
chapter 1: THE DEVIL

In a company that is called Fang corporation is where the lady devil rule. All her employees as shivering from fear if she is near and they bow there heads as she walked pass them.....

Alfred the assistant of the she devil is also shivering because his boss is in a bad mood.."bo...bosss? yoo..u called for me"..while saying this Alfred was having a cold back from sweating hard as he is talking to the she devil.

This she devil is known as the peerlees beauty of the businesses world ... skin as white as ivory .. nose that looks like has been made to perfection... redish lips that's so tempting to be kissed and eyes that is golden brown that if looking in it can trapped your souls...and hair as black as the night sky...but cannot be fooled with this seductive face because behind that face is the devil it self she is known as Fang Mei Xing....

"Find out who drug me last night"..the she devil said as she is tightly holding the arm rest of the chair..'they dare to drug me last night huh..let's see who will suffer the consequences'...and one thing that she is greatly annoyed is that shamless perveted man last night..'that man grrr i will make you pay to' even though you are handso...wait what im i talking about no no that ugly shamless bastard' ....while thinking this the surrounding was getting chiller and the assistant was even trembling....'boss pls spare this little assistant of yours' while crying silently without tears"ye..s..ss bo...ss"..

"go" Mei Xing coldly said..and Albert bow and shakingly get out of the office..'pheww huhuhuhuhu I thought I was being tortured....haayss Now i must investigate those bastard who dares to drug the boss hummp you piece of sh*** you dare to play tricks with she devil huh oh another blood bath'..Albert thouth with a devilish smirk...

In a certain certain Building there sitted a man whose face will brought shame even for God....the man's face so handsome that men who are straight will not think twice to be bent...this devilish man is now smirking and tou can see amusement in his eyes as if thinking of something funny..'ah Mei Xing hmmmm so interesting '... he chuckled devilishly....if anyone can see him now they will be shoked for this man in known as the coldest and emotionless man in the business world...This man that has a face that has been sculpted by Gods it self and the King of the business world and the mafia world..the name that will make you tremble with fear...His name is Wang Jun like his name he is like the ruler of his kingdom.. who dares to defy him shall perish..

Many women has desired to be his wife there is some who is even bolder to touch him but those women who dares was never been seen again ..... and catching his interest is like finding a treasure that is out of this world and offerd it to him he will only glance at it and discard it...

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