
The Escaped Vessel

What is it to be a monster? What is it to be human? Is it not possible to be both, or neither at all? Malik finds himself awakened. Full of jumbled memories that don’t quite fit. In a body that he does not recognize. While he also finds himself next to someone that he can only call a goddess, he begins to learn. Guided by kind hands. He tried his best to assemble who he is from his own mind. But there are cracks. Damage caused by the weak bonds between body, soul, and divinity threaten to tear him apart in all that he is. That’s besides the gods. Their hidden battle goes unspoken but to their closest followers. The followers who are told that a great danger approaches. One that’s hunting for the vessel that was lost. Should he ally with these other god's vessels? Should he even fight the cultists after his body? This brings Malik to a choice. Accept the monstrous body he now resides in and grow stronger. Reject that body and lose his mind. Or completely give in and allow for his fate to be sealed along with his soul decimated by the eldritch god of the unknown. will he make this body his and everything that comes with it?

1King_Rep1 · Fantasy
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152 Chs

Thunder And Lightning

"Two days he has sat there now." Clara was holding herself back. She had stopped many people from walking near Malik now. She could see that there was danger going near him now. 

"I trust that he will be done soon. He is a hungry little monster. As much as he might want tio sit there and study, he will want to eat something sooner than later." Jen knew very well what malik's appetite was like. 

Everyone within the guild had begun to understand that feeding him was a challenge. He could eat more than anyone double his size. It was why anyone eating in the open was a little worried that Malik might make a move for their food too.

While they looked at Malik and his nonstop meditation, Malik had moved on and passed trying to catch the natural runes condensed within the celestial ball. He had understood that he could not catch them and was limited to the wisps of what manas they were leaving behind. 

Therefore, what malik had started to focus on after the discovery of a fully awakened dragon scale armor skill, was the skills he had used recently. 

The lightning scale skill was an interesting skill that used the environment to create a chance to use a powerful fused mana, lightning. As such, it had sped up Malik's agility while also allowing him to stun and cause deeper forms of damage to those he attacked. 

While using the skill was trapped by the conditions of the environment, that didn't mean that malik had not been enlightened when he had been using the skill. He had felt the depths of what lighting should be. It could influence his dragon heart and the body overall if he were to learn to control it. 

This meant that he had to fuse the proper elemental manas together to make it. To make the king of lightning that he wanted to make so that he could properly guide manas to form it. Ensure that it acted on his wim and did not go wild harming those around him as well. 

'Lightning scale- passive/ active

This skill uses fire, water, and wind manas to form a lightning dragon scale cloak around the wielder. Normally they would react with scales covering the entire body, however, without those to guide them, the manas take the form naturally. 

As such, the lightning scales are even more powerful due to having the freedom of being controlled by the user. Hence why bursts of lightning can arc off of the body to strike others nearby. This is the active effects of the skill due to the drain on the user's mana and the constant refinement of outer manas needed to produce this. 

The passive effects cause stunning effects and damage to those that come in direct contact. If in contact with water, there is a high chance that those also touching the same water source can be influenced by the lighting. While the effects are weaker, it is still powerful. 

The draconic aura within this lightning makes it incredibly intimidating to the lower class monsters or races. It will enhance the effects of other skills used in tandem with the lightning scale. 

Note that this skill can not be used without the surrounding required manas to be refined by the dragon heart and the man flow within the body.'

The guide showed him and explained the skill to him again. Allowing Malik to fully memorize and grasp what the skill could do. This was the baseline for his information when he was focusing on the manas needed. 

Fire mana, water mana, and wind mana. Those three came together to make lighting. The skill explained that right away so that malik would understand the environment needed to coat his body in lighting. However, he didn't need to always coat his body in lightning by drawing those manas together. 

What if he wanted to use a smaller amount of the manas together in an instant to strike something with lighting? Or use it to create a small but loud burst of lightning that stunned people with thunder? Could he also use this in a single strike with a metal weapon? 

If he could infuse the metal staff he used with lightning, then wouldn't he have the ability to be able to deal a greater amount of damage that ignored natural physical defenses? 

That idea would allow him to greatly develop a more unique fighting style which utilized speed more than strength. Not that he would lack the psyche strength he had always possessed. It would just enhance the attack since it would deal more physical damage along with the magical lightning damage. 

The reason that Jen and Clara had created a space around Malik that others could not near, was the spontaneous bursts of manas within a twenty foot radius of him. He had begun to try and find the mix of water, wind, and fire manas that allowed for lightning to become one. As such, many failed attempts were risky for both him and others. 

When the fire and water would meet, a sudden burst of steam would cause the surroundings to become damp and heated. Potentially burning others. When the wind and water met, small bits of sharp water and wind would shoot all around Malik's body. Sometimes cutting him and showing off his natural regeneration. 

It was worse when the wind and fire collided without control. The flames would increase in size and heat causing some of the weaker stones nearby to melt. A small bit of heated lava forming before water mana clashed and caused it to cool rapidly as well. The changing space was too dangerous for normal people. 

Malik's understanding grew as he realized that pushing the manas together separately then mixing them was always a failure. Just trying to mix the two of whatever out of the three manas led to improper results. The steam could be useful later. The boost to fire as well. Even the propellant water bullets could be useful. 

Right now though, he had to understand that he needed to guide all three at once. Stop them from drastically breaking one another's balance. So, that's what he started to do. He would split his focus and try to pull three manas together at once. 

This put pressure on his mind, but with his high understanding of wind, water, and fire manas, he felt that the changes in what he did were improving both his ability to manipulate the manas but also the strength of his mind overall. 

The moment that the three manas start to collide, small sparks appeared with tiny popping sounds. It attracted Clara and Jen who had not noticed this form of change. Then before they could get comfortable, they saw a larger flash. Then a crack of thunder. 

Malik leaped up from where he had been sitting for over two days and held out his hands. A slight spark of lightning flashing between them before a popping sound again. Not as strong as the first, but a clear sign that he had increased his water, wind, and fire mana manipulation to a much higher level. 

He had also gained understanding of how to fuse those three manas to the point where he could make a traditional white lightning and thunder clap. The only thing left would to be able to use that in his battle style. To increase the attacking abilities that he had overall. 

'lightning manipulation has been learned through the fusion of elemental mana manipulation techniques. This skill falls in to line with the existing skill, all mana manipulation and increases the strength of that skill overall.'

'It is highly recommended to end meditation and training to allow for this new understanding to settle within the body which is in need of more nutrition.'

The guide reminded Malik of his current state. He Needed more food so that he could keep it within the desert camel stomach. He had consumed a lot more than what he had expected while constantly manipulating manas. 

The high spirit veins had also been strained a lot more. Proving that Malik needed to learn what the limits of his body were better than what he thought. Especially since he could sense that like any muscle, the high spirit veins were tired and the flow of mana throughout his body had weakened for the time being. 

"So you can be done now then?" Jen stood next to Malik surprising him. 

'You will have a lot of cleaning to do. Plenty of it." Clara pointed out the mess he had made. A few new scorch marks from lightning still smoked nearby. 

"I will clean all of this up as soon as I eat enough to replenish the energy I lost. Then I will be able-"

"You will clean it up now. Then you will eat. Then you will rest. The next time you meditate like that you will do so in a special room for mages!" Clara and Jen both yelled at him proving that Malik had no more control right now. 


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

1King_Rep1creators' thoughts