner. I told you this before, and I will tell you this again," he said as he grabbed her cheek forcefully with his large hand and squeezed, making her yelp out in pain. "F-father, it… hurts," she forced out.

"If you fail to mend your ways, be prepared to face abandonment. I have no use for a useless girl like you. It is a wonder the prince has not called off the engagement," he said angrily as he let go of her face roughly.

"One more mistake, one more mistake, Deidelia," the Duke spoke menacingly. "Leave," he said as he turned and picked up the cup of tea and took a sip. Listeria stood silent, her head bowed.

"A-as you say, Father," Deidelia bowed and backed out, with Listeria quietly following behind her, turning around and smiling at the maid who felt her heart skip a beat. The mistress was extremely unpredictable, but the last thing she was expecting was a smile.

"Listy," Deidelia said as the maid answered her.

"Yes, mistress," she asked. She had no idea that the mistress would give her a nickname, but she was not about to protest.

"Father was quite angry, wasn't he?" She asked. Listeria just nodded slowly, not sure what would be the correct response to that question.

"But he loves me! I know, he just has a different way of showing his affection," she explained. "Don't underestimate me based on what you witnessed," Deidelia warned as she approached Listeria, her expression growing increasingly somber.

"Many of my handmaids believe they can defy me after witnessing such displays. Lizzelle, for instance, was one of them. You must have heard about her fate," Deidelia cautioned.

'It would have been more fun to watch her and see what she does, but I can't afford another problem right now. I'll have to put my fun on hold for now,' she thought to herself.

Listeria bowed. "I would never dream of it! I will faithfully serve you no matter what," Listeria spoke with a sense of urgency.

This instant regret washed over her as she met her mistress's unsettling gaze, sending shivers down her spine.

"Then… would you give me a finger? As proof?" Deidelia asked as she gently grabbed the maid's hand. "Of your loyalty."

Listeria stiffened slightly at the question. She didn't know how to respond, but she was afraid of denying the young lady.

"Uhm…" Rolling her eyes, Deidelia grabbed her hand forcibly, grabbing one of the maid's fingers before she could answer. But Listeria quickly yanked her hand away in fear.

Deidelia merely observed as the maid regarded her with a mixture of fear and disgust. 'Aw, I thought maybe she would be different…' she thought to herself before waving her hand dismissively.

"Leave," she ordered. The maid's face was one of pure fear. Listeria quickly gained her bearings and realized what had just happened. She bowed and left before Deidelia changed her mind.

Standing alone in the corridor, she gazed at her hand in silence. She then seized her little finger and began bending it backward until a distinct crack resounded.

Flinching as she held back a yelp of pain, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. 'THIS FEELING! I feel… alive!' she thought to herself in pleasure, like a rush of dopamine.

After ten minutes of mixing pain and pleasure, the rush finally subsided. 'I should see the doctor now, healing magic drains me far too much,' she thought to herself while wiping her tears away.

So, this story hasn't progressed much, and I honestly haven't received enough feedback to know whether or not I should invest time and effort into it. But if you guys like it, I will be sure to complete it and provide regular updates. Chapter 2 is halfway done; however, I am focusing on the DBS x DC story for now.

Percival_Blackcreators' thoughts