
Chapter 2 - The Old Man - Magic

Lucian was currently trembling, sweat drowned his frail body as a godlike pressure fell upon him. In front of him sitting calmly on the floor of the hall was an Old Man adorned in tattered clothes and a creepy wide smile on his face. Enormous tattoos covered the Old Man's entire body. All the way up from his neck to down to his feet.

"So are you sure you want my help in advancing." The Old Man said. He spoke in a slow almost cynical voice that matched the creepy smile plastered on his face.

Lucian had never thought this situation would befall him.


•An hour ago•

Lucian pushed open the large door demonstrating strength that did not befit an eleven year olds body. However he was no mere eleven year old, he was a Acolyte of the First Rank. Never mind pushing open an enourmous door he could easily raise a giant boulder with but a hand.

Upon opening the door Lucian entered a large hall. The hall was utterly battered as giant pieces of rubble lay sleeping on the floor. The hall however was not entirely destroyed as golden walls was left untouched on the far corner escaping whatever tragedy had befallen this once beautiful hall.

Lucian slowly walked towards the untouched

part of the hall, his footsteps barely discernable. An ear deafening noise soon travelled towards Lucian's ears and seemed to only intensify. Lucian walked towards the source of the loud noise only to discover it was a .....Snort.

The snort was being emmited by an old man. Ragged clothes that were clearly worn out adorned the old man suggesting his status as a beggar. However, Lucian was quick not to assume that as his eyes suggested something else.An enormous amount of Grey energy surrounded the man and they were not strands of energy but rather it was wild and enormously large.

"Eyes of the Keeper"

An ability that Lucian had awakened not long ago. These eyes once belonged to an ancient entity who went by the Keeper hence the name. it allowed him to see all energy with there colours categorizing the types of energy there were.

The Old Man was also the man that taught Lucian how to use his powers and utilize them in the correct way. Lucian did not know much about him only that he was constantly asleep and was never to be awakened as the consequences would be dire.

Lucian sat down in his usual meditative position and closed his eyes, summoning the dark ball in his hands as he attempted to create a Shadow Guard. A souless being that hid in ones shadow and guarded them. As usual he started shaping the ball into his desired shape. This time it was a humanoid. Expanding the dark ball he started making the ball the size of a small human about his size.

The shadow guard was nearing completion when out of the blue the dark ball disappeared. Lucian was all too used to this however did not know why this occurred leading him to come. Lucian opened his eyes as the room was entirely quiet and looked towards the old man.

He was awake and was looking directly at him, the tattoos on his body giving him a tough look while his eyes radiated indifference. A contradictory man he was physically.

"Don't bother attempting to create a Shadow Guard" the old man said, changing his seating position to a more comfortable one. "It is far out of your league and are only inviting trouble by attempting it though I do have to say you are indeed quite impressive. How did you learn of a Shadow Guard anyway?"

"The Voice" Lucian said. "It keeps telling me what to do and has an almost obsessive objective of getting stronger. The creation of a Shadow Guard would likely please it very much.

The Old Man nodded. "Interesting this voice seems to be getting more powerful to the point that you can know what it is feeling." The Old Man seemed to ponder for a second before turning his attention towards me once more. "So Lucian what brought you here in he first place?"

Lucian paused as he did not know what to say. After all he had come here for advice on how to create a Shadow Guard and with the old man already telling him the answer to that question he did not know what to say leading him to say the first thing that came to his mind. "To advance in magic."

The Old Mans temperament changed upon hearing my answer, a creepy smile started forming on his face as he looked at me with a glint visible in his eyes. "I would gladly help you advance in magic as long as you pass a 'small' test of mine."


This was what lead to his situation in the first place.

Lucian resisted the power and instantly used his dark ball ball to form a shield around his body protecting him from the aura. Lucian was about to collapse as he could not hold the dark balls barrier for much longer when the pressure from the old man disappeared.

The Old Man smiled while looking at Lucian.

"Well done you passed my test blocking my power even though it was one percent of it and reacting fast to it." Seemingly pleases the old man continued "Go back to your house and collect all your belongings.From now onwards you will be staying with me and I will be teaching you true magic."

Really can't keep calling it the dark ball. need a name for it. Comment below what you think I should call it and please vote for my book to support it.

Thanks for reading

M_A_Ilmicreators' thoughts