
Chapter 3

On Screen

We can see OAA, Rakshasa, and omni are now in the elevator descending, the elevator have a force field and no metal infront of them, so they can see the state of the city.

"Shit, our forces are getting pinned down," omni see their army is pushed back by their enemy, "The spectral inferno is determined, I'll give them that even they wanted to see luminous destroyed," bibi dong said looking at the city being at war.

OAA :"Not destroyed Rakshasa, simply taken,he knows that neoth is gone or dead his army is now at it's weakest."

OAA still didn't believe neoth is dead, he knows how powerful his friend is so he hope that he is still alive, "Focus the task on the hand, we need to secure the city first," they arrived at their destination and get out of the elevator.

Off Screen

The omniverse now look at the state of the city, it is now at war, so many destroyed buildings and many aircrafts are falled down to the ground, explosions are everywhere, the sound of swords, guns, etc can be heard, they think it seems like the war is taking toll to them and also their enemy.

On Screen

They arrive that seem to be a base, there are people moving supplies to the ships, turrets and cannons are firing at the ground and sky, people are working on a big hologram screen, etc. They come to a big round table, suddenly shows a big hologram of a woman wears an advance suit of armor and big armor, "If anyone can hear this the inferno forces are breaking through the rear we need backup," she put her hand on his head of the coming dust.

"Sunset bunny, can you hear me" OAA tried to communicate with the girl, "OAA, is that you, my forces are pinned down and we need back up where is neoth?" She quickly requested backup, but OAA tell her the bad news, "Bunny, I am sorry but neoth is dead."

Bunny who heard this shocked, "He-he is dead what are we going to do now?" Her shoulders slumped and sad about neoth's death, "Tell the emperor's forces now I am on the temporary command and bunny keep the air forces busy, while we are going o get those turrets online," bunny nod her head and cut the communications.

Rakshasa sounded shocked under her helmet, "temporary command?" She look at him confused.

OAA explained to her "Neoth trusted his forces to me if he is dead or missing, he is, our teammate, our friend and my brother, so we need to know if he is alive or not," rakshasa accept his explanation and they go to the front door.

Off Screen

They see the base and see the people are very busy, their technology is so advance but what shock them is the holographic projecting a woman with an advanced suit of armor also wearing a big armor, they are interested and fascinated.

Infinite Stratos Universe

IS Academy

The students and the teachers are watching the screen that is in the air and also the entire world are watching. They are interested in ths screen and they stopped what theu are doing and watch the screen.

Houki :"Hey is that an IS?"

She is surprised to see an IS suit in the screen, she is interested in the war but never expecting an IS suit to be showed.

Cecilia :"Yeah, I am interested in the one controlling the IS suit, it also seems like more advance and more powerful than our IS suit, maybe in the entire world."

She never see an IS suit like that even more advance even the ones like laura did not know or seen an IS that is more advance and more heavier weaponry.

Chifuyu orimura also see this IS suit and report to the higher officials to see if there is someone who built this IS suit, she knows the chances might be slim because the technology and the powers that she has never seen in the screen ever happened in her world. She remember one person who is smart the person might be building a strong and more advance IS but it is still impossible because the IS technology was shown in the screen is more advance but when she heard the word 'bunny' she thinks of one person.

'Could it be you, but that can't be, if that is you what is your relationship with these people and how do you get to know them or have the tech to built an IS?' She thinks of the possible way this person know these people.

Meanwhile in a place nobody knows, there is one person who is also watching the screen, She has purple eyes, long purple hair that extends to her hips, wears a lab-coat and a pair of robotic rabbit ears. She is shinono tabane, the creator of The IS.

She is surprised to see the IS in the screen, "WOW, that is an advance IS, I wonder what weapons will it be use, what energy source it used, how can it be manufactured, what material is it to built this IS," she has so many questions but unknown to her she will be surprised of who is the woman who is driving the IS.

Warhammer 40k universe

The universe is watching the video, the chaos gods and their army are watching the screen with interest and obviously the army of the chaos god of rage, khorne and his army are excited to see a blood and death of people in the war.

The humans who are watching and also the primarchs are sad and mad about their emperor is dead, many people are now going to kill last one of the chaos gods army and even the primarchs are also joining them along with the idea of killimg the four chaos gods. They heard the man name OAA is commanding the forces of the emperor which shocked them, because the emperor never give anyone a command on his army even his childrens.

What shocked them is their emperor is their teammates and friends, they are even more surprised that OAA even called that man his brother. They are thinking does that mean the emperor has a brother but the emperor never talked about it even showed them even his sons didn't know about it.

Unknown to them the emperor is also watching the screen, he is suddenly can see the people in his throne room and can see the screen, 'what does that mean this man is my brother and are these people are goimg to be my teammates and friends but I never meet them or heard any of them?' He is confused of what the screen showed to him.

On screen

Omni is going to the computer panel opening the door, they see an inferno dropship but is was destroyed by the turret, they move forward and see the enemy is firing at them, "move forward eternals, take them out," he shoots laser eyes from his helmet, omni turn into a red creature with four eyes and four arms and rakshasa fly cuts her enemies with her sword.

The road was clear and they begin to move out, they go inside a building and used an elevator to go to the top. When they arrive they see the enemies and kill them, the area was clear, they see the control panel of the anti-arcraft laser guns infront of them.

