
The evil god in Marvel

" You nearly killed 4 people and yet here you are having the gall to smile !! " The detective shouted at the teenager cuffed on the tables. The teenager's smile slowly faded and his face became serious. " Tell me detective , why should I apologize for what I did to them when they didn't apologize for making me a monster ? " ._._._._._._._._._._._._._.__._. Grey was an orphan who never felt the warmth of parents . Constantly bullied for being weak and constantly being used , he finally had enough but what could you do . Life had taught him that the strongest always trample on the weak. He nearly gave up until the monarch of the void gave him a book that would make him stronger, better . Would use his powers for good or for.... Nah he will use it just for the most heinous evils .

Kinshu_War · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Grey currently sat at the interrogation room with handcuffs on . They were apparently supposed to suppress mutant powers but he was never one. 

He could easily escape from there but he didn't want to . There were multiple reasons for this. 

For example. It would make him a fugitive with the government. Phoenix had warned him that multiple gods had eyes on him and even though he was strong. He was certain he couldn't currently contend with those cheats. 

The door to the interrogation room opened disrupting Grey's thoughts and along came George. He had a sad smile as he sat to the opposite seat.

" Hey kiddo" George said.

" Hi George" He said nonchalantly. There was no emotion in his voice. 

" I heard what you did. " George said. 

Grey nodded. He had heard it was currently broadcasted everywhere.

George leaned forward.

" What really happened?" 

Grey averted his eyes from him . 

Frankly he didn't care if he ended up in jail or they tried to experiment on him . He knew they couldn't hold him .

Besides he was mining fear divinity like crazy. At this point he would be promoted from minor god to a mediocre one. Strong but not as strong as the major ones.

George looked at him almost pleadingly 

" Please let me help you. Let me help you remove your bad reputation. " 

Grey finally sighed looking at him . 

" To be honest, I really don't care. " Grey finally said.

" But other people do . Think about how your friends and even Gwen would be treated. " George said and Grey's eyes slightly widened.

' Huh she's really becoming my weakness huh' Grey thought. 

" What does she think?" Grey asked.

" Who ?" George asked. 

" Gwen . What does Gwen think. " Grey said making George look into his eyes for something. A normal person would think he didn't care with his nonchalant voice and look in his eyes but George saw deep down a sense of worry in his eyes.

" She said you wouldn't do something like that without a reason " George said. 

Grey slightly smiled.

" Hmm. Very well then . Max Nova crossed a line when he tried to harm a little girl and was flirting with my half sister. " Grey said making George slightly sad.

" That can't help you in court Grey " George said.

" His a mutant with an ability to enslave females. If you stay with him for at least 4 hours with his power on you become his. I was trying to save my half sister. 

Although it was a very destructive squabble I had no plan in killing him . He brought about his death when he tried killing me. 

Long story short I could just say it was self defense especially since there was a camera recording everything and I'll be set free. " Grey said. 

" Grey there's no camera around there. " George said. 

Grey fell silent.

' Is it probably that mindfucking cripple trying to make me go to jail ? No matter , I'll just talk to him. ' Grey thought darkly 

" If you really want to help me go to a mutant named Jean Grey. Tell her that I am in a current predicament and need her help. If she refuses remind her that I saved her, she'll understand " Grey told George. 

George slightly smiled then walked away. 

_-_-_-_-_-_ Trials _-_-_-_-_-_

Grey currently stood at the podium in handcuffs facing the judge. There were multiple news people and a multitude of people. 

He also saw Natasha and Wanda along with the avengers in normal attire. Tony had bought the best lawyer to make sure Grey ended in prison due to Natasha's begging. 

" Order in the court " 

*Bang* bang *

The people kept quiet and the judge looking at the papers finally spoke.

" Grey Gravis . You have been charged with the murder of Max Nova the CEO of Nova enterprise. How do you plead . " The asked.

" Very guilty " Max said with a charming smile that could make even the straightest man question his preference.

The judge who was female was mesmerized by his smile but she quickly got herself together. 

" And why is that ? " The judge asked. 

" I have a very soft spot for children " Grey said. 

" Kindly elaborate " The judge asked. 

" There was some kids I saved from an illegal base who were experimenting on mutants. I kindly ' talked ' with them and they handed those kids. I ended up loving those Children. And then came Max Nova . That asshole had the audacity to try and harm them . So he had to get some form of punishment " Grey said.

