
The era of the reborn king

In her previous life, she had experienced the cruel end of the world. She had witnessed her parents turning into zombies with her own eyes. In order to survive, she had to rely on the strong. She had to endure humiliation and struggle to survive. In the end, she died in the third year of the end of the world. When she opened her eyes again, she was actually in the classroom ten years ago. Not only did she remember all the major events that had happened in the past ten years, from the national events to the winning numbers, but she also had a unique treasure. It was a small world created by an ancient cultivator. From then on, as she opened the function of the small world step by step, the business world had one more Weirdo who earned money the fastest and spent money the fastest. There was one more miracle doctor in the world who could determine life and death with his flesh and bones. He was also a guest of honor that was hard to come by in the political world That place brought out an invincible and terrifying goddess of death, and the entertainment industry had a legendary figure who did not appear on camera, did not act, and did not sing but had countless fans. Finally, the end of the world had arrived, a new era that belonged to the strong. In this life, she, Xia Junhuang, would become the strongest person at the top of the food chain. She would protect her family and friends, fight monsters when she had nothing to do, and establish the strongest base to stand on her own as the King From then on, she would become the king of the new world! Ps: This article is the long history of the female protagonist's rebirth and growth. Inspirational, strong women and strong men, cool literature in the city + fighting monsters in the end of the world Those who like modern words, urban powers, schools, stone gambling, antiques, entertainment and the end of the world, quickly enter the pit. This article has everything Don't forget to collect, vote, click, comment, diamonds and flowers. Your support is Xia Xia's motivation. Come on, let the storm be stronger [ statement ]1. This article is purely fictional, for entertainment. It is better to have fun alone than to have fun together. Please don't be too fastidious. 2. Xia Xia's writing is cool words. Those who like it, please support it Those who do not like it, if you really do not like it, please close the window of this page directly. You will not accept offensive comments. If you find them, you will delete them directly. However, a friendly suggestion is that you will listen carefully to the words. It is not easy. Please understand

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259 Chs

237: Wake Up, excited and jealous

Machine Translation

Lin xiye narrowed his peach blossom eyes and sized up the two of them. A dark light flashed across his eyes. Finally, he looked at Situ Yusu. The corners of his seductive lips parted slightly as he uttered two soft words.

"Yusu ~ "

That seductive soft call instantly made Situ Yusu's small body tremble. She looked at Lin Xiye in horror.

A hint of danger flashed across Zhang Yu's clear eyes. He stared at Lin Xiye, as if he would fight with him to the death if he dared to act recklessly.

However, Lin Xiye did not care at all. He was still full of smiles as he looked at Situ Yusu charmingly. He asked gently, "Zhang Yu is not a virgin either. Don't you mind at all? "

Upon hearing this, Situ Yusu immediately heaved a sigh of relief. She was afraid that Lin Xiye would be frustrated and make fun of her and Zhang Yu.

Therefore, while she was rejoicing, she answered Lin Xiye's question, "of course I mind. It's just that Zhang Yu... "

"Cough, cough! "

Immediately, a cough interrupted Situ Yusu's words, causing Lin Xiye and Situ Yusu to turn their heads to look at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu raised his eyebrows and coughed again very naturally. He said, "my throat hasn't been feeling very well recently. Let's go, it's time to eat. "

As Zhang Yu said this, he pulled Situ Yusu and walked towards the door. When Situ Yusu saw this, she immediately understood. She burst out laughing, and the smile on her face was filled with happiness and happiness.

Zhang Yu, on the other hand, had his back to Lin Xiye. He glared fiercely at Situ Yusu, as if he was angry from embarrassment, but also a little helpless. Seeing this, Situ Yusu became even happier. She held Zhang Yu tightly and walked out of the Wooden House with him without saying anything.

All that was left was Lin Xiye, who narrowed his eyes and looked at the back of the two of them, flickering with dim lights.

The unnaturalness that flashed in Zhang Yu's eyes just now, although it was only for a moment, was still caught by him. It seemed that this kid Zhang Yu was hiding something from them... ...

Naturally, Zhang Yu was hiding something from Lin Xiye and the others. Up until now, no one knew about this except for Situ Yusu.

As a girl, Situ Yusu was from a good family background. She had the right to be proud. Naturally, she would care whether her man was clean or not.

Back then, she was also conflicted about this matter. Therefore, when her relationship was confirmed, when she and Zhang Yu walked together, she could tolerate Zhang Yu kissing her. However, when Zhang Yu wanted to take a step further with her, she did the same thing as Dong Yun She even directly rejected Zhang Yu's request.

