
The Eternal Tower

In a world dominated by the strong, where anyone can crumble mountains with their fists and shake the earth with a kick. no place for weak. the stronger is Roler. That is low of Noble Continent. Fang Yan, a young girl of no more than fourteen. With unwavering determination, with big dreams. Fang Yan strives to carve her path from the bottom of this harsh world to its summit, employing every possible and impossible means at her disposal.

SkyTeaMoon · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Chapter 38: Revenge Ghost vs Yu Hai


(Revenge Ghost)


"Finally, the essence of life from a powerful creature is strong enough to crystallize into a solid pearl! As expected from a level four martial arts expert!"


I held a bright red pearl in my right hand. It was exceptionally beautiful. This pearl was the crystallized life essence of an Earth Hawk. It was the size of a watermelon seed, but it contained a vast amount of essence and vitality. Wasting no time, I crushed it quickly. The life essence flowed into my hand, then my arm, and finally spread throughout my entire body.


"How good this feels!"


I focused on the euphoria the life essence gave me as it spread through every part of my body. After a short while, the euphoric sensation ended, and the life essence settled in various parts of my body. From that moment, it required a lot of work to fully absorb and digest the life essence.


"After the main course, comes dessert. It's time to leave this place!"


I moved to leave. I didn't care about something like the gang's uprising. I came here for two things: to obtain life essence and to eliminate evil. Both objectives were accomplished, and there was nothing left to do. It was time to leave.


"Revenge Ghost, wait! Where do you think you're going?"


I stopped and looked towards the source of the voice, seeing a naive boy holding the young girl the Earth Hawk had taken hostage. She was in good condition, which was a relief. There were some injuries on his body, most likely from being thrown by the Earth Hawk while trying to escape from me.


"What do you have to say? I don't have time to play with you, make it quick!"


"Revenge Ghost, I've heard a lot about you before meeting you. How you fight against evil and save many innocents. But after seeing your methods, I realize you're very dangerous. Your justice of revenge is no less dangerous than the evil itself!"


The naive boy shouted. His face showed signs of danger as he looked at me with anger, holding the young girl tightly. I almost laughed at his words. He really was naive. But I decided to listen a little.


"Revenge Ghost, you judge through your emotions, not your mind. You want revenge and to see the wicked suffer and disappear from existence. To satisfy your desire for revenge, you forget the most important thing: saving the innocent. You're willing to sacrifice all the innocents to destroy the wicked. Herein lies the danger of your justice. If you destroy all the evil at the cost of sacrificing all the innocents, what good will it do? You might achieve peace, but for whom? There would be no one left but you standing on a pile of corpses. Answer me, Revenge Ghost!"


The naive boy handed the young girl to her father. As soon as she was in his arms, tears streamed from his eyes. The naive boy looked at the scene, then glared at me with sharp eyes. I understood the message he wanted to convey. In short, it was:


Your priority should be saving the innocent, not destroying the wicked!


Clap, clap.


"Your words are beautiful, noble boy. But do you know the point of fighting in your concept? Let me tell you!"


I moved with great speed and appeared next to one of the elderly men, placing my hand on his head. Then I looked at the naive boy and everyone else who quickly turned their gaze in fear.


"Noble boy, I'm an evil person who loves to harm people for my benefit. I know you're someone who cares about the innocent. Therefore, I want to threaten you and exploit your values by ordering you to break your arm, or I will crush this old man's head. What will you do now?"


As expected, the proud face of the boy turned ugly. Once again, he proved to be very naive. He didn't know anything about the world he lived in. I didn't despise him; I was like that too and made the same mistake. I almost lost my life entirely because of that mistake. So, I sympathized with him a little.


"I... I will..."


The naive boy stammered, not knowing what to say. The look on his face was quite amusing as he tried to say something but didn't know what. He stopped talking and looked at me with a gaze filled with explosive anger. I saw veins popping on his face. He quickly drew his sword and pointed it at me, saying:


"If you touch a hair on him, I'll make you pay dearly!"


