
The Eternal Prince

Zane wakes up from a deep slumber, but the world he knew no longer exists. He is disoriented and confused, trying to piece together what has happened while he was asleep. As he explores the unfamiliar surroundings, he discovers that the world has undergone a transformation beyond his wildest imagination. Zane wakes up to a world that is alien to him. A world where technology has progressed beyond his wildest dreams, and where supernatural forces reign. It's a world where Zane must navigate through the unknown, surrounded by strange and dangerous creatures that he's never seen before. As he takes his first steps, he feels the weight of eyes upon him, and a sinister presence lurking in the shadows. Determined to uncover the mystery of his slumber and the world's transformation, Zane sets out to find answers. But with every turn, he's faced with danger, betrayal, and forces that will stop at nothing to keep the truth hidden. As he delves deeper, Zane realizes that he's become a target, and that he must stay one step ahead of those who seek to harm him. Zane's quest for the truth takes him to places he's never imagined, and to confrontations with foes that test his limits. But he's fueled by the hope of reuniting with his loved ones, who may still be alive in this strange new world. As he inches closer to the truth, he realizes that his journey is far from over, and that the dangers that await him may be far greater than he ever could have imagined.

Lahine · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Journey begins

The sun was descending slowly over the kingdom of D'zare, casting a golden hue over the aged black walls of the castle. Outside the walls, an unusual scene was unfolding. An extravagant self-driving carriage stood waiting, the evening sun glinting off its ornate metal and jewel inlays. Its doors were wide open as a slender elf, her skin glowing an ethereal blue under the twilight sky, moved back and forth from the castle, carefully stowing items into the carriage's expansive interior.

Elara was diligent and meticulous, ensuring that every small detail was taken care of for the impending journey. From piles of elegantly sewn clothing to scrolls of ancient maps and magical artifacts, she moved with grace and precision, a gentle but determined look on her face.

A disgruntled voice cut through the calm evening air, "Your Highness, I implore you to reconsider."

Redmont, a stern man with years of loyal service in Seles's court, was finding it hard to accept the Queen's abrupt decision to leave. His thinning hair and the worry lines on his forehead suggested many sleepless nights wrestling with the new reality. He was not in favor of this journey, fearing it was too dangerous. Yet, Seles had chosen him to take the reins in her absence, a role he was reluctant to embrace.

Seles turned to face him, her emerald eyes meeting his in a firm stare, "Redmont, I've made my decision. You're more than capable of leading D'zare in my stead. I trust you."

"But, Your Majesty," he began, but was silenced by Seles's raised hand.

"We've been over this, Redmont," she said, her tone both gentle and firm. "This is something I must do."

"As you wish, my Queen."

With one last glance at the castle they were leaving behind, Seles and Zane climbed into the luxurious carriage. As the doors shut behind them, the carriage hummed to life, ready to take them toward a journey.

As the carriage pulled away, the castle walls echoed with Redmont's voice, swearing an oath to protect the kingdom until their return. In the carriage, Seles and Zane began their journey, stepping into a future that was as enigmatic as the island they were seeking.

The self-driving carriage rolled smoothly through the gates of the city, and Zane peered curiously through the tinted window, his eyes taking in the city's landscape.

"Everything's so different."

Seles leaned back against the cushioned seat of the carriage, studying Zane's expressions as he took in the changed world outside. "Yes," she agreed, her voice a soothing melody in the dimly lit carriage, "Things have changed since you've been...away."

A mix of emotions played on Zane's face. There was a wonder, of course, but also a sense of displacement. His gaze softened as he watched a group of children laughing as they chased after a floating orb of light—a simple magic trick, but to them, a world of fascination.

"It's incredible, really," he said, almost to himself, his gaze distant, "the advancements, the magic, the vibrancy. It's more than I could have ever imagined."

Seles watched him silently, her heart aching. She knew all too well what it felt like to be out of sync with time. To return and find your world utterly changed.

"But it's also disconcerting, isn't it?"

"Yes," he admitted, "It's overwhelming. Like I've awakened in a different era. Everything I once knew, the familiar corners, the old shops, the tavern... they're all gone, replaced by... this."

