
The Eternal of Chaos

Reiko has lived a very long life and experienced many things. She seeks any and all forms of entertainment, adventuring in mostly unexplored dimensions and planets, ruling territories, delving into labyrinths or simply watching TV. There is very little left in existence which can truly surprise her or what she doesn't know, however, a new adventure is brewing. Her older son, Akito, is old enough to learn the truth about himself and set off on the path of growing stronger in this harsh universe. And just to entertain herself, Reiko is planning to accompany him on his journey. She had passed down much of what she knows to her eldest two children and now it is Akito's turn. How will his talent compare to his older siblings and what trouble will Reiko cause in the universe as they travel from place to place.

GraphitePencil · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Detective Akito

Akito continued to look directly at his mother. He was so focused on her that he didn't see his sister's jaw drop. Nor could he see that she was looking at him at the moment as if he was an imbecile and darting her head between him and his mother, in a way not too dissimilar to a chicken.

Reiko's expression didn't change, as a matter of fact, she didn't even twitch. Her apparent lack of reaction seemed to confirm his suspicions however he had no idea that his mother and sister were talking telepathically while he simply stared.


[Holy fuck, I wasn't expecting this from him. Thank goodness he is an engineer not a detective, with those skills of deduction so many people would have gotten wrongfully imprisoned], Reiko was similarly as dumbfounded as her daughter.

[Don't you mean wrongfully suspected? After all, they wouldn't be imprisoned on false suspicions]

[Don't you see how convinced he looks?! He would definitely get them imprisoned.]

[I suppose you are right… How the hell did he even get to that conclusion?]

[I have absolutely no idea but it's quite impressive and almost scary…]

At this point Reiko decided to break the silence, "You are not adopted you are my biological son, and you are correct in thinking we are not human", she just decided to tell him rather than make him guess at this point, to avoid any new absurd deductions.

They could practically see the cogs turning in his head. Everything Akito was thinking was plainly visible on his face, first was relief that he wasn't adopted, then satisfaction at having correctly guessed they weren't human, and finally absolute shock once he managed to connect the dots and realised that he was also not human.

"Pffft", Chie found the faces her brother was making far too amusing not to laugh.

"So… I'm not adopted… And that means I'm not human too…", Akito wasn't sure what to think '...This means I will also age slowly… Or maybe even not at all? … How old is my mother, she looks 30 but then again she has always looked that way she could be far older! How old is my sister… What about my brother?'

"So, if I'm not human what exactly am I?", his brain was fried, and rather than continuing thinking he decided asking directly would be better for his mental health.

"Hmm… I don't really know how to explain this to you in a way that would currently make sense or give you false ideas…", Reiko of course knew exactly what Akito was, and could tell him. However, telling him won't really help him, he wasn't aware of all the races in existence and their traits, so he wouldn't understand what changes would happen to him after he was unsealed. An idea better than telling him directly came to her mind, "Oh, I know, first off I'll have you read this book. It might help you understand a few things. Read it at your own pace, I will come visit you again next week to check up on how far you've gotten. Don't rush yourself, we have all the time in the world", she passed him a book about races that she pulled out of thin air, which once again shocked Akito.

Chie was continuously amused by his shocked reactions so she had an idea, "Mother, shouldn't we at least show him what we actually look like rather than just our mortal appearances?", hearing this Akitos brows shot up and he looked at his sister questioningly.

At the moment, Reiko had long black hair while Chie had platinum hair, and both had brown-reddish eyes. This is what Akito was used to, Chie's question meant that it wasn't what they looked like, or at least it wasn't fully what they looked like.

"Hmmmm… I suppose that isn't exactly a bad idea. Chie you go first."

Before Akito could even blink, his sister changed drastically. The most noticeable change was her height, she went from 184cm tall to now 202cm tall. Her second most obvious change was her hair colour, going from platinum to a snow white, the ends of her hair looked like they had been dipped in blood. Her eyes looked full of life, glinting with innate pride and iris' like red nebulas swirling into black hole-like pupils. She exuded a somewhat dangerous, predatory aura.

