
The Ethereal Taste of Forbidden Love

Every 666 years on a blood moon, a celestial being would fall from the heavens. Nightfall is a celestial being overflowing with the power of life. She promised to devote her life to loving her family and her people, but one fateful night led her to run away after finding out their betrayal.  So now, she is forced to walk on eggshells with the notoriously tyrannical Alpha Lux Elizalde to seek refuge.  xxxxxxx "Fine, I'll give you an idea… How about you swear to fully give yourself to me, receive my mark and be my mate?"

Carmine_Knight · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: The Alpha of the Elizalde Pack

Nightfall's POV

I was dumbfounded. 

He walked closer to me. Silence surrounded him. 

I know he is getting near but I can't feel his presence at all. As if he was not there. 

I felt the danger engulfing the atmosphere. The area seemed to have turned on ice. I instinctively knew that with one wrong move, the ice, and darkness around me would take my soul. 

I internally panicked and my eyes widened as his figure was getting closer to me. 

He was a man even taller than Lucien. His long black hair was tied in a glorious man bun, and his eyes were as dark as midnight. 

His presence gripped me so intensely, that I felt my hands get sweaty and my heart pound under my shirt.

I blinked my eyes multiple times in an attempt to confirm my suspicion of who this man was. Of all the things that I could have inherited from my parents, why are wolf senses not included in the package? Everything would have been almost close to pitch black if not for the moonlight and stars. 

'I seem to have stepped into the wrong den' I took a sharp breath 

Heavens. Why is the universe doing this to me? I thought I was just wandering aimlessly to get rid of the pain. Why sprinkle some salt on my wound? 

'Should I just say sorry and leave? But I look like I am trying to spy, there's no way he'd let me be' 

Just before I could say anything, he took the back of my hand and kissed it. 

"Pleasure to meet you, Lady Lotus," he said in an elegant tone. 

My body stiffened up. I didn't expect this kind of attitude from him. I don't know what to say. I am still unsure who this man was. 

"H-hands off dawg, I'm a minor" 

'Please don't touch me there's blood all over my hands', was actually what I meant to say. I don't know why that came out instead. Everyone knows I'm 18! 

I bit my tongue and gripped my hands 'There's no going back now' 

Awkward silence engulfed us for what felt like an eternity… 

And finally… 

He snickered, "Did you just… call me dog? I'm offended. And fine, let's just pretend that I wasn't your last dance in your debut last month". He said in a teasing tone while crossing his arms. 

I felt my pride hit rock bottom upon hearing that. I feel ashamed, embarrassed, disgraced, humiliated, mortified that I just want the ground to open up so I'd die in cringe. 

"A-Alpha Elizalde," I said while bowing my head

I confirmed my suspicion too late. I would have been in a more sane state if I had recognized him earlier. 

Lux Elizalde. The Alpha of the Pack of Elizalde. The most mysterious pack of all werekind. The pack that is in a forged fragile treaty with my pack. 

The Alpha whose power remained as a conundrum to everyone. I should have recognized him just from his unique dark aura. 

"Oh, the Lady finally recognized me"

He walked closer to me to the point that his face was only inches away from mine. 

Lux quietly looked at me. There was not an ounce of emotion in his gaze so I could not figure out what he was thinking. 

"Tell me, why does a lady in distress like you here in my territory at such an ungodly hour?" He gently grabbed my bleeding arm and continued, "Alone. Injured," he gently said though it was evident that his voice became much more sinister while saying that. His voice was warm and raspy, yet it made me even more shaken after hearing him. 

'I would have preferred it if he'd just shouted at me, at least I would know he is angry' 

His dangerous eyes were still focused on me but I composed myself and returned the gaze. 

'Should I ask him for help? From the looks of it, he seemed… concerned about me. He might be my ticket to escaping from that hell of a house,' I said to myself thinking about gambling with my life

But asking a stranger for help… 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I said, "My family...They would kill me… so I ran away" 

He looks taken aback. 

Tears trickled down my face again as I recalled everything I heard. 

I looked away from him to at least save face. 

"Hmmm, that's not the answer that I expected. Why would you run away here of all places? Are you not afraid of me? You broke the treaty, you know" 

'Afraid?' I thought to myself

Alpha Lux was widely known for his cruelty. He was known as the wolf who had killed hundreds or maybe thousands. He is merciless towards his enemies. 

So am I afraid of him? 

I don't know what I'm feeling anymore. 

"The moment I heard that they would betray me, I was no longer a member of that pack" 

I gritted my teeth, "So you're wrong Alpha, I broke no treaty," I said with no hesitation. 

Complete silence followed after what I said. Lux was still looking at me calmly. It felt suffocating. 

"You're straight to the point. I like that," he said while wiping the corners of my eyes

"But you still haven't answered my question. Why are you here of all places?"

'Yeah, why am I here? I don't know the answer either. This is where the wind took me. Am I even supposed to be here?' 

I closed my eyes, having no more courage to look at him. But I took a deep breath as I have finally made a decision 'This is it…I have nothing to lose now… if I die, I die. But if I get his help I might be able to live a little longer' 

I gripped my hands firmly, and looked fiercely at him, before straightforwardly saying, 

"I want to join hands with you, Alpha Elizalde"