
The Evil God is forced to become a Sidekick?

Fauros, one of the thousands of gods that inhabited the cosmos, and the only one that almost managed to reach true omnipotence, was cornered and betrayed by everyone he once considered an ally, his greed, and thirst for power made even the most vicious of gods to become part of the alliance to exterminate him. In every meaning, the entire cosmos united in order to stop him from reaching ultimate power, and unfortunately for Fauros, they succeeded. Fauros felt his own body crumbling apart as his existence dissipated into cosmic dust. However, right as he was about to disappear for once and for all, the voice of something or someone called out to him and bound a strange rule on his shattered soul [Your soul shall be of use for me... Not every day do you find a disappearing almost-omnipotent god ready to serve you] "Who's gonna serve you motherfucker? Come here and I will rip out your **** before then I ***** into your disgusting *****" ... Fauros wasn't exactly very well mannered... [Look at your tongue, even on the verge of disappearing you keep badmouthing everything in existence... *Sigh* Either way, I will now send you towards your new mission] "What new mission you fuck, give me my body back so that I can kick that ugly face of yours" [Make sure to make lots of good friends down there!] "Hah?" Thus, the evil god that once desired to control everything in existence was sent like that towards a very small planet in the middle of nowhere so that he could become... ...The sidekick of a Gary Stu in real life... °°°° The MC will be the Evil God by the way, just in case someone got confused. Just had this idea, just testing how does it look for now... Maybe I will continue it if I like it. I will also add more tags when I'm done planning completely the novel I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com btw Here's the link: "https://www.royalroad.com/profile/247125/fictions" That's all.

Jarron7 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

-Evil God explores the strange human civilization-

}------Chapter 10: Evil God explores the strange human civilization------{


A few days have passed since Kuta dealt with Ichiro and his group, leaving them a very Painful and traumatic lesson imprinted on their minds. However, this did not come without a price for our protagonist...

As expert as he may be in combat due to his billions of years of experience, his body was still that of a weak adolescent who barely even did exercise. After the fight, his forehead was pretty injured due to the headbutt he had given to Ichiro, and his arms and legs were completely limp and weakened due to the sudden excess of movement that Kuta applied during the fight, something they weren't accustomed to.

Because of that, his family got scared that the accident may have left some unnoticed damage, and allowed him to stay at home until he recovered, something that made Kuta both happy and stressed out.


Because he didn't have to deal with Keitaro and his stupid luck... He felt happy about not having to deal with him for the time being, and he felt stressed due to the progress window increasing day by day due to him not being there to stop the blessing from acting.

The current progress of Reality shattering is: [15,7%]

It has advanced by 0,4% in the past few days, and although it wasn't that much of an advance, it was still one step forward to certain death. Thus, there was no way for Kuta to not feel anxious about it progressing without a problem. But being the Evil God he is, he still decided to not let it bother him too much, and got down to business.

"Hup... Hup... Hup...!"

Strange muffled sounds could be heard coming from Kuta's room, and his sister Yoi was trying her best to ignore them. However, after days of hearing the same thing again and again, even her shyness in front of her new brother was not enough to stop her from letting out an annoyed groan.

"Did the accident make him go through puberty again? There's no way he is doing That so many times in a row... right?" Knitting her eyebrows, Yoi walked out of her room and approached the door of her brother's room, hesitating on whether to call out to him to lower his voice or not.

Suddenly, a large groan came from Kuta's room, making Yoi blush in shame for having a brother so uncaring about the fact that she was still in the house, and be doing that kind of thing without even trying to suppress his voice in the slightest.


Having her patience reach its limit, Yoi walked towards the door and called out to Kuta with a twitching eyebrow. "Kuta, what in the world are you doing inside there?! I can hear you even from my room, please be quiet for once!"

However, unexpectedly for her, not only did Kuta not lower his voice, but he also yelled at her with anger evident in his voice. "Shut up pipsqueak!"

"W-what did you say?!" Feeling angry for once, Yoi gritted her teeth and her patience reached its limit. She had been restraining herself due to the fear of Kuta's new personality, and because of consideration of him having just gotten out of the hospital. But even the calmest person has a limit on what they can endure.

Opening the door with fury, Yoi entered Kuta ready to confront him with everything she had. After all, no matter how intimidating he was now, there was no way his timid and scaredy-cat excuse of a brother she had before disappeared completely after the accident. She was confident that if she was to raise her voice a little, Kuta's overbearing personality could for sure calm down a bit.

However, when she finally entered his room, her eyes widened enormously due to the shock. She might have been expecting something naughty, however, not only was Kuta not doing anything inappropriate, but he was exercising!

And quite a bit brutally at that...

Kuta, who was lying on the floor while doing push-ups with only one arm, turned to look at Yoi with a ferocious face and yelled at her with annoyance filling his voice while also trying to suppress the pain his body was going through. "W-why the hell did you enter here you little shit? Do you want me to kick you in the face?!"

