
The Eternal Love [贰叁]

The moment her eyes locked with mine, something inside me awaken. The moment she fell in my arms, I felt it, I felt a shift somewhere deep inside me. The moment our lips apocalypsed, I could feel my control slipping away. One day, the long-withered flowers will blossom again. The rain will pour again, but that time, it'll wash away the pain..and with that, our love will split in two worlds. Maybe our wishes and reality will never incline. Maybe in next life, she'll find the peace of mind. But my soul will recognize hers in any world, any time. And in the end of it all, I'll hold her again in my arms.....

Wu_Zixing · History
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40 Chs

※ Chapter 30 ※

Sehun's POV »☆●

"Stow this baggage in that cabinet."

I command the carriers while monitoring everything. The hunt team prepares to take on. I stand near the central carriage surrounded by royal guards when I see Rosy escorting Angel to the awaiting Mingluan caravan. Walking past the gathered crowd, they approach me.

I nod to Angel and open the door to the carriage as she and Rosy climb in. Since morning, I couldn't help but notice the way she looked at me was different than usual. At first, I thought it's probably because she was hurt by my outburst that day but now I know the actual reason.

I honestly don't know what to feel about this. I've never thought as far as marriage. But I know damn well that if I did, I wouldn't want it this way. But at this point, we're going to any extent to secure the throne. I can't forget the main focus of my life. I just don't wanna hurt her in the process. The way dad explained, she seems to be fine with it and I'm not surprised. She'd do anything for us, even sacrificing herself because she feels like she owes us. But what does she feel about me? That question remains unanswered.

Maybe it's time I reveal to her the thing that's been bothering me. She deserves to know that before anyone, especially if we were to wed. I contemplate these thoughts and sigh. After making sure everyone's in and set, I join Rosy and Angel in the central carriage and the ride begins.

"Good to see you again," she mutters awkwardly. She has never talked to me this formally but again, she has never been this uneasy around me.

"Yeah, same," I look away, a slight pause follow before I speak again hesitantly, "I've.. heard about the.. engagement."

"Oh.." she mutters.

And then nothing. I've no idea what to say, and I can feel the tension in the room. Dammit! What should I say? I fidget a bit and try to alleviate the awkwardness. The silence is deafening.

"Surely there's something you want, a dream of your own?" I finally break the silence.

"l don't know about you guys but right now, I want wine," Rosy pulls out a bottle of wine from the back compartment and starts pouring for herself, "What are you suggesting anyway, gege?"

"Foreign alliance base on conditions, both parties must benefit from this to be fair," I glance at her then look down before saying, "l can't ask you to..marry me without something in return. Once I'm king, I shall grant you anything within my power."

"Don't be ridiculous, Se. You're the reason why I have a shelter above my head. And I already have your army pledged to fight for me. What else could I need?" she shrugs and I can sense she genuinely means it but I disagree with her.

I shake my head, "The first thing you mentioned came completely from personal affection and I don't want to involve alliance conditions with it. Secondly, I didn't give you the army, you earned it."

She sighs, accepting defeat, "Very well, let me think.." she taps her chin, "In exchange for making you the King...l wanna know about my family. My mother, brothers, sisters - if there's anyone alive, where are they, how are they."

As soon as she says that, I feel cold. The air feels heavy. Both Rosy and I render to be rather speechless. I could feel how she tried to sound strong like it's nothing but I can also feel how hurt she's inside. No matter how much we try to avoid it, her past is unbearable. It hurts me to see how lonely she feels even in the midst of so many of us. I wish I could do something about it.

I firmly press my hands on her, pushing the uneasiness aside because I can only think of comforting her now. I gaze at her softly, "I'll put together a team to use all of China's resources and find out about your family."

"Thanks," she smiles weakly.

Rosy clears her throat, "Then let's toast to defeating Dylan and his stupid dog!" she squeals, changing the dull atmosphere.

"We're not gonna drink in the morning. That's embarrassing," I roll my eyes.

"At least pretend!" Rosy hands both of us an empty goblet. Angel and I look between each other then clink our glasses with her.

"Now.." Rosy leans into her seat and sips her wine, "Lord Yangyang was last year's hunt master. We need to unseat him."

I nod, "Not that it'll be easy."

"Whereas he may have experience, you have me, Se. And all of us. So, let's get the throne!" she hums in an encouraging tone. What she doesn't know is her simple words of affirmation immediately awakes a strong spirit in me. That sweet and calming: you have me, echoes endlessly in my head.