The naive boy's voice echoed with immense rage, and the spark in his eyes said, "If you don't stop, I'll tear you into a thousand pieces and leave not even ashes behind." How amusing. Where was that noble behavior he had been boasting about? It vanished in the first real test he faced. It's easy to say sweet words, but it's much harder to implement them in this dark world.


"Listen to me, you naive fool. I won't drag this out any longer. We both know the end of this situation is a total loss for you. Sure, talking about justice and saving the innocent is nice, but in reality, if you shout those words in front of the Earth Hawk, they will mark the beginning of your end for a simple reason!


The first rule is not to reveal your goal to your enemy. Once your enemy knows your goal, no matter how smart you are, they will control you easily. Therefore, don't reveal your intentions. Let your enemy be confused about your true motives!


The second rule is not to be greedy and unrealistic. You can't always save everyone. Accept the risks, accept that you won't be able to do everything perfectly. If eliminating evil requires risking innocent lives, you must do your best to minimize the number of innocents who will die to eliminate the evil.


The third rule is to remember there is no absolute evil or absolute good. Everything is about perspective. There are all kinds of thoughts and beliefs, and everyone thinks they are good from their point of view. So, remember this saying:


There are no bad people in this world; everyone is good from their own perspective!


I hope you understand my words well!"


After that, I released the old man's head and apologized to him. Once again, I moved to leave. I said what I needed to say, and there was no specific reason to explain myself further. I advised this boy for one reason: I felt he was like me in the past, someone who wanted to achieve his goals and believed he could make the world bend to his will and values.


"How foolish I was back then. I wanted to make the world bow to my will, and I didn't even know what kind of world I wanted to bow to my will!


Confidence based on ignorance is more dangerous than ignorance itself!"


"Revenge Ghost, stop right there!"


What now? This annoying naive boy, what does he want to say now? Wasn't it enough that he lost to me in a verbal argument? Does he want to argue with his fists now? If that's the case, then this boy isn't just naive; he's brainless too.




Whoooosh! Whoooosh! ....


I felt a powerful aura emanating from the naive boy. It was so strong that it produced a gust of wind, creating a storm in the hall. I looked at him, and saw that his body was glowing like the moon with thousands of tiny stars around him.


Body fusion!


No, that's not correct. This naive boy hadn't mastered the full release of spiritual energy. Body fusion requires reaching a level of control over spiritual energy to the point of manipulation. This boy was far from that level. So, he must be using a deceptive method to achieve this level of body harmony with spiritual energy.


"Revenge Ghost, I'll crush your arrogance!"


Heavenly Moon Art > Lunar Manifestation: Radiant Sword!


Before my eyes, all his spiritual energy converged around his sword, which shone with a bright white light. Then, he launched himself at an unimaginable speed, merging with his sword and becoming like a giant white star growing larger as it approached me. My world was engulfed in white light. At that moment, I was able to end this farce completely.


"No matter how special you are, you need to know your limits, boy!"


Ghost Fog Art > Explosive Bull Ghost!


A black fog swirled around my right hand, forming the head of a bull with black eyes around my fist. I clenched my fist, tensing every muscle in my body. Then, I released my punch with all my strength. My fist cut through the air, and the bull's eyes flared up, its horns becoming more prominent.




The bull ghost collided with the white star, resulting in a high-energy clash between my black energy and his white energy. The balance hung in the air for a moment but quickly broke.




The radiant sword began to crack and shatter against the raging bull's head. Then, it started to disintegrate and disappear. In an instant, before he could comprehend anything, my fist was in front of his eyes!




My fist struck the naive, arrogant boy with such force that his aura vanished entirely, scattering in all directions. But I wasn't done. I wanted to teach this boy a harsh lesson.


"Remember my words well. Before you advise someone, try to follow your own advice first!"




With my fist still connected to his face, I slammed his entire body into the ground. The force of my blow destroyed the surrounding area completely. Debris flew everywhere, and a storm of dust rose to the ceiling of the hall. The boy lost consciousness from the impact.


"I hope you learn your lesson. If you try that again, I'll kill you!"

I changed "Avenger" to "Revenge" and "Ghost Mist Art" to "Ghost Fog Art"

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