

In the mystical realm of India, a lone vampire, Rudhir, wanders through the cities, seeking answers to his eternal existence. His immortal journey began with a mysterious and magical encounter with the enigmatic vampire, Kaal. Yet, the secrets of his past remain shrouded in darkness, leaving Rudhir with an insatiable thirst for truth. For centuries, he has roamed the land, searching for clues to unravel the mystery of his immortal life. One fateful evening, in the picturesque city of Dehradun, Rudhir's path crosses with a captivating stranger, Roshni. As she steps off the bus, their eyes meet, and Rudhir is struck by an uncanny resemblance - Roshni's face is identical to his long-lost love, Priya. The threads of fate entwine their lives once more, rekindling a love that was never meant to be. The memories of Priya's warmth, her laughter, and her tears come flooding back, and Rudhir is torn between his desire for answers and his longing for a love that has been lost for centuries. As Rudhir delves deeper into the mystery of Roshni and Priya, he unravels a tapestry of secrets, lies, and ancient curses. With each step, the stakes grow higher, and the danger draws near. He must navigate the treacherous landscape of his own heart, confronting the darkness that has haunted him for centuries. The whispers of his past echo through the ages, warning him of the dangers of loving a mortal. Yet, Rudhir cannot resist the allure of Roshni's smile, the sparkle in her eyes, and the gentle touch of her hand. Will Rudhir uncover the truth about his immortal existence and the women who have captivated his heart? Or will the shadows of his past consume him forever? As he walks the fine line between love and destruction, Rudhir must confront the ultimate question: can a vampire's heart ever truly be redeemed? Dive into the world of "The Eternal Embrace" to discover the fate of these star-crossed lovers, and unravel the mysteries of their eternal embrace. Join Rudhir on his journey through the realms of love, loss, and redemption, as he searches for the truth and fights for a love that transcends the boundaries of time and mortality.

Aman_5577 · Fantasy
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23 Chs


Ch 9 - Roshni Discovery

Chapter - 9

Did... did he...? Did he kill them??? Roshni muttered to herself after seeing the bodies of three Suraj subordinates. She was afraid that if Rudhir had killed them, he might be a serial killer. Roshni was really trembling just thinking about it, but suddenly something hit her - there were several slashes on the three bodies like some animal had attacked them.

Their clothes and body parts were cut down to half, and just looking at them, someone could say it was the work of a stray animal. Then Roshni turned towards the other two bodies of Suraj subordinates who got knocked out from Rudhir's punch. She checked them, but their faces were broken and bloodied, and they were just unconscious but alive.

Now Roshni understood what had happened. She took a deep breath and muttered to herself in relief, "He didn't kill them because, first, he can't slash like some stray animals, and second, it's four against two - how can he win even if he can take four on him alone? He can't kill them right away like this, and those two bodies are the proof." She sighed, started looking for Rudhir, and said, "Where is he? Is he hiding somewhere because of the stray animal? But why didn't he come to me? Is he afraid the stray animal was following him?"

Just as she was thinking, a figure landed on her shoulder, and she panicked, thinking someone had touched her. She turned towards the man, and as she turned, she saw Rudhir with a smile. She sighed in relief. Rudhir just said, "Why are you here? This isn't safe. I think I told you to sit on the rock and wait for me." Roshni felt confused, didn't say anything, just hugged him, and said, "Thank you, thank you, for saving me again." Rudhir didn't say or do anything, and as she released him, Rudhir said in a cold voice, "You didn't answer my question. I said, why are you here?"

Roshni felt something was wrong; she was looking at Rudhir, feeling that Rudhir didn't want her to be there. Was he hiding something from her? But she shrugged her shoulders and said, "You didn't come to me, and I heard some noise, so I came to check what was happening here." She pointed to the three dead bodies and said, "What is this? They are dead. Is there a stray animal here who attacked you or them?" Rudhir just said in an emotionless face, "Yes, a stray animal attacked us when we were fighting. I ran somewhere safe and hid. He killed these three, then that boy started running, leaving behind his friends. The animal just ran after him, and I don't know what happened. Anyway, why are you here in the first place? Did they kidnap you?"

Roshni, after listening to this, just sighed, then took a deep breath and told Rudhir everything about how she was betrayed by her so-called new friends, how they drugged her and kidnapped her. Rudhir, after listening, stayed calm and said, "It's okay, you're safe with me here now. Call the police and tell them what happened." Roshni nodded and said, "I don't have my phone. Can you have one?" Rudhir nodded and said, "Yeah," then he picked out his phone from his pocket and dialed some number.

On the other side, someone picked up the call and said, "Hello, Rudhir. How are you? Long time no see? What happened? Why are you calling me at this hour?" Rudhir just told everything to him, and the other side nodded and said, "Oh, don't worry, I'll take care of it. I'll meet you tomorrow. For now, just take the girl with you." Rudhir nodded, said okay, and cut the call. Then he said to Roshni, "Let's go." Roshni felt confused, said, "Huh? What? Who did you call? We have to tell the police about it - they're three dead bodies, two unconscious, and one missing. Why are you so calm? Can't you see?"

Rudhir just looked her in the eyes and said, "I said I'll take care of it. Let's go. Police and ambulance are arriving here soon, and we didn't leave now, who knows? That stray animal might attack us again." Roshni tried to protest but failed miserably. Rudhir just carried her in princess style and started walking towards the road. Roshni felt embarrassed, didn't say anything, just looked away from Rudhir. Some minutes later, they arrived on the road, and there was a black Audi, a very expensive car. Rudhir just walked towards the car & opened the car door

The car door opened, and Rudhir placed Roshni in the driver's side seat. He then sat in the driver's seat and asked, "Where do you live?" Roshni, feeling embarrassed and still in her imagination, came back to her senses and said, "I don't have a home here. I just arrived in the city, and I live in a hostel. But now it's 2 am, and the hostel gate closes at 10 pm."

Rudhir didn't say anything and started the car, beginning to drive. Roshni didn't say anything, thinking that Rudhir was taking her to the police station, so she kept quiet and closed her eyes. Some minutes later, the car arrived in front of a villa. Rudhir walked out of the car and opened the driver's side seat, saying to Roshni, "Come out, we're arrived."

Roshni opened her eyes and said, "Huh, we're arrived." She walked out of the car and looked around, seeing a beautiful villa in front of her. They were in a jungle-side area, and Roshni felt confused. She looked towards Rudhir and said, "Where are we? Why are we not going to the police station?" Rudhir just coldly said, "We don't have to go there."

Roshni was still confused and said, "What do you mean we don't have to go there? This is a kidnapping, and some people died; you know?" She was confused and said in a frustrated and slightly angered voice, nearly shouting, "Are you out of your mind?" Rudhir just coldly and calmly said, "I said we don't have to go there. My friend can take care of it. He's coming in the morning here, and then we'll give our statement to the police. Now we are free. You can't go to the hostel at this hour, so I'm taking you to my house, and you are staying here for the night."

Roshni, after listening to this, felt blank and said, "I'm staying at your house?"