
The Eternal Soldier Reincarnates

In the end he died. This is the story of a man who had watched the end of everything and then was offered the future of a new beginning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Warning this is my first time writing and publishing anything publicly so don't expect me to write a new bible. Also I don't have an artist to help me so there will likely not be any visuals for a while Finally please just enjoy Cover is mine. Its Asataros's Helm

Blue_Robin · Fantasy
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70 Chs

A Little Talk

Astaros decided to search the commerce district, walking through the crowds and looking for a place to sell some of the material he already had while thinking up a plan to hunt the wolf pack leader. The guild offered various ways to sell monster materials but only offered them to registered adventurers.

In the end he found his way into an alleyway and looked around. A sign sat above a small shop. He took a look inside and found it was a material shop run by an old man. He sold off some of the materials while finishing up his plans, and received a couple of silver and gold coins from the bear and lizard materials, then leaving to find his golden goose for the hunt while several people looked at him incredulously.

He walked around using his connection to search for one person. Fillia.

She was a thief, a scout and a beast-men. If anything was made to hunt it was her. He walked around before finding an inn in the residential district.

It was a cheap place with a bar/restaurant on the first floor. Three stories tall it seemed to be an adventurer nest with one or two flowing in or out at all times. His target was on the second floor.

He walked towards the building before fully decloaking and opening the door. The inn lady looked up with fear plastered on her face as he came in seeming to be afraid of the massive man. He walked in looking around the Inn first floor when he noticed a tall woman in the kitchen. She was nearly his size. She then walked out of his sight. Her mana signature was odd but that all could be investigated later if he still cared. He then approached the desk.


POV: Astaros


I looked at the woman who worked the desk. She was a slim woman with pale white skin and blonde hair that turned lime near the end, her face seemed to have been sculpted sharply from the finest gemstone the world had to offer. Her stature and posture which had given off an air of authority now shriveled before my armored form. She was beautiful with a perfect figure eight body and good bust. A real 10/10.


Why is her mana completely different from every living thing I have ever seen? She has more than me. It's not purer but she isn't far behind.

I raised myself to my full height to look down at her. She was also peculiar. Perhaps they are all beast-men hiding out in the city? maybe it's an open secret. Regardless I need to see Fillia.

"Hello sir how can I help you this fine morning" {Innkeeper}

"I would like to rent a room" {Astaros}

She began to sweat a little.

"For how many?" {Innkeeper}

"One" {Astaros}

She straightened a bit and sighed.

"ten copper please"

The monetary system of this world appeared to function by going up by a zero each time starting from ten. 10 copper for silver, 100 silver for gold, and 1000 gold for platinum. There's also platinum bars but those are only used by the kingdom and are mostly seen in legends. I learned all this by sneaking into the library of the guild when I was eavesdropping.

"I would also like to see Fillia… I have some business to discuss with her."

This time she froze, then slowly said:

"O-oh she's in room 34" {Innkeeper}

I began to walk upstairs to retrieve my ally.


POV: Fillia


I sat in my room having just washed myself, my fur sticking to my skin. Scowling I then clenched my fist.

'That fool was mocking me' {Fillia}

I was changing thinking about the being from the forest when my necklace began to shake and glow a red hue. I ran over and clenched it flowing in my mana.

"Dryis what's wrong!?" {Fillia}

Dryis the Innkeeper leaned down behind the front desk and whispered into her own necklace to explain the situation.

"I was attending the front desk when some kind of monster appeared at the door. I nearly fainted from the mana density." {Dryis}

Fillia quickly grabbed her bow and quiver.

"I'm on my way down, is katia holding it off!?!" {Fillia}


As she said this my eyes widened. I turned to the window but I was a step too late.


I looked back towards the door and dropped the bow, drawing my knife and circulating my mana. I was a fire user so if it came down to it, me and some of the others could definitely put a dent in whatever was coming for me. I put on my necklace and slowly opened the door slightly revealing a giant silver headless figure. The body then stepped back slightly leaning down so it's face could be seen.



Now that I can fully sense him he is a real damn mana monster. He also exudes this… old kind of feeling?

I stared into the dark helm, my eye getting attracted to the deep black abyss behind the visor. Then the darkness flashed away revealing a set of silver eyes that seemed to draw me in more.

"Fillia, right? I would like to discuss something with you" {Astaros}

I snapped out of the vortex of silver looking at him. He was extremely tall and clad in a foreign grey silver armor. His Helmet had two silver horns stabbing towards ceiling and sky in a seeming attempt to challenge the heavens. His voice had serious depth too it but it sounded calm and unwavering like a peaceful sea.

I decided that running was foolish considering what I saw in the forest.

"Yeah that's me. What do you want?" {Fillia}

I tried to put up an air of nonchalance but he truly was powerful, his presence seemed to make the entire area heavy, making me breathe a little harder.

'Don't notice, Don't notice, Don't notice' {Fillia}

"Oh my apologies" {Astaros}

His presence seemed to shrink as his shadow grew. He completely noticed.

"May I ask for your assistance, kitsune?" {Astaros}

I looked at him weirdly. I had never heard that word before. He seemed to realize this as he looked at me.