The carriage rolls to a stop at the hunting grounds. I open the carriage door and offer her hand to help her down. She smiles and accepts my hand, stepping out balancing on my hand. Dad steps out of another carriage with Mom and glances at us with a smile. I know what's in their mind. Sensing Angel getting uncomfortable, I let go of her hand immediately.

We walk through the grounds. Teams of servants file in-and-out of warmly lit tents, to groom horses for the hunt. Our exploring was going great until Dylan came in view. I sigh deeply and put on a fake smile as he walks up to greet our group.

He bows to all of us then looks directly at me with a smile, "Welcome, Your Regency. I see Lady Meihua took pity on you and offered her assistance once again. Not blaming you for bringing her though, I too find it hard to say no when a beautiful lady begs for my company."

"She came out of free will, thank you very much," Rosy cuts him off and bows deeply as if creating a shield.

He looks in between me and Angel with a smirk, "l see, so the road wasn't the only thing causing His Regency's carriage to shake. Oh, to be you, Your Regency."

Rosy frowns in disgust and her lips slightly part as she was about to respond. But Angel squeezes her shoulder, gesturing her to take a step back as she steps forward and bows to him, "Greetings Lord Dylan, I didn't think you could be any more disgusting," she smiles at him, taking a step back, "But I guess there's always a new low."

He scoffs with a smug face, looking proud, "It's an art form."

"It really isn't. Nobody wants to hear your embarrassing fantasies," I groan.

"Really? I happen to think they're quite enjoyable," Dylan mutters.

"Of course, you do. They're embarrassing and you're you," I shrug. Rosy and Angel glances at each other, trying to hold back laughter.

"Well, if there's nothing between you two, then you fail your reputation, Your Regency. Anyway, good luck for today," Dylan grins.

I nod, "l believe whoever wins will do their best to serve Mingluan."

Just then, Yangyang walks up to Dylan and taps him on the shoulder.

"Lord Dylan, the hunt should commence soon, yet you haven't introduced our quarry," he states.

Dylan turns around to face him, hitting on his back in a friendly way, "Yangyang, my eager friend, I was only waiting for the last of our guests to arrive, and now they're here."

Yangyang finally glances at us, and immediately dips into a bow, "Your regency. Lady Rosy. Lady Meihua," he greets.

I bow back to him, "l wish you a good hunt, Lord Yangyang."

"As do l, Your Regency. Now if we can actually begin this hunt," he glances at Dylan.

"Of course, I've had enough foreplay for now," Dylan raises his hands in surrender and leaves with Yangyang, when I wave in the distant to Luhan, indicating him to come. Luhan approaches us with a few soldiers and four horses in tow and informs me that the steeds are saddled and ready.

"l see you brought a stallion for yourself. Are you hunting too?" Angel asks Luhan.

He nods, "With King Wang's assassin's unknown and the pack attacks, I should be more hands-on with Se's security."

Rosy fluffs out the pillow on her saddle, double checking all her stuff, "Imported Cotton Pillows? Umbrella for wind, sun and rain? Wine? Fine cheese and bread? Blanket? All check. This hunt might be painless afterall."

"Wow, smart preparation Rosy," Angel smiles awkwardly.

"l know right?" she pouts, pointing a finger at me, "But gege keeps scolding me saying it's silly."

"Of course, it is. That's an embarrassing amount of things for one hunt," I blurt out, annoyed by her failed attempt to look cute.

"l don't like being outdoors so I'll pack whatever comforts will help me get through the trip," Rosy shrugs.

Luhan chuckles, looking at Angel, "She expects us to do most of the hunting."

"Correction, all of it," Rosy giggles, "Play to your strength!"

Angel crosses her arms, "Not fair. Where's my blanket?"

Just then, the low thud of a drum captures our attention. A wagon with a covered cage rolls up beside Dylan.

Ruffling his dog's fur, he addresses the crowd with a smile, "Welcome friends, enemies, future lovers, current lovers, and jilted lovers, to the Grand Hunt of the social seasons. As this year's sponsor of the hunt, I'm excited to introduce you to our quarry!"

With a dramatic wave, he pulls off the cage to reveal..

A bear?


We're supposed to hunt a damn bear??

"Seems like this hunt will favor speed and wit. I relish the challenge of capturing the fierce beast." Yangyang comments.

Gabrielle nods, "The hunt might have some excitement afterall."

