
The Eternal Conquest: Shadows Of The Self

Well, well, well, looks like we're delving into a whole realm of magic and mythical creatures! You know what that means, my friend? Epic battles, inner demons, and a journey of self-discovery that will leave you, readers, on the edge of your seats! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Meet Rynathar, a young boy caught in the clutches of his own peep darkness. But he's not just any ordinary boy, oh no. He's about to face one hell of a formidable enemy----himself. Dark forces are lurking, ready to tear apart his family and plunge everything into fucking chaos. Now, here's where things get interesting. Rynathar finds himself at a crucial crossroads, torn between the seductive whispers of the shadows and the glimmer of redemption in the light. Choices, my friend, choices that will shape his destiny. Picture this: a world filled with wonders and perils, where every step Rynathar takes tests the very limits of his spirit. This ain't no ordinary adventure, no sir. It's a soul-stirring journey that will transform him into a resilient champion. Prepare for high emotions, tension that can snap like a twig, and raw human strength that will knock your socks off. But amidst all the battles and self-confrontation, there's a haunting question that hangs in the air. Will Rynathar rise above his deepest adversities and emerge triumphant? Or will he forever be haunted by the bitter taste of defeat? Brace yourself, my friend, for a battle that goes beyond the realms of magic and reaches deep into the very essence of our boy Rynathar.

SamMG · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Taking Control

The gentle rays of the morning sun filtered through the cracks in the window, casting a warm glow upon Ryn's peaceful slumber. Slowly awakening, he blinked his eyes open and shielded them from the radiant brilliance.

"Is the sun already up?" he murmured, a tinge of surprise coloring his words. Accustomed to rising at dawn, or even earlier, to assist his mother in the kitchen before joining his father for their morning workout, Ryn found himself momentarily taken aback.

Stepping out of bed, he meticulously made it and began his journey towards the door. However, just as his hand reached for the handle, he hesitated.

A foggy haze clouded his mind as he tried to recall the contents of his dream from the previous night. Yet, to his dismay, his efforts were met with an unsettling emptiness.

It was as if the dream had evaporated into thin air, leaving no trace behind.

Although it wasn't uncommon for him to occasionally struggle with remembering his dreams, usually he would at least catch glimpses or retain a vague sense of their essence.

This time, however, it felt different, like he had entered a deep slumber with a cluttered mind and woken up with a blank canvas.

"No use dwelling on it. Time to go see Sia," Ryn declared, pushing the enigma of his dreams to the recesses of his thoughts. With a smile adorning his face, he opened the door, envisioning the tales he would share with his younger sister, relegating the dream puzzle to the backburner.

"Good morning, Ma," Ryn greeted Enara, his steps slightly staggered as he made his way towards Ellysia. A mischievous twinkle danced in his eyes, brightening his mother's morning and easing some of her worries.

"Morning, son. Did you have a restful sleep?" Enara teased, her voice laced with affection.

Ryn nodded, his smile conveying the extent of his good mood. Suddenly, he paused and turned back to inquire, "Is Father still waiting for me outside, or has he already departed for the hunt?"

Enara turned around, her face tinged with a hint of anxiety. After a moment of contemplation, she replied, "No, your father hasn't returned since yesterday."

A brief silence hung in the air before she added, "Come, help me in the kitchen, son. We should prepare some food before your father comes back."

"Alright, Mom. Let me say good morning to Sia first," Ryn responded, picking up his pace as he headed towards his sister's whereabouts. He could sense his mother's worry about his father's late return, although such occurrences were rare, they were not entirely unprecedented.

Until his father came back, he resolved to alleviate his mother's concerns, for he couldn't bear to see her distressed or sorrowful.

Returning a moment later, Ryn asked, "What should I help with, Mom?" He cherished the moments spent with his baby sibling, sharing enchanting tales, but recognizing his mother's current needs, he had quickly checked on Ellysia before promptly returning to assist his mother in the kitchen.

"Welcome back, Ryn. Bring those plates closer, and please fill this one with water," Enara directed, setting Ryn to work. With swift yet careful movements, he acted as his mother's shadow, seamlessly fulfilling her requests as they worked in tandem.

"Mom, did Father go on a significant hunt yesterday? I thought it wasn't his turn," Ryn inquired during a brief respite from their culinary endeavors.

"No, he didn't have a scheduled hunt. He went scouting instead," Enara replied. "Ah, you mean he was scouting for prey. Understandable since it's his turn for the big hunt," Ryn responded, comprehension dawning upon him.

After a moment of silence, Enara's gaze shifted towards her son, a faint smile gracing her features.

"Yes, he ventured out to seek potential game for the upcoming hunt."

Enara glanced around the kitchen, observing that their cooking endeavors were nearing completion. Most of the dishes were prepared, with only a few needing to be kept warm over a small fire. "Son, go and set the table. We've finished cooking, and don't forget to do your morning workout," Enara instructed, planting a tender kiss on Ryn's forehead before tending to the final touches on the dishes.

"Alright, Mom," Ryn replied, his footsteps leading him towards the table, ready to fulfill his tasks with a sense of purpose and dedication.

Ryn swiftly finished setting the table, arranging the plates and cutlery with practiced precision. With the morning sun casting a warm glow on the backyard, he stepped outside to begin his routine morning workout. Following the familiar steps he had learned from his father, Ryn embarked on a series of exercises, his muscles flexing and his body moving with purpose.

Meanwhile, Enara completed the final touches in the kitchen, satisfied with their culinary achievements. She tiptoed into the nursery to check on the peacefully sleeping baby, a small smile gracing her lips.

Content with Ellysia's well-being, she made her way to a seat near the backyard-facing window, settling down to find solace in watching her son.

As time passed, Enara's exhaustion began to dissipate. She glanced at Ryn, his dedication evident in every movement. "Ah, I should freshen up," she muttered softly, her weariness lifting as she observed her son's commitment.

"I'm done," Ryn exhaled, slightly out of breath, as he completed his workout. Seeking respite, he made his way to his customary spot under the shade of a tree, ready to catch his breath and recover from the exertion.

However, before he could fully relax, he felt a familiar ringing sensation, the same one that had accompanied his previous encounters with the sage-like shadow entity.

Since he had grown accustomed to its presence, he sat down and began meditating, answering the silent call.

"Hello there," Ryn greeted as he materialized in the ethereal realm of the mind, where the shadow entity awaited him. In the distance, the Dark Mirror stood, a mysterious presence.

"I believe you have forgotten our deal," the shadow entity responded, skipping the pleasantries and getting straight to the point.

The absence of a friendly greeting served as a warning to Ryn, triggering a sense of wariness. Unconsciously, he began building a wall of caution around the shadow entity, sensing that its intentions were not aligned with his own.

Previously, Ryn had felt a connection to the shadow entity, perceiving it as a guide and protector, despite the lingering feeling that it concealed certain truths. Yet recently, he had started questioning its motives, suspecting that it harbored its own hidden agenda.

Though lacking concrete evidence, Ryn still wanted to believe that the shadow entity was not his enemy, but rather his ally, an integral part of himself.

"No, I have not forgotten. So, how do you propose we proceed?" Ryn inquired, gathering his thoughts and preparing himself for the discussion.

"How about we take it slowly? While you rest, I will gradually assume control, part by part. All you need to do is give me permission," the shadow entity suggested, its tone resembling the familiar voice Ryn had come to know. The frigid air dissipated, and the sense of danger waned, convincing Ryn that it had returned to its former self.

"Okay, let's do it," Ryn agreed, his words marking a fateful decision that would later fill him with regret.