Zhang Yu was not a good person to begin with, and he was also a gangster. Even when he was facing the person he liked, he still did not play by the rules. Moreover, Situ Yusu was not like Xia Junhuang who could control him.

Therefore, after Situ Yusu rejected him a few times, she completely angered Zhang Xiaoye and directly forced him to do it.

Zhang Yu's suggestion to Lin Xiye was actually not just for fun, but he did it himself.

However, if it was Lin Xiye who used this trick, the effect would not be very good. It would probably be self-defeating. However, if it was him, Zhang Xiaoye, who did it, not only would he get the benefits, he would also get his wife.

At that time, Zhang Yu had really tied up Situ Yusu. Then, he brought her back to the room and threw her onto the bed. He flipped over and pressed himself on her, ready to eat her no matter what!

In the end, he was stripped naked. When he was about to enter the final step, Situ Yusu's hateful gaze that seemed to want to slice him into pieces made Zhang Yu's heart tremble. However, he had no choice but to shoot the Arrow at the bowstring He had no choice but to reveal the secret that he had hidden for so many years in exchange for benefits and rewards.

It turned out that even though young master Zhang had been misbehaving all these years, Lin Xiye was known for his fickle reputation, while Zhang Yu was notorious for having fun with everything. Furthermore, he was crazy and evil. He had tried everything that was bold and avant-garde.

It was not as if he had never played with women in front of others before. Therefore, everyone thought that this young master had long become sexually active. In fact, he was similar to Lin Xiye in that he had played with countless women.

However, in reality, although Zhang Yu had hugged, kissed, touched, and played with the women he should have, he had never broken through to the final step.

One reason was that he was not interested in continuing, and the other was that he felt that it was a match between his soul and the woman he liked. However, after playing with her for so many years, he had never met anyone who made him want to finish the whole thing from beginning to end.

However, he was a young Master How could he be laughed at by others? Therefore, Zhang Yu never explained. He had always been misunderstood by outsiders and even liked such a bad name. Therefore, even Lin Xiye and the others thought that he was no longer a virgin.

Until he met Xia Junhuang, Zhang Yu really fell in love with Xia Junhuang, this bold and mysterious girl. He also really wanted to let Xia Junhuang be his girlfriend, and even wanted her to be the first person to experience his body.

Who knew that Xia Junhuang did not like him. It did not matter if she did not like him, he, Zhang Yu, could chase after her!

However, Xia Junhuang was a person who could not be pursued even if he wanted to. She was even a woman who made people shy away from her.

Just as Xia Junhuang continued to emit a dazzling light, Zhang Yu clearly knew that he and Xia Junhuang were not suitable for each other. It was not that he was timid, but based on the various characteristics that Xia Junhuang showed, he analyzed that she was not suitable for him.

He did like strong women, he liked courageous ones. In the beginning, Xia Junhuang was very suitable for him, but at that time, the strength that Xia Junhuang possessed was not fully displayed. Therefore, when he saw Xia Junhuang's ability later.. After seeing her cruel and cold personality, Zhang Yu's liking for her faded.

He still admired women who were too strong, but he would not like them anymore. Perhaps it was because of his pride, or perhaps his admiration for her had reached a level of admiration. Therefore, his love for her had unknowingly changed and turned into respect It was also because of this diluted love that he noticed Situ Yusu, this enemy of his.

When Situ Yusu heard Zhang Yu say that it was her first time, she was completely stunned. She did not believe it at all, but Zhang Yu could not wait any longer and directly entered the hole, completely making Situ Yusu his woman.

And after a night of 'feeling' , Situ Yusu completely believed Zhang Yu's words. At the beginning, Zhang Yu was simply reckless, his movements were impetuous, and even his endurance had yet to be evaluated. It was only in the latter half of the night that he gradually became familiar with it This was clearly the performance of a fledgling.

This was also the reason why not only did the two of them not fall out over Zhang Yu's actions, but their relationship became better and better.

As for why JI youyue did not know, it was because Ji Youyue did not use her ability on Zhang Yu. He did not care how Zhang Yu played it

After this incident, Zhang Yu and situ Yusu became more and more strict. They absolutely could not tell anyone that he was still a fledgling... ...

After eating, the sky gradually darkened. Chen Nuochen walked along the road alone until he came to a large tree. He saw Zhou Zhou sitting alone on the tree with his eyes closed as if he was asleep. However, after hearing his footsteps.. He opened his cold and cruel eyes.

