
The Eternal Traveler: A Journey through Twilight and Beyond

Ethan Hunt, a normal person suddenly gets an opportunity to travel to different worlds, starting with the world of 'Twilight.'. Not only does he discover that he now possesses immortality, but he also has the incredible power to copy other people's abilities. With his newfound abilities, Ethan must navigate the challenges and adventures that await him in this Twilight world and beyond. What should you expect from this fanfiction? 1) MC will have a system. Though the system won't have any type of consciousness. It will be more like an information interface that will summarize MC's abilities and their level. There system will not give any quests or rewards to the MC. Basically MC will not be a slave to the system as system will not direct what he should or shouldn't do. (I hope you are clear about this point.) 2) I have not yet decided whether the fanfiction should contain whether Romance or Harem. We will have a vote about this in future chapters. 3) MC will be a Chaotic Neutral person. A chaotic neutral person follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. Of course this applies only to the people who are strangers to him. MC won't hesitate a bit to protect his loved ones. 4) The starting world will be 'Twilight'. I will update you guys, the list of the other worlds in the future chapters. The 'Twilight' world will last for at least 120 chapters, though it may also extend beyond that. I know 120 chapters is quite a lot, but this world is the starting world of our MC as it will shape his personality and his future purview. So please be patient and read it all the way. 5) English can be considered as my third language so I will use the Chat GPT in order to improve the grammar of my fanfiction thus making it interesting and easy for the readers to understand. However if the readers find it to be troublesome or problematic to read then please communicate it to me through the chapter comments. Chat GPT can make the conversations quite robotic, so I will try not to let it affect the conversations between the characters. 6) Lastly, the MC won't be a bystander in the plot of the world. He will actively try to interfere in the plot and won't be afraid to change the plot. Well if you wanted to read the same plot over and again, you could have watched the movies instead of coming here to read my fanfiction. Hope you guys are okay with it. Also the fanfiction will contain quite a few OC's. Moreover each chapter will have a bare minimum of 1000 words and it can go beyond that. I guess this could be considered quite a detailed description of my fanfiction. Please bear with me and enjoy your read. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I own nothing except the main character of the book. The Twilight and the upcoming worlds to which the MC would travel to belong to their respective creators. Also the cover page is not mine. If the owner of the cover page wants it to be taken down, then it can be done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 5+ advance chapters visit my patreon. patreon.com/StoryTeller229

Story_Teller_229 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

16. Bitten and Bound: The Cruel Enthrallment of Ethan

'.....'= Thoughts 

"....."= Conversations 


The masked men stood by the door, their imposing figures casting a shadow over the chamber as they waited for Ethan to finish his meal. Once he had pushed the empty plate aside, they gestured for him to follow as they led him through a labyrinth of corridors. The air grew heavy with the scent of incense and a warm glow emanated from the torches that lined the walls.

Finally, they reached a heavy wooden door, adorned with intricate carvings and metal studs. One of the masked men knocked three times, the sound echoing through the hallway before the door creaked open to reveal a dimly lit chamber.

Ethan's heart quickened as he stepped into the room, his eyes scanning the space. His gaze settled on a figure in shadow, seated on a throne-like chair at the far end of the room. As his eyes adjusted to the low light, he could make out the delicate features of a woman, her presence commanding the room with an air of authority. It was Eliza, the sadistic b*tch..

"Approach," her voice resonated through the chamber, sending a feeling of uneasiness through Ethan's spine.

The masked men guided him forward until he stood before Eliza. The flickering torches cast eerie shadows across the room, adding to the ominous atmosphere.

"Mistress," Ethan spoke, his voice barely above a whisper while bowing down his head

Strip," Eliza commanded, her voice laced with authority. Ethan hesitated a bit, but after a second of hesitation he quickly shedded his clothes under her unrelenting gaze.

Eliza's lips curled into a devious smile as she rose from her seat, her eyes glinting with a mixture of desire and dominance. Eliza circled around him, her eyes roaming over his exposed flesh with a predatory glint. "You've been a naughty slave, Ethan," she cooed, her fingers trailing lightly over his skin. "And naughty slaves must be punished."

