
The Eternal Love [贰叁]

The moment her eyes locked with mine, something inside me awaken. The moment she fell in my arms, I felt it, I felt a shift somewhere deep inside me. The moment our lips apocalypsed, I could feel my control slipping away. One day, the long-withered flowers will blossom again. The rain will pour again, but that time, it'll wash away the pain..and with that, our love will split in two worlds. Maybe our wishes and reality will never incline. Maybe in next life, she'll find the peace of mind. But my soul will recognize hers in any world, any time. And in the end of it all, I'll hold her again in my arms.....

Wu_Zixing · History
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40 Chs

※ Chapter 33 ※

Meihua's POV »☆●

The three of us continue to gain ground as the bear's pace slows. I can see exhaustion etched onto its face as we're closing in. It veers off into a small cave and disappears from sight.

"It's cornered!" I exclaim.

"But not captured. I'll lure it out," Luhan's voice determined.

"Snare will be my task then," Se adds, scanning the area for a suitable spot to set up a trap. With practiced ease, he finds a nearby tree outside the cave and begins to set up a snare. Meanwhile, Luhan leads me over to the mouth of the cave, eyes fixed on the darkness within. Inside, I can just make out the massive shape of a bear, eyes glittering with fierce determination.

"This might be more of a problem than I first thought," Luhan murmurs low, frowning.

"We've to outsmart it," My mind starts racing with possibilities.

I position myself next to Se's trap, my eyes flickering between the snare and cave entrance. The bear growls deep in its throat, sensing that it's been backed into a corner.

With a sudden burst of energy, I collapse onto the ground, playing dead. The bear approaches my body, sniffing curiously.

"Now!" Se's voice rings in my head. He's mindlinking to give me signal. I slightly open my eyes to see a triumphant smile in his face. He realized I received his signal.

Alright, I messed up. I kind of gave away that I was lying about not feeling the mindlink earlier. But this isn't an appropriate time to grief about it. There's a bear over me.

I spring into action and roll away from the bear, just at the time I hear the taut pull of rope. The bear looks down in confusion, its hind leg caught firmly in the trap.

"Trap secured?" Luhan asks as he rushes over in our direction.

"Yep, we've caught ourselves a bear," Se's voice brim with satisfaction.

I take a deep breath, my heart still pounding with adrenaline as I turn to face the massive creature now trapped before us.

"You doing okay there, big buddy?" I ask softly, smiling at the angry bear.

"Here," Luhan pulls out the hunting horn from his sleeve, "Blow the horn and call everyone," he stretches his arm, offering the horn to Se.

Nodding to Luhan, Se takes the horn. He raises the horn to his lips, blowing a long and steady note. The dull hum reverberates through the forest, carrying their signal to the waiting nobles. One by one, all the nobles emerge, eagerly surrounding us.

Noticing the trapped bear next to Se, Rosy immediately steps forward, walking past the other nobles, "Behold! Your new Master of the Royal Hunt!" she declares, sweeping her arm towards Se.

The assembled nobles cheer. Uncle Mark sighs in relief and so do l. One baby step closer to the throne.

Se bows deeply, "I'm honored. But I must give credit where it's due. This wouldn't have been possible without the help of my companions, especially Princess Meihua and Spymaster Luhan."

A murmur of approval rings from the crowd. Rosy, however, pouts, her lower lip jutting out in a childish expression of disappointment, "What about me?"

Luhan rolls his eyes, a faint smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Thanks for abandoning me in the middle of hunt for wine," he mutters, his tone dry and teasing.

"You did what?!" Uncle Mark's face contorts in anger as he glares at Rosy.

Rosy shrinks back, trembling in fear and cowering behind Se, who lets out a deep sigh, exasperated by her silliness. He turns to Uncle Mark sheepishly, "Spare her, dad. We have a victory to celebrate."

Uncle Mark's eyes narrow, but after a moment, he nods, his anger dissipating. He shoots Se a smile.