"Oh sorry in my hometown that word means "fox person"" {Astaros}

I froze and my eyes widened before narrowing.

"Let's talk inside" {Fillia}

I realized how bad of a situation I was in. He knew what I was. He could turn me and everyone else over to the knights and turn us into slaves. I had to kill him as soon as possible. I opened the door to let him in as he ducked down to come inside. I closed it behind him.

I sat down on my bed while he nearly took a chair before sitting on the floor. His face stayed nearly even with mine, even with the height difference.

"What do you want from me" {Fillia}

"Your tracking skills as a beast-man" {Astaros}

I looked at him incredulously. Then I laughed slightly.

"Why me?" {Fillia}

"Your the only beast person I know of" {Astaros}

I tried to find the lie in his words but it was not there.

"So if I don't you're gonna have me arrested?" {Fillia}

"I wouldn't know the beginning of how to accomplish that" {Astaros}

My face distorted in rage looking at him before I suddenly dropped my anger. His eyes were as pure as the waters or cleanest river. He told not a single lie. We Fox-Kin know how to sense lies however his words betrayed nothing about him.

"I'm here for your help and nothing else. The only reason I said that was because I was unsure that you would hear me out otherwise." {Astaros}

It was true had it been nearly anything else I would have turned him away and then fled the city. Beast-men were not allowed in human towns and had to have their movements constantly monitored by the governor's office. I didn't sign up for that so being deported would be a mercy if I was caught. I could become a slave or worse. I sighed.

"What do you want me to do" {Fillia}

"I would like your help with a adventuring request" {Astaros}

"You know I have a party right and are you even an Adventurer?" {Fillia}

"Don't sweat the small stuff all I need you to do is track down a monster with me. I will handle the rest unless you offer your support at some point. Besides those horndogs won't miss you" {Astaros}

I looked at him and decided to ignore the last remark for my sanity. This conversation had been a rollercoaster of emotions so far and to be honest he didn't seem to be evil.

"Fine I accept but I want a portion of the reward and to know what we are hunting first beforehand." {Fillia}

"Alright we are hunting a pack leader." {Astaros}

For the umpteenth time I froze and looked at him. He was a mage or a thief no matter how much armor he put on. It was obvious from the amount of mana and his skills. He was a support no matter how you looked at it. But again he wasn't lying.

'Wait if he dies then he will take the secret with him, this is perfect' {Fillia}

I began to smile.

"I accept, uhm" {Fillia}

He looked at me for a second realizing he never introduced himself before standing and putting out his hand.

"The names Astaros, it's a pleasure to work with you." {Astaros}

I shook it. We then discussed some of the details like pay, objective and length of the mission. Then he turned to leave before stopping.

"Oh I think the Innkeeper got your room listed wrong. You may wanna check that out. See ya tomorrow" {Astaros}

He left, closing the door behind him while hitting the frame while ducking under.

'What a strange man… WAIT DRYIS' {Fillia}

I quickly left my room heading down to the main floor.

Dryis stood behind the desk fidgeting with her necklace. She kept looking at the ceiling then back at a longsword on the wall. Then she saw me coming towards her. She dashed from behind the desk towards me. Before I could talk she wrapped me in a gentle embrace

"Fillia your alright!!" {Dryis}

Her words wavered as she spoke. It was obvious she was terrified for me. Dryis was an elf so she had a high mana purity, meaning she could sense mana distribution around her easily. Astaros hadn't stopped his pressure till he reached me. She must have seen him as some kind of demon from the east coming to wipe out the lot of us.

I held her back.

"I'm fine, just fine." {Fillia}

I then began explaining what happened to her. The concealment in the forest, the lack of lies in his words and the extermination mission. When I finished she now had a look of determination on her face.

"Let me go with you." {Dryis}

I grimaced. Dryis was formerly of the high echelon of the elves. She was sent to marry a beast-man prince. Most of those who lived in the building were her former beast-man servants who ran off with her due to also opposing the marriage and the woman's kind personality. We all knew she could fight just as well as any of us but…

"No" {Fillia}

"Why!?" {Dryis}

I looked at her now saddened face. I knew that she loved everyone who came with her as family. That's why I couldn't see her get hurt. It's why we all put our lives on the line for her.

"I can't let you do that Dryis, while you may be a good swordsman you are not an adventurer nor a soldier. You have no experience. The enemy is too powerful and you simply aren't prepared to face it." {Fillia}

Her eyes began to water.

"At least take Katia with you" {Dryis}

"No. He still doesn't know about the rest of us and having her leave your side would be foolish. Especially now that something like this has come up." {Fillia}

She breathed out obviously feeling the weight of not being able to act. I sighed and touched her face, turning it to look at me.

"I'll be back before you know it" {Fillia}

I gave her a smile before standing up and heading to my room to prepare. Dryis wiped her eyes before standing proudly.

"Do your best" {Dryis}

She smiled at me. It was a pure smile untouched by the horrors of the world. A smile that only a child should be able to give, one full of admiration and pride. My emotions welled up behind my eyes.

I am glad I fought to serve my highness.


She gave him a fake room number so how did he know where I was?

A bit of a long one but the next chapter should be less dialogue heavy.

Blue_Robincreators' thoughts