With a swift motion, Eliza summoned the masked men to bring forth a wooden pole, and before Ethan could react, they had bound him to it, securing his wrists and ankles with thick leather restraints. He struggled against his bonds, but the masked men held him firm, their grip unyielding.

"Now, let's play a little game," Eliza's voice dripped with sadistic delight as she circled around him, her fingers trailing along his skin. "I want to hear you scream, Ethan. I want to see you beg for mercy. Are you ready to entertain me, slave?"

Ethan's heart pounded in his chest as he braced himself for what was to come. Eliza then sent the masked people away as she now was alone with Ethan in the room.

Eliza moved to a table laden with an array of menacing wooden instruments, her eyes gleaming with anticipation as she selected a long, slender rod. Eliza approached Ethan, the rod held loosely in her grip.

She traced the tip of the rod across his skin, sending shivers of dread through him. Then, with a sudden flick of her wrist, she brought it down upon his flesh, the impact igniting a searing pain that radiated through his body. Ethan's muffled groan filled the chamber as the rod left angry red welts in its wake.

But Eliza did not stop there. She reveled in the agonized gtoans that escaped him, her sadistic desires fueling her actions as she continued to inflict pain upon him. She delved into her collection of wooden instruments, each one designed to draw blood and elicit a symphony of suffering from her captive.

Ethan's muscles screamed in protest as he strained against his restraints, his breaths ragged and desperate. The room spun around him, a tormenting blur of agony and torment. But amidst the torment, a flicker of rage glowed even more brightly within him, a spark of resilience that refused to be extinguished.

'If only this b*tch hadn't used her gloves,' Ethan thought. Eliza was wearing gloves while torturing him, so he wasn't able to activate his talent and thus couldn't generate Eliza's abilities.

As Eliza continued to indulge in her sadistic cravings, Ethan summoned every ounce of strength within him, fueled by a fierce determination to endure and survive. His mind became a fortress, a bastion of defiance that shielded him from the onslaught of pain. Though his body bore the cruel markings of Eliza's torment, his spirit remained unbroken.

However even though Ethan tried his best to ignore and resist the pain, the amount of torture Eliza put him through; Ethan couldn't help but scream out in pain.

Seeing Ethan screaming out of pain Eliza's smile widened. If Ethan kept quiet and only groaned in pain, Eliza would increase the intensity of the torture forcing Ethan to scream out in pain.

Time passed, the chamber echoing with the symphony of suffering as Eliza pushed the boundaries of Ethan's endurance. But as the last of her cruel desires were sated, she finally relented, a satisfied smile playing upon her lips.

Eliza stepped back, her eyes alight with cruel satisfaction. "You are mine to do with as I please, Ethan," she declared, her voice laced with triumph. "Never forget that."

She looked at the bloodied body of Ethan with satisfied eyes like an artist who was looking at the fabulous artwork he had designed.

"Victor," She spoke softly.

Within few seconds Victor entered Eliza's room. He approached Ethan who seemed to barely conscious. He removed his glove and placed his palm on Ethan's forearm, gradually healing all the injuries suffered by him.

'Close to four seconds,' Ethan thought as he hadn't forgotten to activate his Talent, but still he wasn't injured enough to reach the mark of five seconds.

Eliza then called out the masked men in order to take back Ethan to a room assigned to him. She also ordered them to clean the blood off Ethan's body.

The masked men moved to release Ethan from the wooden pole, their stern expressions betraying no hint of empathy. After cleaning the blood off him, they led him back to the chamber assigned to him, where he collapsed upon the cold stone floor, his body trembling from the ordeal he had endured.

Even though all the injuries had healed, Ethan couldn't forget the torture he had went through. It was completely different from what the leader of kidnappers had out him through as the pain he endured by the torture inflicted by Eliza was totally on a different level.

Ethan continued thinking about the plans to escape as he was lying in the cold floor. Though as time passed, his thoughts became muddled as he was mentally exhausted due to the events of the day.

With the mental exhaustion creeping over him, he finally fell asleep.


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