
The evil god in Marvel

" You nearly killed 4 people and yet here you are having the gall to smile !! " The detective shouted at the teenager cuffed on the tables. The teenager's smile slowly faded and his face became serious. " Tell me detective , why should I apologize for what I did to them when they didn't apologize for making me a monster ? " ._._._._._._._._._._._._._.__._. Grey was an orphan who never felt the warmth of parents . Constantly bullied for being weak and constantly being used , he finally had enough but what could you do . Life had taught him that the strongest always trample on the weak. He nearly gave up until the monarch of the void gave him a book that would make him stronger, better . Would use his powers for good or for.... Nah he will use it just for the most heinous evils .

Kinshu_War · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Rats ass

Grey predicted a headache as he hesitated to open the door to the house. 

He was already fed up with those two stupid women who idolized their slave owners. 

Such a shame he couldn't kill them because of his stupid divinity. 

If Max just hadn't left them that gift they would be either six feet under or seize to exist. 

Grey sighed as he opened the door and lo and behold..... a lot of people. 

He expected George, Gwen and Peter but not the rest. 

Apart from those three there was Mary Jane and May Parker. 

' This is gonna be a headache. ' Grey thought. 

He thought maybe they'd ask for an explanation which he was already cooking already. 

However to his surprise they all rushed to hug him. 

' This is ... Surprising? ' Grey thought. 

To be honest he only thought May and Gwen would only care because those are the only people he had shown a glimpse of his venerability. 

But he guess he underestimated his possible influence however the current feeling in him wasn't that bad. 

" Are you ok ?" George asked suddenly checking if there was any injuries. 

" Of course am ok " Grey said with a slight smile, a genuine one. 

" But we saw the TV. That avenger , Wanda , went crazy and started fighting you " Peter said. 

" I kidnapped her and forced her to talk like responsible adults then released her. Anyway besides that aren't you guys like creeped out? You know killing isn't exactly smiled upon " Grey asked. 

" Why would we hate you because you killed a ..... " Mary Jane was cut off by Peter.

" No most of us were absolutely terrified, especially her. The only person who wasn't terrified was Gwen. She kept saying you don't do this without a purpose but sheesh killing is still ... " Peter continued speaking but Mary Jane shut him up and dragged him out .

George told Grey they'd talk later leaving Gwen and May. 

' This terribly awkward. The person I consider my best friend and a woman I fuck ' Grey thought. 

Gwen suddenly hugged him tight . At first he thought it was just a normal hug then she increased her strength. 

Grey didn't say anything and just hugged her back as if it was nothing but in actuality his spine was crying. 

She then released him from the hug and looked at him with a frown . 

' what's up with her ' He thought. 

She turned to the rest and told them we're going out for a walk. 

And before they could agree she shoved Grey and May out. 

She guided them to the roof. 

" What's up with her ?" Grey asked and May just lowered her head and didn't say nothing. 

As they reached , Gwen closed the door behind them and glared at them . 

" For how long ? " She asked. 

' What the he... Oh ..... Shit. Calm down just play dumb ' 

Grey approached her and touched her head . 

" Are you sick ?" Grey asked. 

Gwen looked at him with anger but didn't say anything. She wanted to yell at him but she didn't know how bad his day was. 

Damn she even felt stupid confronting him today. 

" Am ok " She said coldly but she didn't want to . 

May just stood there looking down in shame. While Grey who expected Gwen to lash out was surprised. 

If she lashed out he would have just used an excuse of not feeling well after the fight and fly away. 

Let the two women sort it out. At this point he didn't want them near him . 

He didn't understand why but he didn't want them near him. 

However he had to confront both of them. 

" How did you find out May and I are fucking?" May raised her head and Gwen was shocked at his bluntness. 

" Why do you care how I found you . I just, I just" Gwen started crying and Grey was his turn to hug her. 

" Do you know I love you ?" Gwen asked after three minutes of sobbing. 

" ... Yes " 

" Then why do you treat me like this ?" Gwen asked. 

" I can't just dump May just because you say so. I started dating before you even realized your feelings. That and I love her. " 

This made May raise her head and a small smile crept her face. She was happy he wouldn't leave her. 

' Nah I just like May . She's fun to hang out with ' Grey thought in his mind. 

" Not that!! ..... You treat me like some kind of acquaintance. You only use me for your end goal " Gwen shouted. 