Yoi could have been normally more scared at Kuta's usual intimidation technique. However, unlike before, this time there was something else that picked her attention and made her ignore completely Kuta's outraged expression.

On Kuta's body, there were several dozens of bruises and injuries covering almost every part of his body. Yoi wasn't stupid, he knew that these wounds weren't exactly because of the accident, and seeing how her brother was actually exercising with such fervor, only one thing could come to her mind.

"Kuta... are you being bullied?"

This left Kuta completely flabbergasted... If there was someone getting bullied, then that could be Ichiro and his group. After all, they were sent to the hospital while he is still resting properly in his house. He almost had the impulse of laughing maniacally while recalling their sorry states after he finished dealing with them, however, due to his sister being here, he decided to maintain his civilized facade for a bit longer.

"Don't worry. I already beat the shit out of all of them, so there shouldn't be anyone who dares to bully me anymore... Now get the fuck out of here...!"

"W-woah, hey, stop!"


After pushing Yoi out of the room and slamming the door on her face, Kuta groaned due to the pain in his body and walked up to his bed before sitting on top of it with a grim expression on his face.

"With the weak potential of this body, it will take me at least two or three months at least to develop at least even the smallest of muscle mass... Not to mention the full potential of this body... that will take me at least a few years... Shit!" Kuta squeezed his fist momentarily while getting his teeth in frustration.

[Come on, don't be like that Fauros-san (─‿─). This speed of improvement is the limit of the human race, you can't ask your weak body to improve faster than that~!]

"That's what a pussy would say... Shit, if only I had there was even a speck of magical energy on this planet... I wouldn't be having such a hard time trying to get stronger"

[Indeed, this is one of the only planets in Existence that has not gotten in contact with magical energy... yet. Thus, there's no way for you to surpass your biological limitations, for now of course]

"And when the fuck are you going to give me back my power? With this recovery speed, my body will take at least a few weeks to properly heal! Weeks! Do you know how much was it for me to recover from a mortal wound back when I was still a mortal?!" Exasperated, Kuta pointed towards the bruises on his body with a frustrated look in his eyes while reminiscing the days before he became a god.

[Dunno, a day or two maybe ┐(゚ ~゚ )┌?]

"It took me a minute to recover from mortal wounds! How do you expect to perform correctly if I can die from simple bleeding??!"

[... Fine... I will grant you some enhanced regeneration... But it won't be as broken as it was back when you were still a mortal(´ヘ`;)]

"That's more like it. And while I'm at it, I will go and explore the surroundings for a bit, maybe I can find something interesting that can help me live in this horrendous planet"

[You just want a snack don't you ಠ_ಠ?]

"I don't understand what do you mean, dickhead"





A few minutes later...

Across one of the many corridors of the supermarket, Kuta walked calmly while watching the several types of snacks exposed on the shelves. Not muttering a single word, Kuta glanced at every and each of them with detail and massaged his chin while seemingly pondering about something very deep.

Sometimes he could move his hand to grab one of them, but instantly move it backward, or sometimes he could grab one of them and walk away with it, only to come back a few seconds later with a guilty expression on his face.

This continued for a while... And at some point, even the mysterious voice grew tired of watching Kuta do the same thing again and again.

[Just pick up one already, it's not like they are that different from each other!]

Hearing what the voice said, Kuta snorted and grabbed one of the snacks before leaving the alleyway. "What could I expect from you...? Such an ignorant cunt..."

While mumbling so, Kuta walked towards the cashier to pay for the snack. However, just as he was midway to arriving, he saw a figure a few meters away from him walking around the soda section.

'Isn't that...?'

When Kuta turned to look there with an annoyed expression on his face, his eyes fixated on no one else but Keitaro, The lucky bastard that was bringing so many problems for him!

[Isn't that a dollar under his feet?]


Keitaro, who was too busy glancing at the displayed sodas, didn't notice that there was actually a dollar trapped under his foot. At that moment, Kuta's eyes glistened with a certain light, and he moved quickly in that direction without being noticed.


Suddenly, while Keitaro was still looking at the soda section, something fell a few meters away from him and startled him completely. Surprised by the sound, Keitaro turned to look over where the sound had come from and saw that a few plastic bottles had fallen to the floor seemingly because of no reason.

"What in the world? Is there a ghost in this place...?" Raising an eyebrow in wonder, Kuta walked towards where the bottles had fallen and started picking them up before placing them back to where they were.

When he finally finished doing that, Keitaro went back to where he was standing before and picked a coke before heading straight towards the cashier.

A few meters away from him, was Kuta, who was looking at the dollar in his hands with a grin on his face while giggling sinisterly.

"Well, that guy may not be as bad as I thought..."

[Hmm... You're such a stealthy fellow... to think that you could be able to sneak on to him and pick the dollar without him noticing, it seems like I underestimated you]

"Hmph, it seems like you are finally being able to see my grandeur!"