'Woah, she looks badass… Her height makes her look really intimidating, why is she so fucking tall', He tried to hide his thoughts, but his face, unfortunately, betrayed him.

"Heh… How cuuute, my little brother thinks I'm cool", Chie easily picked up on how he felt and couldn't resist teasing him. Ever since he was born she had never missed a single opportunity to tease him, and this time was no different.

"Tch", He didn't particularly want his sister to know what he thought, after all he already had trouble dealing with her. If she knew that he thought she was cool it would end up inflating her ego and make her even more insufferable.

Reiko was slightly amused at their little interaction, it wasn't surprising that Chie had picked up on Akitos thoughts. His sister had always been able to read him like a book. Reiko decided that Chie had gotten enough attention and it was her turn now. She got up from the bean bag she was sitting on, slightly regretful as it was really comfortable, 'I really need to get one of those.'

"Okaaay, my turn now."

His mother's changes were similar to Chies, but much more impactful, her motherly aura was gone entirely. She previously had the aura of a cheery mother and now she seemed slightly seductive and oozed a feeling of overwhelming strength, the change caught him completely off guard. Her aura alone put him on edge and made him feel like an ant, and she was the boot.

Reiko went from 187cm to 210cm tall, her eyes had blood red iris' glowing like coals with black cracks running through them and pupils which seemed to be black holes. Her hair seemed like it was made from strands of the abyss, calling it black wasn't quite enough to do it justice.

Considering that both his mother and sister became very tall, he assumed that he would probably get taller, once he learned to 'unseal' his appearance. Considering his mother's and sister's change he had come to the understanding that he was somehow sealed into a mortal form.

"Alright, we should head off", Reiko started walking to the door to get her boots. "I will drop by with your older brother next time, you should talk to him as well. I have a few things to deal with so I will head off, Chie feel free to stay if you want."

"Nah I have to go as well, Anthony is probably waiting for me to come home. I don't really want to make him wait. He had a long day at work, thanks to someone", Chie glared at Reiko a little. Anthony was Chie's husband and was also employed by Reiko.

"He's the one that offered to be vice-master, I just agreed. Besides, why are you glaring at me, it's not like I'm keeping him at work, I'm pretty much retired", Reiko felt that the glare from her daughter was slightly undeserved. She hadn't been to work on Earth in a long time and as such wasn't in control of what was happening there. She had passed almost all authority to Anthony, so if he wanted to go home early it was entirely up to him.

"Hmph, although it's true that he offered, it is also true that he wouldn't have so much work if you went there every once in a while."

"I have better things to do, he is doing a fine job of managing the place. Besides, it's not like anyone but the elites would recognise my face at this point. Unless I teleport in I'm not getting into my office since no one will even let me enter."

"Please enlighten me about these 'better things to do'."

"I'm going to deal with things in Zephir and Iris", while having this conversation they had walked to the door and Reiko had gotten dressed, so she simply said a quick goodbye to Akito and disappeared.

"Well if it's Zephir and Iris then it's definitely more important." Chie couldn't really dispute her mother's statements. "I'm gonna head off as well Akito, if you want to see me or have any worries or questions then message me, and I will come as quickly as I can. Don't worry about the fact that I live in Canada, it's just a teleport away for me." Although Chie often teased her younger brother, she loved him a lot. Since they had dropped a bomb on him today, she knew he would have to spend some time thinking so she offered to talk to him if he needed it. Based on her own experience she knew it might help talking to someone.

After getting dressed and also saying goodbye to Akito she similarly disappeared.

He was left slightly stunned as he hadn't gotten a word in and both his mother and sister vanished on the spot, however, based on what his sister said before leaving he knew it was teleportation.

'Well, that explains how they always show up at the same time and will little to no prior notice...'

He stood in the hallway for a while and then decided to just go to sleep, although it was still only 3 pm he had his whole view of the world flipped, ripped and burned. So he decided it would be better to think about it after a nap.