Grey was shocked. Did he really treat her like an acquaintance. 

" If that's how you feel am sorry . I honestly view you as my best friend and a person I can confidently confide on. So I'll try to changeanf see your view " Grey said. 

' Ugh . I should have just killed Max privately.... Stupid divinity ' 

" Noo . I want you to treat me the way you treat her. " Gwen said. 

The two got shocked beyond words. 

" Pardon?" 

" I want you to treat me like May . Take me on dates, fuck me and cuddle me " Gwen said with determination. 

' Ayo what the fuck ' Grey thought. 

" But That's what couples do Gwen " May said approaching him. 

Gwen then turned to May . 

" Please like you can even handle him . He has the ability to go for days and am pretty sure you can't do that " Gwen said.

' How horny is she?' 

" That ..... Is a good comeback" May didn't say anything. 

Grey then suddenly noticed a slight glint in his eyes and remembered something. 

_-_-_-_-_ Flashback _-_-_-_-_

" One day I'd like for us to have a threesome. " May said. She was drenched in sweat and cum and was completely naked. 

Grey suddenly looked at her. 

" No way am sharing you with another man " 

" Oh god no. You already fuck me senseless. I don't want another man inside me apart from you. What am saying is I want like another girl. " 

" Did I fuck you to insanity?" 

" Not yet. Anyway if we add another girl I don't have to suffer from too much pleasure and you get double the fun " 

" You're a good marketer aren't you. What about the benefits you get ?" 

May suddenly blushed. 

" Um . I - I um ..... I to kiss her and fondle her. " May said. 

Grey just looked at her. 

" Come on , don't tell me you've never thought of how another man tastes like ?" 

Grey almost spit blood. 

" Please don't make me imagine that grotesque image. I won't ask you but just don't say that again. " 

May grinned and laughed like mad girl. 


" You know what you can do that " May said surprising Gwen. 

She did this just to make their relationship shaky enough for her to be replaced but never in a million timelines did she think

May would be the one to agree. 

" It's just like you said , I can't satisfy him alone and neither can you so will be helping each other " 

" Huh ? " 

" Just imagine it " 

Gwen blushed madly. 

" I- I think I can handle him " Gwen blurted out. 

" Stop lying to yourself sweetheart. I bet you're a virgin. We do this together. I have experience and you can try and much his stamina " May said. 

She was already internally thanking God for making Gwen learn about their illicit relationship. 

" .... Fine b.... " 

May didn't even let her finish as she suddenly kissed her. 

Gwen was surprised at first she tried refuting the kiss but she slowly drowned in pleasure as May fondled her boobs that she found herself kissing back. 

' What the fuck is this ? Damnit harem tag this is all your weird fault. 

Grey was taken out of his thoughts when Gwen suddenly forcefully kissed him .

_-_-_-_-_- 12 hours later _-_-_-_-_-

The three were currently in a motel . 

Grey woke up early in the morning and checked the notifications in his phone. 

He sighed as he wrote a shot message assuring everything was fine to George and Peter . 

The reason was doing this was simply because George's daughter and Peter's aunt were currently sleeping besides him naked with a satisfied smile. 

He didn't even know what happened. 

' How was your lust filled day ?' He heard a voice in his head. He wasn't surprised as there was only one person who could do that. 

' Surprisingly good. " Grey said. 

' That's great. So anyway I think it's time you try fatherhood. ' Phoenix responded casually.

' Yooo. WTF I ain't doing shit ' Grey said.

' The child has some of our properties... The bad kind. The one that the god killer would love ' 

' And that is ... She can kill gods. Not us though we're at the pinnacle . ' 

' Speak for yourself '

' Now now brother despite being very weak with ant like powers, you're still one of us so you have some certain perks. '

' Fuck you '

' Maybe next time sweetie. But now kindly help us here ' 

' Why should I ?'

' *sigh* I just told you that she has god killer powers that means she can kill gods meaning all forms pf gods will hunting to eliminate her.'

' I understood it. Am not a dumbass . The question is why should I help you ? ' 

' Help us ? Oh sorry about the wording I meant help yourself. I could give to rats ass whether she dies or they die. They're multiple timelines. 

This is for you brother and am quite frankly disappointed in you . I've sent the location in your head and how to get there . Bye ' Phoenix said and with that he felt their telepathic connection was cut off.

" *Sigh* What has my life become?"