

In the mystical realm of India, a lone vampire, Rudhir, wanders through the cities, seeking answers to his eternal existence. His immortal journey began with a mysterious and magical encounter with the enigmatic vampire, Kaal. Yet, the secrets of his past remain shrouded in darkness, leaving Rudhir with an insatiable thirst for truth. For centuries, he has roamed the land, searching for clues to unravel the mystery of his immortal life. One fateful evening, in the picturesque city of Dehradun, Rudhir's path crosses with a captivating stranger, Roshni. As she steps off the bus, their eyes meet, and Rudhir is struck by an uncanny resemblance - Roshni's face is identical to his long-lost love, Priya. The threads of fate entwine their lives once more, rekindling a love that was never meant to be. The memories of Priya's warmth, her laughter, and her tears come flooding back, and Rudhir is torn between his desire for answers and his longing for a love that has been lost for centuries. As Rudhir delves deeper into the mystery of Roshni and Priya, he unravels a tapestry of secrets, lies, and ancient curses. With each step, the stakes grow higher, and the danger draws near. He must navigate the treacherous landscape of his own heart, confronting the darkness that has haunted him for centuries. The whispers of his past echo through the ages, warning him of the dangers of loving a mortal. Yet, Rudhir cannot resist the allure of Roshni's smile, the sparkle in her eyes, and the gentle touch of her hand. Will Rudhir uncover the truth about his immortal existence and the women who have captivated his heart? Or will the shadows of his past consume him forever? As he walks the fine line between love and destruction, Rudhir must confront the ultimate question: can a vampire's heart ever truly be redeemed? Dive into the world of "The Eternal Embrace" to discover the fate of these star-crossed lovers, and unravel the mysteries of their eternal embrace. Join Rudhir on his journey through the realms of love, loss, and redemption, as he searches for the truth and fights for a love that transcends the boundaries of time and mortality.

Aman_5577 · Fantasy
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23 Chs


Ch 11 - The Vampire's Wrath

Chapter - 11

Roshni was paralyzed with fear, unable to move or speak. The man's grip was firm, and she could feel his cold breath on her neck. She tried to struggle, but it was no use. She was trapped. "I SAID, 'WHY ARE YOU HERE?'" the man asked again in his cold and angered voice. Roshni tried to speak, but her voice was shaking. She managed to stammer, "I-I was just looking for a book."

The man's grip tightened, and he pulled her closer. Roshni felt a chill run down her spine as he whispered, "You shouldn't be here. This is a place for the dead." Suddenly, the man's grip loosened, and Roshni fell to the ground. She looked up to see Rudhir standing in front of her, his eyes blazing with anger. Rudhir calmed down a little, took a deep breath, and then turned towards Roshni and helped her up. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice softer than before.

Roshni nodded, still shaken. "Y-yes, I'm fine. Thank you." Rudhir's eyes narrowed. "You shouldn't have come here. This place is dangerous." Roshni looked around, realizing she was in some sort of hidden chamber. The walls were lined with cobwebs, and the air was thick with dust. "What is this place?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Rudhir's expression turned cold. "This is the past. A place where secrets are kept. And you shouldn't be here."

Roshni felt a shiver run down her spine. She knew she had stumbled upon something she wasn't supposed to know. She felt guilty for stepping out of their boundaries, then said, "Sorry, Rudhir. I know I shouldn't have come here, but it was an accident. The book fell to the floor, I picked it up, placed it on the bookshelf, and then the door opened. I was just curious and entered the room. I'm sorry." Rudhir sighed and said, "It's okay, let's go." He walked out of the room, and Roshni followed him.

Both walked out of the room, and then Rudhir turned towards the book and grabbed it. The door closed, and the bookshelf slid back to its previous spot. Roshni suddenly asked, "Who's in the painting, Rudhir?" Rudhir, after hearing this, suddenly turned and walked towards Roshni, leaning in close to her face. They were too close, and Roshni gulped, swallowing saliva in her throat. Rudhir said, "This is none of your business. Don't come here again, understood?" Roshni felt a shiver run down her spine, and she nodded. They were still too close, looking into each other's eyes.

Suddenly, Roshni remembered that Rudhir was half-naked, just wearing a towel on his lower body part. Roshni gulped and said, "Rudhir, you're too close." Rudhir didn't say anything, creating a gap between them. Roshni just sighed and said, "By the way, why are you naked?" Rudhir looked down at his lower body and remembered, saying, "Oh yeah, I was just taking a shower when I heard your voice, so I came here in a hurry." Roshni nodded, and suddenly she remembered something and looked away from him, muttering to herself, "Crap, I'm here in front of a boy who is barely wearing a towel. What the hell? Why am I thinking like this?"

