
The Seven Sins

I woke up sitting on a chair having no clue where I am. I tried to get up from the chair but I was tied up. The ropes were too tight to even try to escape it. I tried looking for something to help me break through but I couldn’t see a thing. Everything was pitch black. I tried screaming for help but there was no answer. I was just in a mysterious room accompanied with darkness.

There was no point in yelling for help. I’m probably 1,000 feet down the earth or even worse. I might be in hell. I regret everything I have done. If I would have been a girl that doesn’t cause any trouble I would have been in school living the life of a normal girl. I don’t even cause that much trouble. What could I have done wrong to be in this situation.

I started hearing footsteps and mumbling outside the room. The noise of knives being sharpened filled inside the room I was in. I didn’t know where I was but I know for sure that they are going to cut me up into pieces. I heard the door open slowly revealing The Devil standing in the doorway looking directly at me.

He wasn't the agent looking guy he was before I saw him. If he could possibly turn into any other person he could steal many people’s identity or much worse. He is currently in the form when I first saw him in my room. Although this time he didn’t have his horns out. I’m guessing they only pop out when he's angry. He had a freshly sharpened knife on his hands ready to strike at me but the only thing he did was turn on the lights of the room I was in.

I was in the middle of an empty room. There was only a table about 7 feet away from me but that's the only thing in this room. The Devil silently walked towards the table putting the knife down. He then proceeded to leave the room closing the door behind him. Luckily he left the lights on giving me the chance to see.

Maybe if I can get the knife that is there I can cut up the ropes and leave. I tried bringing the table over to me with my foot but I couldn’t reach it since my legs are short. I started jumping and surprisingly the chair started moving towards the direction of the table. I was almost there until I face planted onto the table dropping the knife on the floor. On top of that I face planted on the floor too. I was left on the floor bleeding from my nose since I hit my nose twice.

I started hearing footsteps again outside the door and I panicked. I tried to get up but my tied up hands wouldn’t let me. The blood from my nose started pouring out into the floor leaving a tiny puddle of blood. There was no point in getting up; he is going to find out either way. I heard the door open once again revealing The Devil again but his time he had my bag on his hand and some files.

He entered the room fixing the table and then shortly after putting my bag and the files on the table. I looked at him with terror not knowing what he was going to do with me after I tried to escape. He looked at me with raging eyes and then untied me. I was relieved when he untied me but then he grabbed me and slammed me back in the chair. My butt was burning since he slammed me very hard. He ended up tying me back to the chair and picking up the knife from the ground.

“You tried to escape didn’t you,” he asked while getting a firm grip on the knife. Horns were starting to pop out like the last time he was in my room. “No, I just fell trying to scratch my leg,” I said. That is the worst lie I have ever come up with. I’m bad at lying. He then leaned in and slapped me leaving a red dark spot on my face.

“That's what happens to liars,” he said and his horns were starting to disappear. I’m grateful he is not mad anymore. “You should have told me the truth and you wouldn’t get slapped,” he said while setting down the knife on the table. He then grabbed the files and opened them. He started reading it and then looked at me with a confused look on his face.

“Your name is Lexi, right,” he asked me with the same confused face. “Yes,” I said, trying to calm my pain down from the slap. “You're going to get punished real bad,” he said, setting down my files. He started heading towards the door and he closed it since he didn’t close it when he walked in.

“Listen here you have committed something major and they are going to hurt you real bad you just have to listen to me,” he said in a low tone. “Who is they,” I asked him but he turned around to grab the files again. “It doesn’t matter,” he said, turning back to face me. I want to ask him again but that could be a major risk to getting him mad.

“You have committed the 7 deadly sins,” he said looking at me in the eye. “What are the 7 deadly sins,” I asked, being scared of what they are. I had no clue of what he was talking about.

“The seven deadly sins are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth,” he said in a serious tone. He then used some sort of magic to put a bed on the room. “We will start tomorrow with your first sin,” he said and shortly after leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

I went ahead and sat down on the bed since I have nothing to do. I noticed the files that had my name on it on the table. I went ahead and grabbed it and started reading it.


Age:16 Gender: Female Height: 5’4 DOB: 12/01/2002 State: Texas

Guardians Location: Painting (Release when task is done)

Sins: Pride Greed Lust Envy Gluttony Wrath and Sloth

Make sure she undoes every sin, one by one. If she fails, kill her parents and punish her according to the script. Don’t go easy on her or we will punish you more than we did before. Keep being disguised as an agent or as me or you will be punished. Make sure she feels pain like you did in the past and if you mess up there will be consequences.

Sincerely, The Devil and Us

For more information about this call (000)000-0000

Questions started floating in my brain. How do they know my information? What script are they talking about? Did they punish him before? What do they mean by disguised as an agent or him? Am I going to feel the same pain he did? Did he even feel any pain? Is he even The Devil? Who is even Us?

I started hearing footsteps again and I quickly put the files down and went back to the bed. I sat there silently until the door opened. It was him again. I don’t know what to call him now. I thought he was The Devil but turns out he isn’t. He started walking towards the files watching it very carefully. He then looked back at me and gave me a death stare.

“You read your files didn’t you,” he asked me and the same horns started to pop out. “No,” I said and that was all I managed to say. He then was approaching me and slapped me in the face like last time but this time it was way harder.

“I told you not to lie to me you filthy human being,” he said, piercing his eyes on mine like he wanted to kill me. He then proceeded to grab my arms piercing his nails like he did to my chin about a week ago. “How much did you read,” he asked me while keeping a firm grip on my arms. “I only read 1 page,” I cried out. He then took out his long nails out of my arm and went to the table.

“If anybody finds out you read this I’m going to torture you,” he said with raging red eyes. “Like they tortured you,” I said, not being careful at what I was saying. I regret saying that because he then ran towards me and started choking me. I started turning blue and purple until he finally let go of my neck letting me breath.

“You don’t ever say that again, do you understand,” he asked me, calming his tone down a little bit. “Yes I do understand,” I said to him hoping he will calm down even more. “If anyone finds out about this conversation or that you read that paper I’m going to kill your parents,” he said, getting angry. I was hoping he will lower his tone down but it seems like he has anger issues.

He then started getting closer to me and started choking me again. “Do you understand,” he asked me with the same anger inside of him. “Yes I do,” I said, answering him back. He then went to the door, opened it and turned around to face me.

“Go to sleep you filthy human being or else,” he said. He turned off the lights and closed the door. I waited until the footsteps started to fade and went to sleep wondering what's going to happen tomorrow.