OAA begin to activate the guns and they can see from the blast shield infront of them, the laser guns are firing at the enemies ships and aircrafts, "Yeah take that you inferno creeps," omni rejoice at the inferno deaths.

Rakshasa :"This is no time to celebrate omni, the enemy may be losing air forces but the ground is still in chaos."

OAA agreed with rakshasa, "I agree with rakshasa, just because we control the air, that doesn't mean the ground also be control on our side, we also need to go to the decagon to secure our supplies," omni who heard both of them agreed at their statement.

Off Screen

The omniverse see the anti-aircraft laser guns are activating and see many inferno ships and aircrafts are being destroyed. They heard what OAA said about the battle field, people who are leaders, the military or experience war agreed with OAA, they can't just celebrate of winning one main battlefield they also need to secure the other battlefields because if one of the battle forces is defeated the others may also be destroyed, they are also curiois of what is decagon.

On Screen

The three of them see an inferno dropship is coming at them, but they did not care because there is a shield generator protecting them, the two make a collison and the three are standing on their ground because the platform is shaking. They see the shield is gone and they go down from the tower.

The three are killing inferno soldiers and advancing towards a building, here they see the destruction inside the building, "HEY" they heard a shout, they see a man wearing an armor jump down from the ceiling and kneel down. He is huge wears an armor, he take out some sort of a stick but suddenly it turns into a hammer and his left arm make a shield.

They kill the enemy easily by cutting his arm and shoot his body, they go ot the elevator and go to the ground floor, they go outside to see a purple crystals all the way from the walls, "What the hell is this?" Omni see the crystals feel an ominous feeling.

Rakshasa also feel an evil energy coming from the crystal, "I don't know but do not touch the crystal, it seems dangerous and I feel bad thing about this crystals," she reminded both of them to stay out of these crystals.

Off Screen

The omniverse feel an evil energy coming out from these crystals, some of them feel fear, some of them are interested wanted to take an experiment on these crystals. The really surprise these crystals suddenly pop out from the windows and floor.

Highschool DXD universe

The devils, fallen angels, angels, gods and other supernaturals are sweating to feel anomipus feelings from the crystals it feels like it will kill them from the inside and outside.

Asia :"wh-what kind of cold and evil energy is that?"

She is scared and trembling from the aura of these crystals give out, the others are also not feeling well, some of them are tremble, sweat, and scared, even there are some people are kneel.

Serafall swallowed hard, "What ki-kind of evil energy is that, it feels like death and evil," this is the first time she feels very scared, she didn't know why but these crystals are giving her a bad feeling.

Ajuka :"I don't know but these crystals are dangerous,"

He is examining these crystals and want to experiment it, but he feeles scared of the enormous evil aura coming out from it.

Percy jackson universe

The greek gods see the crystal and feel fear upon see and feel the energy, this feels like it could kill them if they are near, "Wh-what is-is that thing?" Aphrodite is completly terrified, she never felt fear or scared of death in her entire life it is the first tims she felt like this.

Athena is looking at the crystals with intent, "This crystals must have some kind of enormous energy but it's energy more evil and death," she is sweating from looking at the crystals, she really wanted to take these crystals and study these crystals.

Hephaestus is thingking of some similiar material just like the crystals, he also wonders if he can make weapons or armor from the crsytals. He also fascinated of the advance technology it was shown in the screen, he wants to know who make these weapons and if happens he wants to work together with this person to make projects.

On Screen

They walk to see more crystals coming out from the walls, they go inside a building and see from the glass there is a big machine with three legs, the middle of the machine also have some drill on thw ground the machine goes down and crystals are coming out, "Help, help us" they see a soldier who is punching the glass call for help.

"Guys, get the hell ot of there," omni exclaimed to them.but to late the crystals are spreading out, the man who punch the glass was suddenly stab with the crystal killing him. They look at this with horror, "There is nothing we could do omni," OAA sais sasly to omni. They can't help them but their sacrfice will never be in vain, they go inside the room and face the machine.

"What the hell is that thing?" Omni said trying to destroy the machine, "It is the inferno war machine, I have seen it in the reports look out for the incoming lasers," OAA infrom them and see many lasers are coming out from the middle of the machine.

They dodge the lasers and attack the war machine, they fired their weapons and swing their swords at the war machine and finally the machine is destroyed and fall to the ground. "Yeah, take that you infernos nothing will stop us," omni is enjoying the victory, "That's the spirit omni, move forward," they destroyed the crystals and go out of the building.

Off Screen

The omniverse are celebrating the destroyed inferno war machine, some peoppe are now inetrested of how are these war machines manufactured, they now know the source of these crystals, turns out these war machines produce these crystals. They also see these war machines are also tough to destroy.

On Screen

They are now speeding out and try to go to the decagon but they heard someone is talking, "Inferno's look out I see three hostiles are coming your way, destroy them," the communications cut out, "Shit, OAA they spotted us," Omni said to OAA bit when OAA was avoid to answer they heard a noise from above and see, many cannons and lasers coming towards them, they've been hit and the road was destroyed, The screen suddenly black out.

Off Screen

The omniverse see the three of them are hit by cannons and lasers, the screen is blackout, unknown if they are still alive or not, but hopefully they are still alive.