Chen Nuochen had a complicated look on his face. He had been a brother for many years, but now, he had become a cold-blooded and heartless Zombie... ...

Zhou Zhou only glanced at Chen Nuochen, then closed his eyes again. He had no intention of coming down.

Chen Nuochen didn't mind. He just walked to the root of the tree and sat down. Leaning against the tree, he slowly asked as if he was chatting.

"Do you hate Xia Junhuang? "

If Xia Junhuang hadn't left Zhou Zhou to die and watched him being taken away, Zhou Zhou wouldn't have become a Zombie. Although he didn't know what exactly happened, Zhou Zhou had become a Zombie... ...

"So what if you hate him? So what if you don't hate him? " Zhou Zhou's cold voice was filled with ruthlessness, "If you hate him, you won't be able to take revenge. If you don't hate him, you won't be able to change anything. "

Chen Nuochen was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Zhou Zhou to say that. He thought that Zhou Zhou would hate Xia Junhuang, especially after he turned into a Zombie. He should be more ruthless and bloody.

It was undeniable that Zhou Zhou was right. If they hated him, they wouldn't have the strength to take revenge. Xia Junhuang was too powerful. If they didn't hate her, what else could they say? After all, everything was already set in stone... ...

"I think, perhaps if we don't hate her, then nothing else can be implicated anymore... "

Chen Nuochen's muttering drifted into the air and also into Zhou Zhou's ears.

Zhou Zhou opened his eyes and tilted his head slightly. He looked down and saw Chen Nuochen looking into the distance as if he was in a daze. In a trance, he also recalled the time when he pursued Xia Junhuang... ...

"Previously, I thought that Xia Junhuang didn't give us a chance because we weren't strong enough. But now, along the way, during this period of time in the capital, I completely understand the reason. Chen Nuochen, you should have also seen it, right? Why do you have to deceive yourself? "

Zhou Zhou's words were like a sharp knife, instantly opening the heart door that Chen Nuochen had been running away from, allowing him to completely accept the cruelty of reality.

Yes, he should have understood it long ago. When Ji Youyue, Xu Ziqing, and Xi Yanjin, the three men were willing to accept each other's existence, he should have understood it.

These three men, before the apocalypse, he only knew that JI youyue seemed to be the third generation of the JI clan, one of the six great clans in the capital. Her family background was astonishing, and he had never seen the other two. It was only after the apocalypse, when they arrived at the capital.. After hearing so many rumors, he finally understood the identities of these three men.

These three men, who could influence the entire structure of China with just a stomp of their feet, were actually willing to accept each other's existence and accept sharing for the sake of Xia Junhuang.

It was also like this that these three men had sworn an oath of life and death to each other during their wedding. At that time, he only felt that it was a little strange, but he did not think too much about it. It was only until the great battle ten days ago, when Xia Junhuang fell, that the scene of the three of them vomiting blood.. And that sentence that you Yi had said.

If you guys are fine, then Xia Junhuang is fine... ...

At that time, he didn't have time to think too much about it. However, when he recalled it later, Meng ran realized that there was too much meaning behind those words. When he thought about the three of them at the wedding, he couldn't help but guess whether these three men were connected to Xia Junhuang's life... ...

Although he didn't get a definite answer, this thought gradually became deeply ingrained in his heart.

He also suddenly understood that everything was because of selfless love, wholeheartedly only Xia Junhuang's love. This was the real reason why they were able to stand by Xia Junhuang's side and become Xia Junhuang's husband.

Think about it, if it were them, would they be able to do it?

It wasn't that they couldn't do it, it was just that they couldn't think of doing it.

Perhaps at a critical moment, they would give their lives to protect each other, but they wouldn't think of life and death like the others did. They would even put Xia Junhuang first in everything and forget about themselves... ...

Up until now, he was still conflicted about whether he hated her or not. In fact, it was just a strand of obsession left in his heart. He didn't really hate her, but he wanted to use this to have a trace of connection with her. He didn't want to completely break that love.

Otherwise, now that her life and death were unknown, not only would he not be happy, but he would also feel a faint pain and worry.

Chen Nuochen was not the only one who felt such worry and pain. Quan Yi, Lan Xu, Qiu Yichen, Xu Ziye, and the others, regardless of what kind of mentality they had towards Xia Junhuang before, were all filled with worry at this moment They only hoped that she was safe and sound.