"You're right," he murmurs, his voice now laced with amusement as he turns to address the assembled nobles.

"Despite the anticipation and tension of the hunt, our honorable King Regent has managed to come out victorious - and with the help of allies, no less," he declares, his eyes sparkling.

"This is a moment to savor, a memory to hold close in this year's social season. And speaking of creating new memories," he pauses for a moment, his gaze sweeping around as he takes in the faces of the nobles before him, his voice now warm and inviting, "l earnestly hope that every one of you will do the honor of staying for the banquet tonight. I've some important announcements that I find most suitable to make tonight, in the presence of all noble houses."

I watch as the nobles nod their head in agreement, but their faces are alight with curiosity. Before any major announcements, the noble court already gets insights on the matter through some source. But nobody here has any clue what's gonna be announced tonight, because there haven't been enough time for this to be whispered. Even I can barely fathom it.

I know that tonight's banquet will be like no other I've attended. Tonight, I'm officially declared engaged, and I've nothing to do about it. A million thoughts race in my mind but I refuse to pay attention to any of them. This isn't an ideal time to be overwhelmed by thoughts. It's only time to nod and smile.

As the cheers and whispers of curiousity slow down, Uncle Mark takes his leave and Dylan approaches me.

"Well, well," he drawls, stepping forward with a sly grin. "It appears the seductive princess of Wuluan has the natural skills of an alluring woodland nymph. Great hunt, Lady Meihua."

I roll my eyes, disgusted by his remark. But before I can formulate a response, Yangyang steps forward in front of Se and bows deeply.

"Before formally announcing it to the public," he speaks, voice respectful and deferential, "Let me be the first one to offer my congratulations, Your Regency. I'll miss being known as the Grandmaster of the Royal Hunt, but the title has found a worthy successor - a man of honor. If your victories stay consistent like this, the crown will be yours in no time."

Se nods, his expression solemn and respectful. "Thank you, Lord Yangyang. It means a great deal to me," he looks away from Yangyang, maintaining the polite smile and glances at Dylan, "Though I hope I haven't upset our host."

Dylan flashes a polite smile, but his eyes show a hint of annoyance. "Not at all," his tone sugary sweet, "As much as I love a good hunt, today I felt like taking a small detour."

Gabrielle groans, rubbing her arms, "At least you had a nice stroll. For me, this was a waste of time and now my skin is all red!"

"Now, now," Luhan chuckles, "We can make up for wasted time with some post-hunt party."

Rosy smirks, "That's the first worthwhile thing to come out of your mouth all day."

Dylan holds out his arm to Rosy, his smile still strained, "Then may the host escort you back?"

Rosy wrinkles her nose in disgust, "The bear's excrement would make for more pleasant company."

I suppress a smile, sensing the tension between the two. Yangyang pipes up ever so eagerly, "We can return to camp after the bear is released. Shall I proceed?"

Dylan shakes his head, "Please, allow me to handle such drudgery. That's my duty as a host. Besides, you've all had a long hunt."

Yangyang shrugs, conceding the point. As everyone makes their way back to camp, Dylan approaches me.

"Lady Meihua, a word," he says, beckoning me over.

I hesitate, unsure if I want to be alone with him. But curiosity gets the better of me. I walk over to where he stood by the bear. What can possibly go wrong? He can't do anything in a place full of nobles. Besides, Se can sense my thoughts. He'll come if something goes wrong.

"I've noticed you're very dedicated in the court matters of Mingluan," he says, his eyes fixed on mine. "Worse, the nobles and the people of Mingluan reciprocate that dedication. Now, I understand that as an ally, you'll help the King-regent. However, that doesn't mean you can forget your place, Princess Meihua of Wuluan," he warns, his voice low and dangerous.

