
The Eradicators

A dead man has been given a chance sit at the top of the multiverse of supers.

Expresso7 · Anime & Comics
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The Eradicators

-Unknown planet-

Looking around they seemed to be on a desert planet with a purple sky. Looking up they can see the stars clearly 3 moons orbit closely to the planet as well as 2 suns that are farther away.

"Since you all have doubts of my powers I'll let you. Witness it first hand and show you my right to be leader.

Broly powers up slightly and charges a green Ki blast with a grin on his face before throwing it into the sky.

All the members watches as the largest of the three moons that is bigger than the Earth cracks then explodes into pieces.

"T-T-That's unreal." Impulse said staggering.

"How." She hulk was baffled.

Blackfire was shocked and immediately looked at Broly with lust and desire.

The others let it shocked gasps and words before Broly spoke up again.

"I hope you understand why I'm the leader. I will not treat any of you like garbage we are family now all we have is each other. All I ask is for your respect and loyalty." He said.

Everyone looked at him and nodded getting a smirk back.

"I will be appointing Blackfire as co-leader because of not only her strength but previous leadership of a planet any objections."


"Not really the leader type myself."


"Good now let's find out where the fuck we are."

Before they moved a Screen popped up showing the mission.

[Kill/Beat the Teen Titans and Young Justice]

Robin(Dick Grayson)-[_]


Beast boy-[_]





Robin(Tim Drake)-[_]

Kid flash-[_]




Miss Martian-[_]

Wonder girl-[_]

Bat girl-[_]

Wonder girl-[_]

Blue beetle-[_]

Red tornado-[_]

[When the box has an [X] that means the mission is done for that person]

"Hey I don't why aren't we on earth." Broly asked.

[I never said I would drop you on earth but because I'm nice I'll tell you a little bit about this planet it is a desert planet called Chuly with super hot temperature of 300*C.]

"I must say sand doesn't go well with my current attire." Unohana speaks up for the first time."

[Too bad anyway this planet has creatures called Chulians they are strong tough skinned bastards that will be good from you all to test out your new buffs]

"How the hell are we getting off this planet I couldn't make a space ship without materials and this planet most likely doesn't have them." Franken said.

[Well for getting off the planet there will be a ship coming to investigate large debris from the moon that is flying into their solar system they'll land on the planet in a couple days.]

[One final thing I altered your bodies to be resistant to extreme conditions and space thank me later. Bye now.]

"Alright this will be a good time to test our abilities, chemistry, and get a good feel of each other abilities. Impulse go check out the surroundings see if you can find a settlement. " Broly said

"Ok be back in a flash." Impulse disappears leaving a quick after image leaving other members shocked.

After a couple minutes Impulse comes back to the team.

"I found a weird looking purple rock structure with a bunch of holes in it a couple miles from here. I'm pretty sure I saw movement in it." Impulse informed the group.

"Good job now it's time to form pairs although we will usually fight together as a team sometimes we might need to split up or not everyone needs to go. This means pairs we be very effective."



[She Hulk]~[BlackFire]



"Do I have to team up with the shemale." Blackfire insults She Hulk.

"It seems co leader got to your head I wouldn't mind smashing it for you." She Hulk cracks her knuckles.

"Try it bitch." Blackfire slowly rises off the ground with black energy engulfing her hands.

"Enough the both of you. Yes you have to pair with each other." Broly yelled.

"And people say I'm childish." Impulse laughs gets a chuckle out of Zatanna and a glare from the other two.

"I think it's best if we start moving now." Franken-Stein speaks up. "We don't know if they'll move or not."

"Franken-Stein at the battle I want you to stay back and analyze. After it I want you to tell us how to improve and faults."

"Boss shouldn't we have a name." Impulse asked.


"All good teams have a new shouldn't we have one you know as a representation of us."

"He's not wrong the Gotei 13 was a name with respect and fear." Unohana spoke up.

Other members spoke up to talking then arguements of the name started.

"The Warriors." "No that's stupid it should be the Destroyers." "I think Impulse and friends is good." Shut up."

"The Eradicators." Broly spoke up.

"Not bad." Blackfire said.

Berserker let out a roar showing his happiest with the name.

"Nice name." Unohana and She hulk said.

"Meh." Franken replied.

"I don't know boss if I was our enemy and I died to someone apart of Impulse and Friends I would be pretty upset." Zatanna said receiving chuckles from some members.

"It's not funny I was serious." Impulse throw his hands out.

"Just shut up." Blackfire said to him making him slump down.

"Now that the name is decided let's hurry and do this before it gets dark." Broly said

"Can it even get dark on a planet with two suns." She Hulk said.

"Irrelevant." Broly replied.

"Seems pretty relevant to me." Impulse said.

"I think he was trying to make a point in doing things quickly." Unohana said.

"We will need a place to rest eventually and I don't know about you all but I like sleeping in the dark so this 2 sun thing is going to be a problem." Franken said.

"We can talk about that after it's time to move remember we attack as a group then after a bit split into your pairs and try working together to improve chemistry." Broly said.