
The Erotic Trials of a Royal Slave

Good Princess Annabell is in line for the throne, and others want her hand in marriage. Actually, not just her hand... A WiP - Your ideas and suggestions welcome!

Neil_H · LGBT+
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6 Chs

Hot Jungle Hot.

"Fuck. Ow. Shit. Fuck." 

I woke up in pain. My head felt like it had been bounced around a courtyard. Then I remembered the attack, and opened my eyes.

I was lying on an uneven, but not totally uncomfortable, surface. Above me was a tree, with dark and, in my opinion, over exuberant leaves. 

Forcing myself to sit up, I looked around. 

"Shit," I said. 

Wherever I was, it was nowhere near my chambers, that was for sure. For a start, it was humid and hot. I was already sweating, or perspiring, as a lady should do. Which meant I was perspiring like a motherfucker. 

All around me was greenery. Trees, plants, more trees, more plants. It was a literal jungle. Wherever I was, it was not close to my icy homeland.

Using the tree as a support, I pulled myself upright. Things didn't look any more encouraging from higher up.

"Yep, jungle," I said to myself. "This isn't wonderful. Not a wonderful jungle. Haha. Oh fuck, it's hot."

When I had dressed myself earlier, and that seemed like a million years ago, I had put on sensible pantaloons, long boots, a white shirt and a, in my opinion, rather snazzy black waistcoat. 

All of this was now threatening to boil me to death, although the boots, high as they were, were fairly solid, and hence good protection for all of the spiky, stinging plants that I now found myself in the middle of. The waistcoat had to come off though.

"Well, which direction?" I asked myself, doing a three-sixty. 

The jungle, which was happily free of carnivorous animal sounds, didn't reply. Not really a surprise. I've always found nature unfriendly. 

"Fine. I think… this way." 

Choosing the least plant infested direction, I started to walk.


"I fucking hate the jungle!" I screamed.

It was, at least, several hours later, and I was totally lost and miserable. I mean, I was these things to start with, but I was even more so now. The stinking jungle all looked the same. Green, green and more green. Trees sheltered me from some of the sun, although they allowed random shafts of sunlight to blind me when I wasn't expecting it, insects, which had apparently decided I was their favourite food, bit my exposed arms and face, causing me to scratch and slap and the slightest tickle, and, of course, there was the heat and humidity. 

So, when there was a noise off to my right, like someone, or something, moving, I almost welcomed it. I only stopping myself from crying out because I realised it was probably some human eating monster who would devour me from the tits down. And let's face it, it would have been a damned nice meal.

Hence, I found a particularly large-leafed bush and squatted down behind it. 

Speech! It was people! 

I resisted the urge to shout for help, and peered through the gap in my leafy bush, as the voices came closer.

After several minutes, two men, wearing black leather uniforms, which they must have been hot as hell in, strode into view. Both were swarthy fellows, dark skinned and fit. And both were wearing swords slung over their shoulders, northern style. Although when I say northern style, this was a fairly generic term for me, as we were pretty much south of everyone.

One of the men stopped, wiped his brow and swatted at some insect. Apparently I wasn't the only one abused by the damned things.

"This is stupid," he said. 

Thet were talking Trade language! I silently exulted. At least I would be able to follow what they were saying. It also probably meant they were mercenaries. If they were native troops from some country, they would be speaking their own lingo.

"Hey, it's better than some duties," the other soldier replied, wiping at his own brow. "The only thing that's going to kill us here is heat."

"Don't be so sure, apparently this bitch is mage trained."

Shit, they were looking for me. This was less good news.

"What are you two doing?" 

Another figure arrived on the scene, and I raised my eyebrows. 

She was a wizard for sure, wearing a short top, which exposed a super fit midriff, including a belly button which was pierced with a large blue stone on a silver ring, and a whole bunch of bracelets, necklaces and assorted paraphernalia. The fact she didn't rattle as she walked was almost proof she was a magic user.

Apart from the robes, she was pale skinned, hence probably another mercenary, with a blue hair shaved extremely short on her head. Her ears were pierced about a dozen times each, and she had tattoos covering her face and arms. 

I drooled. She was hot as fuck.

"We're looking ma'am, but it's a big jungle." The soldier to the right waved around at the greenery.

"She's around here somewhere," the mage replied, frowning. "Close too." She closed her eyes. "Oh, very…" 

She opened her eyes, and looked in my direction. 

"Come out Princess," she said. "I know you're there."

I considered my position. It wasn't a good one. 

"Fine," I said, standing up. 

"Oh, hello." Hot mage smiled, and I felt even sweatier. "Come on, don't be shy. I detected you as soon as you dropped out of the vortex."

"Where am I?" I asked, stepping forward.

"Oh, you've hit the jackpot," she replied. "You've landed in Drennon."


Drennon, the country ruled by the High Dark, with whom I had recently had an uncomfortable dance. With whom I had recently, and only slightly, lusted after, despite my instincts.

"How did you know I was out here?" I asked, as we tramped through the jungle.

Slice, as he had introduced herself to me, smiled. 