"Prince Karry is still looking for you. You're still in severe danger and under the protection of a foreign realm and few worthless remaining Wuluan soldiers that are faithful to you," he pauses, his gaze flicking over me as if assessing me for weakness, "They may be susceptible to your wiles, but you're no more than another notch in King-regent's line of conquest. Maybe you were a Princess in your broken little Kingdom, but this isn't your home. These aren't your matters to interfere. People support you cause they like you for now but nobody owes you this safety."

He leans in, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. "One wrong move, and everybody will turn their back on you, starting from me," he leans back, a cruel smile twisting his lips, "Do you understand?"

I raise my chin defiantly, meeting Dylan's gaze head-on, "Don't try to intimidate me, boy. I don't fear you," I cross my arms, my eyes narrowing, "And as for the court matters, it was a mutual decision. If you have problems with me attending social seasons, take it up with the King-regent."

His eyes flash with anger as he takes a step closer to me, "If required, I will. But you also need to know the consequences," he pauses, his gaze flicking over me as if sizing me up, "In this world, there are only two things: predators and preys. If a prey forgets their station, if they reach for things they never should've, then a predator will remind them where they belong."

I stand my ground, refusing to back down. He reaches for his crossbow with lightning speed, and before I can even react, he's firing a bolt into the bear's chest at point-blank range. The beast collapses, dead. I stare at him in shock and disbelief, my heart pounding in my chest.

He turns to me, "If needed, I'll be the one to mitigate the problem, one way or another," he gives me a final warning look, then turns on his heel and walks away.

I stand there for a moment, being shaken. I swallow hard, feeling a knot form in my stomach. Dylan's words carry a veiled threat, and I don't like the implication of that. Soon, a worried voice calls out for me. And I turn to see Yangyang rushing towards me.

"Lady Meihua, I heard a shot. Are you okay?" he asks, face creased with concern.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself, "Yes, but the bear... Dylan-" I trail off, unable to finish the sentence.

Yangyang looks towards the bear now laying dead on the ground, and realizes what happened, "That inhuman scoundrel!" Yangyang exclaims, his fists clenching at his sides.

Suddenly, from the depths of the cave, we hear a faint whine, and our attention is drawn to it. As we watch in silence, a small bear cub timidly emerges from the bushes and approaches his deceased mother. He sniffs around her, nuzzling at her fur, as if trying to awaken her. My heart aches at the sight.

"Noo..mamabear was protecting her cub," I frown sadly, glancing at the cub.

Yangyang nods, expression pained, "The little one won't survive on his own."

"Then we won't let him be on his own," I declare, determined.

"You suggest the adoption of this cub?" Yangyang asks, glancing at me.

"We shouldn't let this poor baby fend for himself," I reply, my eyes fixed on the cu

"Agreed," Yangyang says firmly, "He shall be taken care of. However, this moment will be formative in his life. Whoever cares for him now will be seen as the parent figure."

As Yangyang speaks, the cub turns his head towards us, his eyes meeting ours for the first time.

At that very moment, I feel an urge to do something to give this little one the life he deserves.

I turn to Yangyang, voice uncertain, "I've never had a pet in my life before, let alone a fierce beast like a bear. And I know you have more expertise with animals than me. However, I really want to keep this little baby. I don't know what to do."

"l suggest you keep him if you desire to," he says, voice calm and steady. "I'll assist you; shall you require it. If you feel frightened of the responsibility, then I don't mind taking it either."

I think for a moment, feeling torn between my desire to keep him and my fear of the responsibility it entails. After a moment of conflict, I make up my mind.

"I'll keep him," I say, firmly and resolutely.

Yangyang smiles warmly and steps back. I approach the cub, steps slow and measured, to not startle him. He takes a few hesitant steps back, wary of a new stranger.

"Hey there, little guy. I'm not gonna hurt you," I whisper gently.

Yangyang quickly reaches behind and brings out a small ration of meat which he hands me. I hold it out to the cub. He sniffs it curiously before biting into it greedily.

