
The Escaped Vessel

What is it to be a monster? What is it to be human? Is it not possible to be both, or neither at all? Malik finds himself awakened. Full of jumbled memories that don’t quite fit. In a body that he does not recognize. While he also finds himself next to someone that he can only call a goddess, he begins to learn. Guided by kind hands. He tried his best to assemble who he is from his own mind. But there are cracks. Damage caused by the weak bonds between body, soul, and divinity threaten to tear him apart in all that he is. That’s besides the gods. Their hidden battle goes unspoken but to their closest followers. The followers who are told that a great danger approaches. One that’s hunting for the vessel that was lost. Should he ally with these other god's vessels? Should he even fight the cultists after his body? This brings Malik to a choice. Accept the monstrous body he now resides in and grow stronger. Reject that body and lose his mind. Or completely give in and allow for his fate to be sealed along with his soul decimated by the eldritch god of the unknown. will he make this body his and everything that comes with it?

1King_Rep1 · Fantasy
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157 Chs

More Training Needed

The group left the dungeon and moved through the sewers. They were not surprised to run in to a few of the venomous rats while they traveled. The sewers had been infected with them and it would take some time for the city to hunt them all down. There would surely be a monster wrong. 

Worse off yet, it would be expensive to get the normal monsters back in to the sewers that helped break down waste. They would need to be brought from other cities and then raised to ensure that they were able to keep doing the job. But that was for the royals and nobles to figure out, not the guild. 

The staggering amount of venom jade ore that they left with was enough to ensure that multiple weapons or armor sets were made. This would be a valuable new material for Tiffany to forge with. Along with the fact that she could show off her proficiency by selling some of what she made. Both were good things.  

What Malik was hoping, was that he would be able to happen upon unique venoms to be able to soak whatever weapons he had made. He wasn't too keen on wearing an armor set that was made to resist all poisons and venoms. Simply because he felt he would be slowed down. 

Yet, he also had a feeling that he might not need to worry about that as much. The venom jade ore was surprisingly not as heavy as what he had expected. The gray stone was heavy, but the pieces of stone with less stone left and more ore had seemed much lighter. 

It was not a surprise for Malik to see the two guards who had been stationed here waiting for them. They didn't look happy to be in the area still, but they had remained since there were adventurers coming back. Malik had a feeling that the two would have skipped off if they didn't have orders to be here otherwise. 

It wasn't that he had such bad impressions of the guards. However, he was now influenced by George's experiences and knew well that guards did not like this area. If they had the chance and wouldn't get in to trouble, why would they stay? It was the same with anything anywhere. People would avoid what makes them uncomfortable. 

"There will be other guards coming soon. We need many more to handle the current outbreak." Malik said this which left the two guards on their toes. They didn't know what to think about the outbreak. Their eyes kept focus on the entrance to the sewers like a monster would pop out and say boo at any second. 

"That was a little mean." Since Lina had seen what Malik did, she reprimanded him a little. 

"It was just to make sure that they didn't go slack off anywhere. And it is true." A fair point and a fair point save Malik from a lecture. But he knew that there would be more that needed to be done. They had to relay the dangers of this dungeon. 

As all of them made their way to the adventurers' guild, they found that the headmaster was there having a conversation with Clara. "Ah, I just came to see how the class was doing. I need to check in here and now when you have outside classroom activities." The headmaster was clearly enjoying the break from being within the academy. Not that they would have good news for him

"Headmaster Argus, we need to make a report on our findings. Are you going to join us?" Since Lina was taking the lead here, Malik didn't have anything to say. However, when Clara looked at him quizzically about how they appeared so serious, he gave her a nod. It was enough to portray that they needed to report sooner than later. 

"Then please follow us. Headmaster Argus, we would be grateful for your ear. Having another calm mind is always valuable." Hearing this from Clara, the headmaster didn't say no. He appeared more excited that he would see the entire process through. The adventurers did a lot of important jobs. It was good that his students were handling them. 

Once within a private room, Malik recounted the events. He also brought out the venom soaked journal to show them the evidence they had. The rook had only grown with tension as the group explained what they had found. What they had theorized. What they knew for fact. 

All of their report was not good. Even if the boss was defeated, the dungeon was damaged in a way. It didn't have the original monsters in the state that it should. The ecosystem within had been greatly altered. This meant that there would be a hard time using the dungeon.

 The best method would be to clear it once in a while to ensure no issues occurred. Along with heavily guarding it at all times. 

There was a lot to take in. The fact that a false report was given to the guild to make them send weaker adventurers so that there would be more food for the monsters inside was bad enough as it was. Just a false report would put someone in a heap of trouble.

Now there was evidence of people pretending to be church or Darkness members who were actually cultists. The Dark church had a hard history since people had trouble trusting dark mana even though it was an important aspect of nature.

Through many years, the church of darkness had made its efforts and values clear. They believed in returning to nature through decay and dark mana. They believed in the peace of night. They were not evil and their reputation showed it.

If there were cultists pretending to be them though, things would go very poorly. False accusations were just a step away.

Things might only get worse as the investigation then in to the way that the monster was trapped. How they were forced to awaken a bloodline discovered within them. Specifically to make a dangerous ore for weaponry to cause more trouble.

"While you can keep the ore you harvested, we will require a sample to keep as evidence. Proof of what they created." Clara took it from Malik while she realized that headmaster Argus was steel gazed.

"I can create an academy goal for the older students. Those graduating would be able to clean the sewers with the guards. The dungeon can be handled appropriately." This was a good thing.

The senior students were stronger and right on the edge of stepping in to the world properly. They would be able to handle the dangers that came with the job and use it as a starting point for some of their careers. Whether they were adventurers, guards, or just political figures who could use the clout. 

"I would like all of my group to be registered with the guild too. I also want a leave of absence from the academy to go in to intensive training for a month." Malik's request was firm. Less of a request and more of him letting the two know what he would be doing.

"I will handle it. There's a place we can train that you would like better." None of them had even noticed Jen in the room. Malik still kicked himself mentally about how he didn't train his senses enough to notice her. He had been stuck on this for a long time now. 

"As long as we can improve our strength significantly." Since he had no issues with any of Jen's training methods in the past, Malik Was all in. He knew he would get results. 

"Wait, shouldn't we plan that more? Max trailed off looking at the others. 

They had all seen the strength that Malik possessed. Yet he was sitting right in front of them claiming he needed more training. That he needed to be stronger. Wouldn't they fall immensely behind if they didn't train too? Why would they turn down training that could make them double in ability?

"Spirit magic needs to be involved. Malik will help me train it and he will get closer to spirits too." Lina made that a requirement. Malik didn't shake his head at that. He had seen the strength of the water bullets Lina used. They were worth investing time in. 

In theory, he could make them too without a spirit since he had high spirit veins in this body. Another benefit, or that's what he thought at the moment. 

'The corrupting slightly recedes.'

"Tiffany is already planning her forging. So I will come and learn to sneak, scout, steal, and whatever else I need. Just make sure the kids are safe." George saw Clara's serious face in response. She cared for those orphans as well. She wouldn't allow them to come to harm.  

"Never mind. I will make sure I can handle training after I speak with my family about raising guard standards. We have some work to do with corruption and laziness." Now things were coming together. 

Malik and his team. Now he needed a boost In Strength. Then he could begin a proper hunt. Cleaning up the cultists causing issues all around the city and outside the city. 

time to clean up his training so he can go out and fight cultists face to face. need to help Ellen

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