
The Escaped Vessel

What is it to be a monster? What is it to be human? Is it not possible to be both, or neither at all? Malik finds himself awakened. Full of jumbled memories that don’t quite fit. In a body that he does not recognize. While he also finds himself next to someone that he can only call a goddess, he begins to learn. Guided by kind hands. He tried his best to assemble who he is from his own mind. But there are cracks. Damage caused by the weak bonds between body, soul, and divinity threaten to tear him apart in all that he is. That’s besides the gods. Their hidden battle goes unspoken but to their closest followers. The followers who are told that a great danger approaches. One that’s hunting for the vessel that was lost. Should he ally with these other god's vessels? Should he even fight the cultists after his body? This brings Malik to a choice. Accept the monstrous body he now resides in and grow stronger. Reject that body and lose his mind. Or completely give in and allow for his fate to be sealed along with his soul decimated by the eldritch god of the unknown. will he make this body his and everything that comes with it?

1King_Rep1 · Fantasy
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157 Chs


Walking inside the opened wall, Malik was amazed. The stone walls were much more intricate within the treasury. No one would ever realize that such a hidden room would be here. Not to mention one that had clearly taken a lot of time and effort to create. 

Magical runes had been carved within the room to ensure the quality of each item was preserved. Some of the shelves even had unique specific runes carved on them to ensure that one item, in particular, would be preserved to the best of the best quality. 

This was the case for the potions and herbs that Malik saw. Each also had a carved name plate under them. Making it seem that whatever was added on to the shelves would be given its name. "You are curious about the names on the shelves? It's part of the magic within this room. If I place something on a shelf and state the name out loud, the stone carves itself a name plate for it."

Now Malik was even more amazed. He had no idea that magic like this could exist. Especially since he had no idea how to carve and use runes. If he could learn that, what else would he be able to do? He had to take a lot of energy to remind himself that now was not the time to be worried about learning runes and other magic skills. 

"To the right, we have alchemy potions and herbs. Some are just incredibly rare. Others are made by master alchemists. Those potions are both poisons, healing, and even some growth potions. Some of which will give you increased growth for a certain period." 

'Growth potion- high quality

This potion was created from various ingredients with exceptional rarity. As such, the rarity of this potion is very high. 

For a set period of twenty four hours, this potion will boost the experience points and ability to gain proficiency in weapons. As this is the case, it will allow a much better growth rate along with additional chances to learn new skills or awaken innate skills.'

"Those potions are very useful and are what my children used when training. We also had them consume an awakening potion just because it is better to see if there is any hidden potential remaining in the body."

'Awakening potion- high quality

Created by a master elven alchemist, this potion has a highly guarded formula due to the unique ingredients needed for it. Appraisals are blocked through unique magic from allowing them to show the ingredients at all. 

The unique ingredients come together with unique effects. Some of which are able to spur the latent potential within the body. This will often either strengthen the body at the very core to increase all stats or, will awaken skills within the body that are unable to awaken properly. 

Often, this potion is better to be given at a younger age to prepare for a longer growth period overall. It can be consumed at any age. For those with rare bloodlines, there is a higher chance to awaken additional innate skills.'

This wasn't a bad choice. The experience potion was not as beneficial unless Malik had a good place to hunt for a day straight. He could waste time and make it less valuable than what it should be. But the awakening potion had much more usage. It could awaken skills and abilities that came with this mix matched body he had. 

Would the skills and bonus stats awakened be useful though? That was the gamble with this potion. 

The herbs all looked very rare and interesting, but Malik could tell at a glance that this was the reason for them being here. There were no miracle herbs that would make him awaken unique skills or that would greatly boost his strength here. Nothing for the sort from what he saw with the angelic eyes appraisal. 

This led him to look at weapons and armors. They were all displayed with clear care. All polished to perfection as well.

Were armors really what he needed though? Even the innate red flame dragon armor would be very flashy to wear. It also needed to be adjusted to fit him causing damage to the armor overall. Beyond that, did he want to slow himself down with armor?

"A good choice to ignore the armors. You are too young for them right now. You also don't appear to be someone that needs to worry about defenses. I can see you have some dragon blood in you. Enough for some scales on your arms and neck." 

"I do have some dragon aspects to my body. They aren't used for defensive practice, I might learn it." Malik's ideas were similar to the ways the king thought. Using the scales that formed when the dragon heart awakened as defensive blocking techniques. 

The king pointed out a sword, "that was a gift from the dwarven kingdom a few years ago. They traded this gift for food at the time. They had trouble with their farm lands flooding."

"Magma sword- bonded weapon

This weapon has runes carved in to to allowing only one person to wield it for their life. After that person dies a new weirder can use it.

It was made with lava rock, ebony ore, lava python scales, red dragon blood-

As such it has both earth and fire affinities allowing it the skill lava rush. A skill that created a slash that influences the terrain making a line of magma there before it begins to flow like lava. 

It has runes that keep it sharper than normal and a small mana storage capability. It will absorb earth and fire mana toner a strike at any time naturally.'

"It is good. But I can use every weapon I have learned. I usually use elemental weapon creation to alter my weapon or my metal staff to act as other weapons."

"Oh? Then why not use one of the runic crystal balls? We found some within ruins made by an ancient race of dwarves, elves, and humans that lived together during ancient times of chaos. Ancient monsters are thought to have destroyed that place."

"Ancient? I haven't read about ruins like that."

"That is because you need the books on that shelf to learn about them. Ancient magic and remains of ancient monsters were found there. Making them dangerous and unknown. Only hand selected researchers have been allowed access to them." 

Understanding made its way to Malik's face. He could understand how ancient magic and items would be kept hidden. They might be destructive or generally dangerous for the average person who did not have knowledge in how to control them.

One was drawing Malik's attention the most though. A crystal ball full of what appeared to be stars. His eyes focused on it and Malik could sense a connection immediately to it.

 'Celestial ball- unique

This is a one of a kind item created by an ancient mage of stars. He spent over seventy years condensing elemental manas of all forms in to dense elemental runes. 

This led to the many star like forms within the celestial ball. As such, it naturally absorbs all elemental manas and even so ulterior manas. 

This item can not be used unless someone possessed affinities for all manas or can acquire manas for all manas. Without them, using this item is impossible due to the flow of manas causing a backlash to the user and potentially unbalancing the celestial ball.

Depending on the user's strength in mana control, the unique skill reshape can be used to change the size of the celestial crystal ball to be used as an accessory.'

Anything else in the treasury pales in comparison to the appearance of the celestial orb. The fact that manas had been condensed in to dense runes then placed within was amazing. 

Not just elemental manas either. Multiple manas could be within. Space, life, time, death, blood, and who knew what else. It was all up to Malik to discover how he could use it. 

"So the dragon scales, rocioacum golem core, and the ice fairy wings don't even attract your attention. Even the grimoires are nothing in your eyes. But you are only seeing the beauty of that item. It can't be used."

The king knew that Malik had multiple affinities. Nit no one had managed to get Reaction from the celestial orb. Even with the basic appraisals done to find out multiple affinities were needed to use it at all. 

"I can use it. It stores almost all manas so that there are more to use freely. It also contains manas condensed in to runes from ancient times. The most natural runes. So I can learn more about mana control and mana in general by using it." 

Malik held the ball which slowly floated up in the air under his control. 

'The celestial ball has been bound to you. It will follow you for your entire life.'

"And it just bound itself to me so I don't have a choice either." Malik laughed a little as the king just stared at him wondering what this kid's life must be like. Nothing was normal about this. 

drop those power stones!

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