The attorney looked at Grey in slight shock before he spoke.

" So you killed Max Nova because you thought he was trying to hurt children ?" 

" If I may ask what makes you think I ' thought ' he was trying to hurt the children. " He asked the attorney. 

The attorney was quiet and that's when Max's lawyer spoke.

" You honor, Max has contributed to children's home and there's no way a future father would try and harm other children. I believe Grey is lying. " The lawyer said. 

" Were you there ?" Grey's lawyer asked making the crowd try to hide their laughter. This made the lawyer slightly furious. 

" Mr. Grey , can you prove this ?" The judge asked.

" Of course. Anna Marie was there " Grey said. 

There was some silence before a screen appeared on the witness stand showing Anna Marie. 

" Anna Marie , were you there when Grey attacked Max ?" The attorney asked. 

" Yes . " 

" Can you confirm Grey's words that he attacked due to Max trying to hurt a child ?" 

Anna hesitated but finally nodded.

" Yes Grey attacked him as he was holding roughly a kid named Mercy threatening that he needs to respect her elders. " Anna said. 

" Objection your honor " Max's lawyer shouted but was immediately silenced. 

" And if I may ask , how did Max Nova die ?" 

" He was killed by Grey . "

" Could kindly tell me the details " 

" Before his death Grey had beaten Max to a pulp. He stopped due Professor Charles. He agreed to stop harming him with a threat if he comes close to Mercy he'll kill him .

And when he turned back Max swiftly approached him trying to kill him . I don't know what happened but Max suddenly fell down and he's head was nowhere to be seen." Anna said.

The people were silently whispering to one another. 

" Silence!!! Now it is to my understanding Max was killed out of self defense is that true Grey?" 

" You're absolutely right your honor. " 

" Objection!!! Anna Marie is Grey's half sister. We can't possibly trust those the sister of a murderer especially of those kinds of freaks .... " 

Suddenly the atmosphere grew cold and there was a slight earth shake. The lawyer gasped in fear looking at Grey. 

" If I were you I'd watch my words ?" Grey said. His voice carrying malice. 

This made the lawyer gulp in fear as he peed his pants.

Satisfied with what he saw his energy receded. 

The judge slightly shaken talked to Grey.

" Was that a threat you made to Max's lawyer." The judge asked. 

He turned to the judge with an even more charming smile than before. This made the judge heart quicken and a blush ran across her face. 

" Of course not your honor. I was merely angry as she called our kind freaks. Don't you think he's being racist. We're people you know" Grey said making the judge heart beat even faster. 

* Cough * Cough *

" I understand your source of anger . I'll overlook that. And as the matter pertaining your case I believe it was purely self defense. Especially after looking at the camera footage of the footage and ascertaining that no photoshopping was done . 

I declare Grey Gravis innocent " 

The was mixed reaction from everyone. Some thought he should be behind bars and some thought it was justified due to saving a girl. 

Later most people would come to appreciate what Grey did when they find a leaked video of Mercy talking to the judge to free Grey. She cried saying he saved them from torture and he didn't deserve this. 

Of course this made people understand Grey was a hero albeit a slightly darker one but this is what made him more charming. 

But currently there was especially one person who was very angry. 

" How do you even declare such a monster innocent!! " Wanda shouted. 

Making the court quiet. 

" He killed the father to my child and yet he doesn't receive punishment? While my child has to suffer being fatherless because some monster killed him !! " Wanda continued. 

Everyone was quiet. They looked at wanda pitiful. 

" It was self defense " Grey broke the silence saying it nonchalantly. He was currently freed from those handcuffs. 

This made some people glare at him for being heartless. 

Wanda looked at him with rage in her eyes. 

" I mean if you don't want the kid . I'll kindly receive him / her. I love children after all. I promise your child will be safe" Grey said although this time with some emotion . He was very genuine. 

This just enraged Wanda as she suddenly started floating. The crowd gasped and in a hurry they started leaving. 

Steve and Tony tried to calm Wanda but they were thrown away. 

Natasha was currently at home crying so she couldn't comfort Wanda. 

Wanda used telekinesis to grab Nova lifting him up . 

" I'll kill you right here you fucking monster"

' Damn , I already feel sorry for her kid . I'll kidnap her when the time is right ' Grey thought.