
Two People Live-Streaming Together

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Please, honey, don't let your face leave my sight."

"Two minutes! My Almighty K has shown his face for two minutes already!"

"He's really not gaming! He's chatting!"

"What are we supposed to be waiting for?"

The assistant wanted to ask too. After all, he was worried. He quickly sent a text from his cell phone. "Young Master, you aren't planning on standing everyone up after live-streaming for two minutes, are you?"

No reply.

Then, he heard a magnetic voice coming from the screen.

"You, come over."



Who was their Almighty K talking to?

The camera swung around.

Countless fans in the live-stream room saw their Almighty K tug someone over and introduce him casually. "This is the little brother who made the sausages."

It was FromNorthToSouth!

Little Brother?

This form of address…

However, those visuals could really stand competition.