He waved his hand vaguely towards the window.

"It can be jarring, I know," she said softly, "but you're not alone in this, Zane. I'm with you. And we'll navigate this new world together."

Their eyes met, and Zane felt a sense of reassurance wash over him. Though everything around him had changed, the love he shared with his mother remained a constant. With her by his side, he felt ready to face the world, no matter how unfamiliar it seemed.

The carriage moved past the bustling city limits, the cacophony of the capital gradually giving way to the tranquil whispers of the wilderness. As they progressed further, the cityscape faded in the distance, swallowed by the dense emerald sea of trees and wilderness.

The countryside stretched out before them, a vast expanse of untamed land. Thick forests of towering trees created a green canopy overhead, their branches heavy with leaves and occasionally dotted with the bright colors of nesting birds. Wildflowers sprouted at random, their vibrant hues standing out against the backdrop of verdant foliage.

As the carriage moved deeper into the wildlands, the roads became less traveled. The regular clatter of city life was replaced by the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant call of wild creatures. Every now and then, they'd pass a traveler or a small group, their surprised faces a stark reminder of how infrequent visitors were in these parts.

"What's on your mind?" Seles asked, breaking the silence that had fallen between them. Her gaze was fixed on him, her emerald eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Just realizing how much I've missed this," he replied, gesturing at the window. "The city is amazing, yes. But there's something about the wilderness, the isolation. It feels...free."

Seles smiled, understanding what he meant. Even as a queen, she too had often felt the pull of the wild. It was a call to freedom, a stark contrast to the rules and restrictions of royal life.

"Yes, the wilderness has its own charm," she agreed, her eyes reflecting the warm glow of the setting sun. "And we'll be seeing a lot more of it in the days to come."

Zane nodded, turning his gaze back to the passing scenery.

As the carriage traversed through the wilderness, the quiet was occasionally broken by the soft hum of their vehicle's mechanisms and the crisp rustling of parchment. Seles was studying a sheaf of maps and documents, her fingers tracing over marked paths and symbols.

"You remember Elwyn, our royal cartographer?" she began, her eyes never leaving the scrolls. Zane nodded, his interest piqued. "Based on your visions, she has suggested four possible locations where the island might be."

"The first," she said, pointing to a marked location on a map, "is the Forest of Eternity. It's quite close to where we are now, and has long been known for its magical anomalies. It's possible that the island is hidden there, veiled by magic."

Chapter 4: The Path Ahead

As the carriage traversed through the wilderness, the quiet was occasionally broken by the soft hum of their vehicle's mechanisms and the crisp rustling of parchment. Seles was studying a sheaf of maps and documents, her fingers tracing over marked paths and symbols.

"You remember Elwyn, our royal cartographer?" she began, her eyes never leaving the scrolls. Zane nodded, his interest piqued. "Based on your visions, she has suggested four possible locations where the island might be."

"The first," she said, pointing to a marked location on a map, "is the Forest of Eternity. It's quite close to where we are now, and has long been known for its magical anomalies. It's possible that the island is hidden there, veiled by magic."

Zane leaned closer, examining the marked spot on the map. "It does sound plausible."

"The other three locations are across the sea, in different parts of the continent."

"Elwyn suggested the Cliffs of Solitude," she said, pointing towards a marked area off the western coast. "It's a remote, barren area, visited by very few. The island could be hidden there, away from prying eyes."

"Then there's the Shrouded Marshlands in the north," Seles continued, her finger now on a vast swampy region. "It's an inhospitable place, full of dangerous creatures and poisonous plants. Not many venture there, and even fewer return."

"And the last possibility," Seles said, pointing towards an open sea area, "is the Whispering Depths. It's the least explored part of our world, mostly because it's a massive expanse of sea. Legend says it's a graveyard for ships, but Elwyn believes the island could be hiding beneath its surface, protected by powerful magic."

"That's a lot of ground to cover."

"Yes, but we don't have to explore all at once. We'll start with the Forest of Eternity and take it from there."