She peeked at Rudhir's six-pack abs and couldn't help but gulp. Rudhir, who noticed her looking at his abs, smiled and said, "I didn't know you were a pervert, Ms. Roshni." Roshni, who heard him, looked away in embarrassment, unable to face the reality that she was actually looking at a man's naked body. She said, "No, I'm not a pervert. You should go now and get dressed." Rudhir smiled, walked towards the exit door, and Roshni felt a relief, muttering to herself, "Oh god, why is he so sexy? And those abs... ahh, what the hell? Shut up, Roshni. You are here for studying and achieving your goal, not for a man."

She started walking towards the door, thinking, "What is happening to me? I didn't feel this way until now. A tons of guys approached me, but I turned them down. But why can't I deal with this? But Rudhir is not like other boys anyway... ahh, this is frustrating. I should keep distance from him." She arrived in the living room and looked at rudhir

Rudhir was sitting on the sofa, wearing a black suit and black shirt. He said, "You should go to sleep now. It's already 3 am, and Vikram is coming at 7 am, so you should get some sleep." Roshni said, "Vikram? Your friend?" He just nodded and said, "You can take the first floor left room." He pointed his finger towards the room, and she nodded and walked towards it. She entered the room, closed the door, and sighed, muttering to herself, "This was a hectic day. I hope today will be good." She fell onto the bed, leaned towards the pillow, and hugged it, thinking, "Ahh, this is frustrating." She couldn't sleep at first, but after a few minutes, she finally fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Rudhir, who was sitting on the sofa, muttered to himself, "What a hectic day, man." He thought about Roshni, "*ROSHNI*, *ROSHNI*, *ROSHNI*... who are you? Why are you like this? And why do you have same face as her ?" He couldn't find the answer to Roshni's mystery, so he leaned backward and closed his eyes. As a vampire, he couldn't get tired easily, but he was mentally stressed after witnessing Roshni almost being raped. He clenched his fist tightly as he remembered the scene where *Suraj* was running from him an hour ago.

A man was running in the woods, sweating and panting heavily. Suraj laughed a little and said, "What a fool! I just have to reach the hostel, and then I will take revenge on this shit man. Who the hell does he think he is? What a fool!" Just as he said this, he was suddenly attacked. He couldn't see anything and fell to the ground. He lifted his head to see what happened and shouted in pain, "*AHHHH*! What the fuck! *AHHHH*!" His legs were cut off from his body, and he was bleeding badly. In front of him, a man was standing, smiling. Suraj felt a shiver run down his spine as the man said, "You think you can run from me? Ha! What a joke!"

Just then, the man's teeth started growing larger, like a vampire's. *Suraj* couldn't help but say, "U... *MONSTER*... you're not human... you're a... *VA*... *VA*... *VAMPIRE*!" But Rudhir just bit his neck, sucking his blood. *Suraj felt a large pain and numbness, and he was just shouting, "*AHHH*! *AHHH*! *AHHHH*! U *MONSTER*! *AHHH*! Leave me! *AHHH*! U *VAMPIRE*! *AAAA*! *PLZZZZ*! I am sorry!" His voice grew weaker, his vision blurry, and he couldn't speak a word.

Rudhir, who had sucked his blood, washed his mouth with his clothes and said, "U have to pay for your crimes." He slashed *Suraj*'s neck, cutting his head clean from his body. But he didn't stop there - slash, slash, slash, the slashing sound echoed in the air as he cut *Suraj*'s body into pieces. Nobody could recognize him now. Rudhir placed his foot on *Suraj*'s cut-off head, pressed it with his foot, and *Suraj*'s head went blasting off. Then, he calmed down, took a deep breath, and said, "You deserved it!"

Back in the present, memories flashed in Rudhir's eyes, and he opened them, saying, "Huh... there are still so many *SCUMS* in society. I thought humans were starting to make improvements, but I couldn't be more wrong. They are weak, greedy, selfish humans... can't be good." Just as he said this, he clenched his fist tightly and muttered, "I don't know what *KAAL* was thinking, sending me here again. Is it a good idea? Could he have known about *ROSHNI*? That's why he sent me here?"


warning .guys this ch is r18 its not r18 for me but its r18 for kids its shows how rudhir was ruthless & voilemt type a man

& guys if u liking this story plz support share this to yout friebds send some power stones or something show some love guys ..❤️

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