
the eternal dungeon core

the path to power for a dungeon core with no limits

eyeofspace · Fantasy
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3 Chs


In a place that was not quite a place where there were many crystals one could not say if they were small or big for they were both at once. Among these almost countless crystals a being could be seen floating before one of them. At a closer look this crystal was different, all the others were bright and colorful but this one was dim like the light before the sun rises. The being spoke "you are the one that 5th plans to discard so I shall help you for me and 5th disagree on the responsibilities of the creator". Then the being spoke once more this time in some surprise "what is this with such soul roots he does not value you he must not have looked deep enough but then again 5th can not see as deep as I" the being was silent for a moment that seemed like an eternity then it spoke again "since it is so and you are more like me you are like 5th BY MY AUTHORITY I 7th TITLE YOU CHALLENGE AND CHALLENGER may you one day reach the peak and the depth and sit with us. I leave to you these gifts firstly a bit of my own soul to act as a shield and filter secondly I have shaped some of your soul and physical form into the runic formations for the formation of archive and research spirits with some modifications and lastly I give you my perception of the world and some knowledge to start out" the being paused then said "you may have questions so I will connect you the asterik records so you may seek your own answers" all around the space the crystals begin to disappear and the being instantly left leaving no trace to follow then the dim crystal too disappeared.

this is the prologue and I will not update often

eyeofspacecreators' thoughts