[Yes... yes... Hmm?! Fauros-san, look over there!!!]

Startled by the sudden worry in the voice's tone, Kuta turned to look over the cashier where Keitaro was paying and saw him grabbing a strange small paper that had some numbers on it. "What the fuck is that...? I have the feeling like I have seen it before... Shit, the memories of this human are still a bit fuzzy for me to remember properly..."

[It's a lottery ticket Fauros-San!! You have to stop him!!]

Hearing the hurried tone in the mysterious voice, Kuta squinted his eyes and prepared himself to act immediately. However, there was still doubt in his mind, so he decided to ask the voice. "Why...? Is it something dangerous?"

[When buying that you have the chance of winning an enormous prize in money! However, the probability of winning is almost zero, and it is more probable to get struck by a bolt of lightning than to win it...]

At that moment, Kuta's face paled completely while imagining the outcome of having something like that fall into the hands of Keitaro. "Y-you mean...?!"

Indeed, if something like a lottery ticket was to fall on Keitaro's hand, then who knows by how much would the shattering of Reality would progress? Only imagining it gave Kuta shivers.

Jumping rapidly into action, Kuta ran at full speed towards Keitaro and grabbed his shoulder before he could touch the lottery ticket, before then calling out to him

When Keitaro felt someone grab his shoulder, he frowned a little and turned around to see who it was. When he looked back, he saw Kuta grabbing his shoulder while doing the best "smile" he could.


Keitaro felt a bit weirded by Kuta's way of greeting him, but after seeing that it was his senior that helped him a few other times, he decided to shrug it aside and smiled as well towards Kuta while greeting him. "Tanaka-Senpai, it's been a while since we have seen each other"

A few girly screams could be heard in the surroundings when Keitaro smiled. However, Kuta simply ignored the strange horny monkeys that humans were and nodded at Keitaro's words while trying his best to maintain his swears inside himself.

"Yeah, I got some injuries from an accident... They seemed to have re-opened a bit, so I had to stay at home... Anyway, I saw that you wanted to buy that lottery ticket" Kuta pointed towards the pack of lottery tickets lying on top of the table.

Keitaro, who heard what Kuta said, smiled a bit embarrassedly and laughed wryly after getting caught almost buying it.

"Don't you know that doing something like this at your age is incredibly harmful, junior? What if you get addicted to doing this? You need to save your money properly and learn how to use it correctly". Gambling is, after all, one of the many addictions that bring people to their demise!" Kuta, who was looking at him all the time, suddenly started nagging him about the dangers of gambling and such. Something that left Keitaro a bit in a weird spot, but that made him consider whether to really buy the lottery ticket or not.

'Maybe it is not a good idea to buy it... I heard that it's almost impossible to win the first prize... I just wanted to try my luck, but maybe I should probably just buy another more useful thing instead of this...'

[Wow, to think that you were so conscious about the dangers of gambling Fauros-San! It seems like I misjudged you! (˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥)]

'Who's conscious about that shit? I'm just repeating what I saw in an advertisement while watching videos. For some reason, the guys didn't let me skip it, so I ended up seeing the whole ad without a chance of passing directly to the video...'

[Ah, WeTube and their thirst for money... I truly pity you, Fauros-San... (´-_-`)]

'Yeah yeah, now shut it'

Seeing that Keitaro had turned to look away from the lottery ticket, Kuta sighed in relief and then walked towards the cashier to pay for his snacks for once and for all. However, as he was about to do it, suddenly Keitaro called out to him and stopped him from leaving. "Tanaka-Senpai, wait a moment!"

'What does this cunt want now...?, I want to go back and swear at some guys on the internet...!'


Looking back at him, Kuta raised an eyebrow while wondering why would he suddenly stop him from leaving. He didn't expect that the guy might try to talk to him even more, after all, he was just a passing senior that saw that he was going to do something bad and reprimanded him. There's no need for further talk...

However, the next words of Keitaro surprised him and made him furrow his eyebrows slightly.

"Do you wanna play some basketball? I was planning to go and play with some other seniors from another school since I felt bored, but since we have met quite a few times, why not come?"

Kuta was about to decline. He was, after all, a very busy Evil God. You know, he was always doing many things at every moment. Things like swearing at people on the internet, playing some games while swearing at his teammates, enemies, and the game staff for banning him, and watching videos while swearing down at the comments... And before you ask, yes, Kuta may have some kind of weird addiction to swearing...

However, after considering things even further, he decided to tag along. If the guy was going to play against people older than him, then that meant that there was a possibility of the blessing activating during the match. Not to mention that he was a bit curious about how could facing the luckiest person on the planet felt like.

The Evil God vs The luckiest aunt in the world. This was certainly something that amused Kuta.

Nodding after concluding what to do, Kuta paid for his snacks and then turned to look at Keitaro with a more confident smile on his sinister face.



}---------End of the Chapter---------{

A/N: I was a bit busy studying for my finals. Sorry for the wait ( ˘・з・)