As he eats, I slowly reach out and softly rest my hand on his back. He recoils slightly at first, but after a few moments, he relaxes as I stroke his fur.

I pick up the cub, cradling him in my arms. He squirms around at first, but eventually settles into my embrace. I feel a sense of warmth and protectiveness wash over me.

"There, there," I murmur, "I'm sorry about your mom. It'll be okay from now on," I hold him close to my chest, feeling his tiny heartbeat against my own, hoping he can sense my sincerity.

"He looks a few weeks old. He's healthy and in good shape," Yangyang mutters, observing the tiny creature closely.

I grin, "Lord Yangyang, are you also an animal healer?"

"I have experience with many things. It's what made me an attractive hunt master to this Kingdom," he flashes a bright smile, being ever-so confident about his charms, then looks down at the cub in my arms, "But that'll be a story for another time. He demands your attention now."

"Right," I give the cub a gentle stroke, feeling his soft fur under my fingers. "I'm sorry for ignoring you, little guy!" I can hear his soft purring and feel his gentle breath against my skin.

"Perhaps it's time you give him a name," Yangyang suggests, a twinkle in his eye. I ponder for a moment, trying to come up with a suitable name for him.

Suddenly, it hits me.

"Nini! How about Nini?" I suggest, looking up at Yangyang.

"Nini.." Yangyang repeats, testing out the name. "A splendid name befitting an adorable pet. I like it."

"Then, Nini it is!" I say, looking down as he nuzzles his tiny nose against my arm, "You like that, Ninibear?"

Nini lets out a soft purr, as if responding to his new name.

"That's right, Nini," I say in a low voice, "Together we'll get revenge on Dylan and show the whole court we're a force to be reckoned with."

Nini puffs his chest out and struts around, each stride kicking up mud onto Yangyang's pristine hanfu.

Yangyang gasps and takes a step back, trying to avoid the splatters. "He's a messy thing!"

"He's proud of his strength," I grin as Nini continues his victory lap around us.

"I'd appreciate if he contains his pride while in the mud," Yangyang replies dryly.

I turn to Nini, placing a hand on his back, "We need to lay down some ground rules, okay? First and most important of all, you must funnel all your bad behavior towards Lord Yangyang!" I give Yangyang a sly smile.

Nini gives a soft grunt of agreement, and I feel a surge of affection for this tiny creature, who has already been through so much.

"But I'll not simply answer to your every paw and whine. I expect a modicum of manners," Yangyang steps back, his expression stern. Nini excitedly jumps around, splashing Yangyang with more mud.

I can't help but giggle at the sight, "It might take some time to sink in," I try to stifle my laughter.

"l shall begin instilling manners into Nini at once," he declares, bowing gracefully and scooping up the tiny cub. Nini climbs all over him, leaving muddy paw prints all over his hanfu, "Come along, Nini. Let's get both of us cleaned up."

As Yangyang walks away with Nini, I make my way back to the camp. I find Se and Rosy waiting for me at the edge of the forest.

"There you are! We were starting to get worried. You're delaying my date with a warm fire," Rosy complains.

"You look shaken. Something happened?" Se asks, noticing the distress on my face.

I shake my head, trying to push down the memory of the gruesome scene that had unfolded in front of me, "Dylan has a unique way of expressing himself. Does he always kill animals to make a point?"

"He did what?!" Se's eyes widen in shock and disgust.

"The subtle art of diplomacy has never been his strong point," I comment sarcastically.

"He has no right to do that. I'll remind him of his place," Se's fists clench in anger. With a determined stride, he walks away, disappearing into the forest.

I turn to Rosy and let out a heavy sigh, trying to shake off the weight of the day's events. But before I can say anything, Rosy excitedly grabs my shoulder.

"Dylan's idiocy aside," she says with a bright smile on her face, "You've a lot to prepare for. You're getting engaged tonight!"

To Be Continued »☆●