"Our intelligence pointed to an attack on you. There was even a suggestion of an attempted kidnapping, which, let's face it, could only really be done magically. Hence His Dark had me monitor the situation."

"You must be pretty powerful to do that," I said, trying not to ogle her legs, which were amazingly shapely. Yes, I'm a bit of a leg girl.

"I'm The Dark's High Mage," she replied, smiling back at me. "And you're as hot as they say."

"I.. I mean… I… I… Oh shit." I stuttered. I didn't want to collaborate with the enemy, but I'm only human, right? Plus, come on, she was super fucking hot. I mean, she pressed ALL my buttons. Slim, fit, tight tits, piercings and ink, I had a particular fetish for piercings, and tattoos, and a shaven head. Basically, she was straight out of my wet dreams. I was mildly surprised I'd not fallen down on my back and opened my legs when she first appeared.

"You're not ugly yourself," I replied, eventually. The plan here, I convinced myself, was to get close to my captors and escape. On the other hand, my pussy was drooling. 

"We are a little way from His Dark's castle," she said, smiling super white teeth at me. "I must tell you now, I shall be examining you very closely, to ensure there are no threats hidden about your person that could harm his High Dark. It shall be a very thorough examination."

My legs wobbled, and I whimpered. "Oh dear," I replied.

"I do hope you are not shy." She gave me a bright smile which nearly had me cumming on the spot.

"I shall endure whatever you do… try to do to me," I said, bravely.

"I'll bet."

After that we walked in silence, wading our way through the jungle plants, with me sweating through my shirt, which clung to my body in such a way that the mercenaries didn't even pretend to look away any more. 

Finally, the undergrowth gave way a little into a small clearing that had obviously been used for a campsite on occasion. The charred remains of some wooden logs, in a circle of stones, still glowed a very slight red.

Slice made a gesture. "We'll rest here for the night."

"Aye ma'am," one of the men said. The two of them marched to one side of the clearing, and returned a moment later carrying several large bags, which they proceeded to empty.

"Whilst they do that, let's gather some wood, shall we?" Slice said.

"Oh, very well." I shrugged. Why not?

She led me a short way into the jungle again, on the opposite side to the mercenaries I noted, and then, suddenly, turned and pinned me, with a surprisingly strong grip, to a tree.

"Hello?" I asked, not struggling. It was too hot to struggle. She was too hot to struggle against.

Slice didn't reply, but pulled my face towards hers, and kissed me. 

I was shocked for a second, but only a second, after which I willingly responded. Getting their trust, remember? Oh fuck you.

Anyway, it was a mad passionate snog. Her tongue invaded me, and we did a bit of oral wrestling there for a while, until we finally parted, gasping for breath.

"I've seen you before you know," Slice said, unbuttoning my top.

"Oh yes?" My heart was beating ten to the dozen as she pulled my sopping shirt off me.

"Fantastic." Slice paused and admired my chest, and then, rather roughly, divested me of my bra.

"More fantastic!" she exclaimed, and thrust her head in between my tits, pushing them against her face with her hands. "Wonderful!" came her muffled voice, from within my cleavage.

I laughed, half because she tickled, and half because of the absurdity of the situation. 

Slice pulled back. "What?" She asked.

"Tickles," I replied, smiling. I slid my finger down her ear, over some of her many piercings.

"You like?" she asked, pushing herself against me.

"I like everything about you," I replied. "Except for the whole Dark Lord kidnapping thing."

"High Dark," she corrected, and nibbled on my left nipple. 

"Oh fuck!" I gasped.

"And think of it more of a rescue, for now." 

"I…" I started to say, but she slipped her hand down inside the front of my pantaloons, and slid a finger up my crack.

My legs gave way, but she pushed that hot bod of hers against me, pressing those tight tits into my own, rather more wobbly pair, and I gave a low moan, as she worked my dripping pussy.

"Someone is rather stimulated," she hissed, adding a second, and then a third digit.

"I… I…" I wrapped my legs around her and squeezed, pushed up against tree by her ever so delightful torso, and with half her hand up inside me it took me only moments for my whole body to clench, hard, as I came and came and came again, three times in quick succession.

About thirty, orgasm-filled, seconds later, I breathed out and relaxed. Slice released me, and I slid down the tree, her fingers leaving my insides with a slurping sound, I was so wet. 

She giggled as I slumped onto the jungle ground, several plants took the opportunity to stick twigs into my tits. 

"You look like you've been swimming, you're so soaked," she laughed, and squatted down next to me.

"It's been a long day," I panted, wiping the sweat out of my eyes.

She smiled that wicked smile, and pulled back a strand of hair. "It will be an even longer night," she promised.


Thank you for reading this so far.

As I'm writing this, this is a work in progress. However, becaues I've switched focus for now, this will be paused here. Sorry!

I do have others of a similiar fashion to these stories, which are finished though. Pls check out the below sites for more on those! 

For my lastest works, and other news, please see my website: NeilHartleyBooks.com or follow me on Amazon : http://viewauthor.at/NeilHartley



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