"What do you think, Your Regency?" he smirks looking directly at me.

I tilt my head, unbothered, "l think your intimidation skills need work."

He chuckles, "What! I'd never ever do anything to intimidate you," he takes a step closer to me, "l only aim to defeat you."

"Careful," Angel calls out, "Wild animals are known to bite lesser handlers."

Dylan smirks, "Good thing I have plenty of experience with my gentle hands."

Suddenly, the bear roars. Dylan recoils back. His dog snuggles into him in fear. Everyone breaks into a laughter.

"Unruly thing!" he groans.

Rosy giggles, "Perhaps we should hunt Lady Zzar next?"

Dylan gasps dramatically, covering his dog's ears, "Don't listen to them, Lady Zzar. They're jealous of your fluff!"

Servants roll the wagon to the edge of the forest and open the cage. Using torches, they scare the bear into the forest.

Yangyang clears his throat, "l remind everyone to not hurt the bear. A true hunt master can capture any prey alive."

"Yeah, whatever," Dylan faces the crowd, "Now keep your allies close and trysts secret. Let the hunt begin!"

The nobles cheer, mount up and ride out into the forest.


As soon as we dive somewhat deep inside the forest with our horses, the team pauses and looks at Angel expectantly. In the royal library she read about the quarries so we depend on her knowledge today. We werewolves can pick up the scent of any nearby creature but I don't know any tactics to hunt a bear without hurting it. We hunt, foxes, elks, sheep and deers.

I look at her, "Ideas?"

She tilts her head, thinking, "Hmph, bears make their dens in caves or hollowed trees. Then mark off the territory around them with claw marks and toothmarks."

"Yeah, sorry, you lost me. Tell us what exactly to do?" Rosy asks.

"Look for the markings. The bear may wander into another hunting party before it finds shelter, so we need to stay on its track," she suggests.

Luhan nods, "Your knowledge is our secret weapon."

"l hope it helps because it's not getting warmer out here," Rosy wraps herself around a velvet blanket from as the rest of us begin to look for tracks.

I dismount from my horse and begin a quick search on the grounds. I'm faster without the horse anyway. Within a few seconds, I've analyzed the grounds and found a clue. I call the team out as they're still at far distance on their horses, "Over here, I picked up the bear's trail."

"Already? Damn, your alpha senses," Luhan mutters as the team approaches with their horses. Luhan dismounts and kneels over the set of prints in the ground. Rosy and Angel follow.

Rosy analyses the prints squinting her eyes, "Bear tracks look like human feet, but bigger and with claws. I didn't know bears were so similar to us werewolv-"

"Hush," I cut her off before she can finish, glaring at her, "We're on a royal hunt, you idiot."

"Come on, it's not like there's someone else," she shrugs.

"There is," Angel whispers, putting a finger over her lips telling us to be silent. Soon, I sense a human presence too, along with something else. Once again, she sensed before me.

We all glance further up the trail where we spot another rider. Dylan.


He steers his horse with one hand while talking to the dog cradled in his other arm, "Now, Lady Zzar, just because your adorable sniffer lost the bear's scent to the breeze doesn't make you any less talented a hunting dog."

As if responding to him, the dog groans softly and he dramatically gasps, "Of course I mean it!"

He'll know he's on the right trail if he sees us. I can't let him know we're here.

"Team, hide," I command as we break away from the group and stealthily creep through the bush until he leaves. The last I see is him combing the dog's fur as he trots off the trail in the opposite direction we were tracking.

"He's gone," Luhan assures as we rejoin.

"Good, I didn't bring enough wine to deal with Dylan," Rosy sighs in relief.

I hit her head, intentionally hard, "Don't forget you almost exposed us to him. Wait until dad finds out."

"Gege! You wouldn't tell dad!" Rosy gasps as her face pales.

"Of course, I would. Dad spoils you. He needs to know how careless you are," Se growls.

"Gongzhu!" Rosy pouts, hiding behind her.

"Alright! Alright!" she giggles, "Se, she didn't think through. Besides, Dylan is too in love with his dog to overhear anything."

"Exactly! Gongzhu's the best!" Rosy wraps her arms around her.

"Fine! Let's keep going," I roll my eyes. We hop on our horses and continue tracking through the woods.

While riding down a trail, I hear a voice calling out from the trees. Looking up, I see Yangyang and Gabrielle hanging from a net trap.

To Be Continued »☆●