
The Eternal Wars

Long ago, there was nothing until Primordial Chaos was born together with a Supreme treasure and a Lotus. Billions of era passed until primordial chaos gave birth to three orbs and nine absolute beginning creatures each born with an innate ability to control an aspect of reality itself. The three orbs each have control over energy, soul and vitality. And the nine creatures called themselves the nine Supremes. they are the nine-elemental, the yin-yang, the space, the time, the reincarnation(life-death), absolute destruction, the absolute creation, the fate and the dream Supremes. They were born simple and pure until the nothingness lotus was found together with a supreme treasure. Just being near it caused their spiritual intelligence to grow and they were enlightened and with it so did their greed. They started to fight among each other, alliances and betrayer grew alongside an ambition to become the most supreme. The war caused The primordial chaos to expand and the lotus shattered into nine petals, its nucleus destroyed and each supreme took a petal. Countless era passed until the nucleus they thought they had destroyed was born again and this time summoned the petals they had eaten and with it a quarter of their very being, their core. The nothingness lotus grew extremely powerful even faintly surpassing the nine Supremes. They had no choice but to compromise and this time use the three orbs to suppress and destroy the lotus. The three orbs were destroyed, the nothingness lotus vanished and the nine Supremes gravely injured and later died. The war caused The Primordial war to expand infinitely and burst and from it the Primordial world was born. This story is about a young man born with the forbidden Constitution: the eternal nothingness Constitution and his journey through the stars.

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The Path of Cultivation

In the world where power reigns supreme and the very fabric of reality is shaped by the one's personal ability and strength, the journey of cultivation is a sacred and revered path walked by those with the courage to seek enlightenment and the will to master the forces of creation. Here, amidst the shifting tides of destiny and the ebb and flow of cosmic energies, lies the key to unlocking the true potential that lies dormant within every soul.

Pulses, as described, represent the fundamental energies inherent in all living beings. They are innate and without which no one can embark on the part of cultivation. They go beyond mere physical manifestations, delving into the deeper essence of the omniverse itself. Imagine them as the life force that animates every aspect of existence, from the smallest microorganism to the grandest celestial bodies.


At the core of this concept is the understanding that each individual carries within them a divine spark, a fragment of the cosmic whole. This spark is what gives rise to pulses, acting as a conduit between the individual and the vast interconnected web of existence.


In the practice of cultivation, individuals seek to attune themselves to these pulses, to harmonize their own energies with those of the universe. This process involves deep introspection, meditation, and often, the guidance of spiritual teachers or mentors who have traversed similar paths.


By aligning and attuning with the pulses, practitioners not only enhance their physical well-being but also experience profound spiritual growth. They come to realize their interconnectedness with all living things, fostering a sense of empathy, compassion, and reverence for the world around them.


Furthermore, pulses serve as the foundation for various spiritual disciplines, including energy work, meditation, and healing practices, blacksmitting, rune-crafting and alchemy. Through these modalities, individuals learn to channel and manipulate their pulses to bring about positive transformation, both within themselves and in their external environment.


In essence, the concept of pulses encapsulates the belief that we are all interconnected, bound together by the same cosmic energy. By tapping into this universal force, individuals can unlock their full potential and journey towards enlightenment, transcending the limitations of the physical realm to embrace the infinite possibilities of the soul.



There are three primary cultivation directions, each representing a different aspect of the self: body, energy, and soul. Those born with a body pulse are blessed with an innate affinity for physical cultivation, their muscles and bones suffused with the raw power of the earth itself. Through rigorous training and discipline, they sculpt their bodies into instruments of strength and resilience with the ultimate goal of having a body that is equal to the cosmos itself.


Meanwhile, those born with a spirit pulse are drawn towards the path of soul cultivation, their minds attuned to the subtle rhythms of the universe and the whispers of the divine. Through meditation and introspection, they delve deep into the recesses of their consciousness, unlocking the hidden potential that lies within and forging a connection with the cosmic energies that suffuse the world, with the ultimate goal of building a soul world equal to the universe itself.


And then there are those born with an energy/meridian pulse, whose very essence is suffused with the primal energies of creation. These individuals are drawn towards the path of energy cultivation, their meridians channels through which the elemental forces of the universe flow freely. Through breath techniques and cultivation, they strive to open their energy ocean and build a world equal to the cosmos itself.


While some may be fortunate enough to be born with two different pulses, the idea of possessing three distinct innate pulses is virtually unheard of, and indeed, practically impossible and even if they were may be unable to develop themselves fully because they will be stretched thin and incapable of bringing out their full potential. For to be blessed with such a gift would be to wield power beyond comprehension, to transcend the boundaries of mortal existence and ascend to heights undreamt of by mere mortals and the Divine alike, for what most can do is dual cultivation of body-soul, body-energy and soul-energy.

No can can fully say which one is better than the other since all things in creation serve to enhance and restrain each other as the heavens restrain man and man restrain the earth.


Yet, even as the chosen few tread the path of cultivation, unlocking the secrets of the universe and mastering the forces of creation, they do so not in isolation but as part of a vast and interconnected web of souls. For in the world where power rules supreme, the bonds of friendship and camaraderie are more important than ever, and it is through unity and cooperation that true greatness is achieved.


In this world of limitless potential and boundless opportunity, where the path to enlightenment is paved with trials and tribulations, the journey of cultivation is a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity and the enduring power of the human soul. Welcome to a world where the impossible becomes possible, and the only limits are those we place upon ourselves. Welcome to the Path of Cultivation, where the journey is as important as the destination, and the pursuit of greatness is a lifelong endeavor.