
The Evil Queen of Aravea

Her Majesty, Queen Lyn Amber Alfondrania of Aravea is a vicious and arrogant woman. Under her reign, her kingdom knew only suffering and chaos. She was feared for her unpredictable moods and thirst for power. Lyn, her last name the first thing she forgot, is a woman who had recently got her dream job as a professor at a university. She is a kind woman who aimed to nurture the next generation, and who selflessly tries to help other people with all her power. She was a woman others idolized and loved. So what happens when Lyn, only ever subjected to love and adoration, finds herself in the body of the most hated queen of a different world?

LalaMorose · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter Six

She had to drop her smile when she saw their expressions.

'They look like they've seen a ghost.' Lyn mentally counted to five, drowning the disappointment building in her chest. While she had her fair share of people not returning her smile back to her original body, she hasn't received one full of shock.

"Amely said you volunteered to help me with my memories today." She said in an effort to bring them to attention. It worked.

Cladius coughed. "Ah, yes, I did."

"W-we should go somewhere comfortable, y-your high—I mean, Lyn! The weather's nice, perhaps in the gardens? I'll have the tea prepared." Amely said, her voice unusually high-pitched.

'I should probably not do that again. I don't want to accidentally kill someone by heart attack.' Lyn thought, nodding her approval.

The three of them made their way to the gardens, with Amely leaving her side for a few minutes to have the maids prepare. She was back right before they reached the entrance to the queen's gardens.

It was mesmerizing, to say the least. Well-manicured trees and hedges, flowers in full bloom, and even intricate statues decorated the landscape. The sunny weather only made it more picturesque. Amely led her to a gazebo overlooking a large fountain.

"The snacks and tea will be delivered shortly." Amely said as she pulled out a chair for her to sit on.

She sat quietly, eyes still roaming her surroundings. It was hard to not close her eyes and enjoy the sweet scent of fresh flowers, but she managed to reign the urge in. 'I wish I had my phone with me. Pictures would be so amazing in this place.'

"What is it that you first wish to know, Lyn?" Cladius asked, taking a seat opposite her. Amely remained standing.

She thought over it for a minute. There were a lot of questions bouncing in her head, some of them she couldn't possibly ask without them finding out who she is. She settled with a simple one.

"What is a personal servant?" She asked, thinking about Caldius and Amely's introductions. It sounded really important, like it was more than being a simple servant. She had to know more.

"A personal servant is a companion of sorts," Cladius answered immediately. "They are usually chosen by a master at a young age. You chose me when we were both eight. Amely was given to you by your uncle, but she would've only become a head maid if you hadn't accepted her. We are bound by our oath to stand by our master, in any circumstances. We live to be used by you."

'That sounds a little harsh.' Lyn thought. 'So they're like glorified slaves? I don't like that at all!"

"To be used?" She mouthed, trying to keep a frown from forming on her face. The last thing she needs right now is fearful companions.

Cladius nodded, before showing her his arm. A circle with two triangles in the center marked the middle of his wrist. "We offered our lives to you the moment you chose us. This is the mark of our bond."

"Do I have a mark, too?" Lyn threw a glance at her arms. Her question was answered when she saw two similar marks on both her wrists. "Oh."

Why haven't she noticed them when she was taking a bath? Then again... she stared at them closely. They were almost translucent; maybe they disappeared when wet.

"It's a lifelong contract, only broken by death." He added. Is this why Lyn Amber had insisted she can trust them both? She nodded to tell him she understood. "Is there any more you'd like to know more about personal servants?"

"No, it's fine." She said. She had the basics down, the rest she'll just research on her own. "Tell me about magic. The physician had said I was undergoing awakening. What is that?"

"Undergoing awakening? But, you've already awakened, your hi–Lyn." Cladius eyed her in curiosity.

Lyn wanted to shrug. "The physician told me my pathways have been reset. It may be a side effect of whatever magic that assassin used."

"Ah, possibly." His eyes were back to being blank and cold. "Awakening is a process a spiritually powerful person goes through once their soul and physical body successfully synchronize. The body develops an entirely new system called spiritual pathways, where your soul's energy passes through. Once fully awakened, they are given a spirit gem to determine their affinity and to help them control their magic in the first few years."

Cladius fished for something in his coat, and upon finding it presented her a necklace. The pendant was a bright red stone encapsulated in a circle cage.

"The more opaque it is, the stronger the affinity. However, the only exception to this rule is a clear white color, signifying that the person had an affinity to an energy known only by the immortal tree, but no one has ever had that affinity before." He continued.

Lyn observed the stone. "What does the color red stand for?"

"Red stands for fire, blue for water, white for air, brown for earth, a mix of blue and white for lightning, black for the void, and a combination of black and blue for ice. Then, there are the colors for special affinities. Silver for reality, gold for light, and bronze for physicality." Cladius opened a palm. A red circle appeared above it. "I am one of the strongest fire mages in the world, that's why my stone is pure red. Amely's affinity is air, but she isn't combat-oriented like me."

He dispelled the circle a few seconds later.

"What affinity do you need to be able to heal?" She asked, remembering the physician.

"None. Healing is basic magic and it doesn't need the affinity of your soul to function."

"I see. So, what affinity do I have?" She wanted to know. While her situation isn't exactly the best, the thought of using magic was still a novel experience.

"You had lightning, although..." Cladius suddenly stopped, hesitant.

She kept her face blank even though she wanted to raise an eyebrow. "Although?"

Cladius didn't speak, lips shut tight. It was probably a sore subject for the previous queen, but she wanted to know. She turned to Amely. Said girl quickly complied.

"Your hig—err, you hated your affinity. According to the prophecy, you were supposed to have a clear white stone." She explained, keeping her stare to the ground. It was probably to avoid the look Cladius is giving her.

"What is this prophecy I keep hearing?" She asked, but had to pause as right that moment, the maids appeared with a tray full of snacks.

The three of them remained quiet as the maids laid out the sweets in the table and poured both her and Cladius a cup of tea. It smelled like jasmine.

'Good, I need it right now.' She thought. She looked at Cladius expectantly after the maids left, her tea in her hand.

"It would be best if the judges of the High Order explain them to you." He simply said. "There are some details we are not privy to. We can travel there tomorrow."

She wasn't going to get anything else, she knew, so she decided to move the question forward. "Where's my spirit stone? May I see it?"

"I'll fetch it right away." Amely offered, turning around and marching towards the palace. She wasn't gone for a few minutes before she returned, an ornate box in hand.

"You're fast." She commented.

Amely smiled. "It's my magic, you—Lyn."

She wanted to comment more, but her attention went to the box as Amely laid it in front of her. She reached out a hand, tracing the carving on the cover. With a breath, she opened it.

In the middle lay a ring with a large blue and white stone. It was pretty, the colors reminding her of the sky on a clear day. She reached out to touch it.

"AHHHH!" She shrieked as the ring exploded, pushing her out of her chair.

"Your highness!" Amely and Caldius yelled in unison.

She was vaguely aware of them running toward her, but before she could process more, she already blacked out.