
The Eternal Wanderer

In "Eternal Wanderer" readers follow the epic journey of Kael, a man with the unique ability to reincarnate after every death with his memories and soul transferred to a new life in a different time period. With each new life comes a new perk or ability that sets Kael apart from the mortals of that time. From the prehistoric era to the rise of civilization, from the ice age to the dawn of magic and mystery, Kael's journey is filled with adventure, action, and an unyielding spirit that drives him to fight for what is right.

Prashant_Ranwa · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Vow after Death

And with this knowledge came a sense of peace, a sense of fulfillment that he had never felt before. For the first time in his eternal life, Kael knew that he had found his true home, his true calling.

And he knew that he would never stop fighting for what he believed in, no matter how many lives it took, no matter how long he had to wander.

For he was Kael, the Eternal Wanderer, and he had a destiny to fulfill.

Years passed, and Kael and Marie continued their fight, leading the charge for change in a world torn apart by war and chaos. They fought for the rights of the people, for freedom and equality, for a better tomorrow.

But as their movement gained strength, so did their enemies. They were hunted, chased, and pursued by those who wished to see their dreams crushed.

It was on a rainy night in the autumn of 1794 that Kael and Marie were betrayed. An informant had tipped off the authorities, and they were ambushed while trying to flee the city.

Kael fought bravely, but he was outnumbered and outmatched. He watched in horror as Marie was struck down by a bullet, falling to the ground in a pool of blood.

In that moment, Kael felt his heart break. He had lost so much throughout his long life, but this was different. Marie was more than just a companion or a friend. She was his soulmate, his partner in the fight for a better world.

As he cradled her in his arms, watching the light fade from her eyes, Kael made a vow. He would never forget her, never stop fighting for the cause they had shared.

And with that vow, something changed inside of him. He felt a surge of power, a strength that he had never known before. It was as if the loss of Marie had awoken something inside of him, something primal and fierce.