

It was currently 9:20 am. I decided to spend my free time in my room memorizing the map that they gave us. I am pretty much familiar with the place now. Although I did bring the booklet with me just in case. I haven’t memorized the whole schedule yet. The map was my top priority in case I got chased or something. I didn’t use my free time to make some friends though.

I started walking towards room 103 until I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up seeing that it was Alijah holding the same booklet I have. She looked up and I could tell she was mad because someone bumped into her. Once she saw it was me her face softened up and greeted me with a smile.

“Oh hi,” she said, closing up her booklet. I smiled and said hi back to her. “By any chance do you know where room 103 is,” she said looking at me confused. “Oh yes I’m actually heading there,” I said to her. We started walking over there with nothing but silence until she spook up.

“What’s your name I didn’t get to ask you last time,” she asked, breaking the awkward silence. “My name is Lexi,” I said. After walking for a while we finally reached room number 103. Once we entered I saw that the people there were the same people that sat with me in the cafeteria. We then walked over there and Alijah started introducing them to me even though she already did hours ago.

“This is Amy, Arlette, Keon, Mia, and Gissell,” she said the same thing as last time with the same hand movements. She then said “Guys this is Lexi, the girl we sat with in the cafeteria.” Everyone then proceeded to greet me with a handshake. I tried to give Amy a handshake, but she just put her hand behind her back and gave me a dirty look. That’s strange we barely know each other and she already gives me those looks. I then went to go back to Alijah until I heard an unfamiliar voice talk.

“Hello ladies and gentlemen, you guys don’t need to know my name since we are only seeing each other for one day. Today you guys are going to do the task called Pride, Pride is a very serious sin. You guys had too much self respect and self respect to yourself. The high opinions you guys have yourself is ridiculous. It is almost like you guys have an obsession over yourselves. You guys are so selfish and don’t help others. Stop wanting to be better than other people. Be grateful with what you have.” the teacher said.

The teacher pressed a bright red button and my surroundings started to change. A big table appeared in the middle of the classroom. There was a big board game filling the entire table. There were seven chairs around the table with one big chair. I’m guessing that’s where the teacher sits.

“Alright take a seat,” the teacher said which we all listened to and took a seat. I sat in between Arlette and Mia. The only thing was that Amy was in front of me again giving me dirty looks. I decided to ignore it and look at the board game. The game was pretty self explanatory. It looked like the game called Monopoly. The only thing was that there was a spinner instead of a dice to tell how many moves you get.

“Everybody get a character so we can start already,” the teacher said. The characters were pretty much the same thing but different shapes. They were the shape of a horse with different colors. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink, and brown. Once everybody grabbed one a big screen appeared in front of the class. It showed what colors each person chose.

Lexi: Brown Amy: Pink

Arlette: Blue Keon: Green

Mia: Yellow Gissell: Orange

Alijah: Red

Everyone was handed $1,500 dollars each.

“We are going counter clockwise,” the teacher said. He then grabbed the spinner and put it in the middle of the board game. “Arlette you're going first,” he said pointing to her. Arlette flicked the spinner revealing the number 8 meaning she has to move 8 times forward. She grabbed her blue horse and moved it 8 times. She landed on a house which the teacher then asked if she wanted to buy it. Arlette nodded her head which she then handed 120 dollars to the teacher leaving her with $1,380.

It was my turn next. I flicked the spinner giving me the number 10. I moved 10 steps forward and landed in jail. I wasn’t exactly in jail but I was just visiting which is a good thing. You have to pay $50 to get out.

It was Mia’s turn next. She then flicked the spinner giving her the number 7. She took 7 steps forward landing on chance. Chase could basically be a good thing or bad thing. She grabbed a chance card that said “pay poor tax of $15”. She then gave the teacher $15 leaving her with $1,485.

It was Keon's turn next. He flicked the spinner like we did and it landed on the number 2. He then smiled and moved up 2 steps landing on the community chest. He then grabbed a card that said “bank error in your favor, collect $200”. He then smiled and grabbed the $200 dollars. “I can’t believe you guys lost already, I’m better than you guys,” he said with a cocky tone. We all decided to ignore that and we moved on.

It was then Alijah's turn. She flicked it like the others did and it landed on 9. She moved 9 times forward and it ended up being in a house. The good thing is that it wasn’t the house that Arlette claimed. Alijah ended up buying the house she landed on which cost $100. She ended up having $1,400 left.

It was the girl’s turn that somehow has a problem with me. I don’t know why she has a problem with me but I’ll make sure to ask her later. She reached the spinner and flicked it revealing the number 2. A satisfied grin appeared in her face as she landed on the community chest like Keon did. She then grabbed a card that said “Go to jail” earning a groan from her. Keon then started laughing and saying how bad she is at the game. Amy then gave him a dirty look and put her character to jail.

The teacher then looked at Amy and asked her if she wanted to pay a $50 fine or stay there until she spun an even number. She rolled her eyes and decided to wait for an even number.

It was then Gissell’s turn. She spun the spinner and it landed on the number 6. She went 6 steps landing on a house behind where Mia was located. She decided to buy the house like the other people leaving her with $1,400.

I don’t understand why we are playing a board game. It does not have anything to do with the sin pride. That’s when it hit me. What if they are testing us. If a person ends up winning the game or having a lot of money in it and they rub it in people’s faces they are going to be punished. Isn’t that what pride means.

Then I remembered that Keon is doing that. He keeps rubbing it in our faces that he has more money than us even though we are in the beginning of the game. Keep in mind that he made fun of Amy for landing on Jail and him telling her that she is never going to be as good as him. If he keeps doing that punishment is going to come his way. That’s when I remember Anne Rose Miller said in the cafeteria that if someone fails they are going to be killed. I don’t think he knows what is about to go down when the game is over judging by the smirk in his face.

Arlette was about to go again until we heard the fire alarm. Apparently does are very common in hell. I can see why by how many fire torches and pits they are. The people who built this are dumb for putting wooden planks. We all started walking towards a direction I wasn’t sure of. That’s when I caught a glimpse of a door that said “Exit” with a lot of locks and chains. There was also a keycard to open the door.

The bad thing was that we weren’t going there. We were going to the big room enough to fit the whole people who were in hell. It was a fireproof room. We all waited there until the fire was over.

While the fire was calming down I thought on how I could get the keys and keycard for that door. The only thing was that I didn’t have knowledge on where they were nor I didn’t have a plan.