It was also rare that in the capital where there was no one to lead, no one thought of looking for trouble. They all obediently did what they should do.

In the void world, Father Xia, Mother Xia, and grandfather JI were equally anxious. Because it was inconvenient to go to the cultivation pavilion, after Ji Youyue and the others explained the situation to them, they stayed in the cultivation pavilion and did not come out. They also had children to take care of at home Therefore, the three of them could only stay in the bamboo house in the Rebirth Valley and wait for news.

They waited for ten days. Just as the three of them were about to personally go to the cultivation pavilion to check on the situation, Ji Youyue, Xu Ziqing, and Xi Yanjin finally woke up and used the spirit language Talisman to tell the three of them that they were safe Only then did Father Xia, mother Xia, and grandfather JI feel much more at ease.

After Ji Youyue, Xi Yanjin, and Xu Ziqing woke up, they checked on Xia Junhuang and Lin's condition. They discovered that although the two of them were still unconscious, the external injuries on their bodies had mostly recovered. Even their internal injuries had gradually recovered.

Although the speed was very slow, it was already very good news that they could recover. This meant that Xia junhuang would be fine.

With this understanding, the three of them did not leave the cultivation pavilion. They only reported to the bamboo house that they were safe and began to cultivate.

Actually, after entering the aurous core stage, it was not a problem for them not to eat for a few days. Moreover, they were already at the return to void stage, so they did not need to eat anything at all.

It was only because the food was cooked by Duan Yunyun and Xia Junhuang liked the taste, that they did not stop eating.

Just like that, time slowly passed quietly in the silence. In the blink of an eye, three months had passed.

The emotions of the people in the base also changed from the initial worry to anticipation, then to silence and oppression, and finally to the current despair.

It had already been three and a half months, but there was still no news of Xia Junhuang, Ji Youyue, and the others. They had also been unable to contact the void world. Everyone felt a sense of despair, but this despair was mixed with a trace of hope.

Such complicated emotions had been tormenting everyone, and most people felt that there was no hope. Only those who had always followed Xia Junhuang, and only those who had jade tokens, still held firm faith, believing that Xia junhuang would be safe and sound.

It was not that no one had thought about the problem of survival in the future. In fact, many people even had thoughts that they should not have.

However, no one did anything out of the ordinary. One reason was because of Xia Junhuang's methods against the Xi family back then. That big sweep had already become a terrifying dream demon that had been implanted in people's hearts. Once they had other thoughts, they could not help but be afraid They were afraid that all of this was just a scam. In fact, Xia Junhuang was already fine. It was just to test their loyalty.

Another reason was because there were too many people who were loyal to Xia Junhuang. Those with the strongest strength were almost all loyal to Xia Junhuang. They had no chance to rope her in. Even if they rebelled, they would not be able to defeat her. They could only be tortured.

On This Day, while everyone was practicing, they threw the jade token in their hands out of habit and muttered a code word. Initially, they were just trying it out. Unexpectedly, their figures flashed and the scene in front of them suddenly changed. When they came back to their senses.. They actually appeared on the streets of heavenly West City!

Because the void world was blocked, no one could enter. The group of people who originally lived in the void world were all squeezed into the base. Although they had been building wooden houses for more than a year, tens of thousands of people squeezed into one place.

However, there were too many people, which caused the base to be filled with crowds everywhere, especially on the training ground. Therefore, when the person who used the jade token suddenly disappeared, the dozens of people who saw this scene were suddenly stunned!

Then, someone suddenly exclaimed, which attracted the attention of the crowd from all directions.


Instantly, the people around all gathered over and hurriedly asked the group of people who were standing here just now. When they learned about the situation, their faces all changed. Then, they spread the news one by one Some people even voiced out their thoughts.

"could it be that the void realm has been opened? "

This sentence was like a fuse, instantly waking up all the people who were stunned by the sudden news. As for those with Jade Tokens, they all took them out and started to operate them.

The disappearing figures overwhelmed everyone. Not long after, hundreds of people who were originally packed on the training ground suddenly disappeared.

Leaving behind a group of people who did not have jade tokens, they hurriedly ran out of the training ground and ran everywhere, shouting as they ran. Not long after, everyone in the capital knew that the void realm had been opened... ...

Qiu Yichen and the others received the news at the first moment. They all used their jade tokens to enter the void world.

At this moment, human figures appeared everywhere in the void world. One after another, they all gathered together. After a series of discussions, Qiu Yichen, Ji Lanye, you Yi, and the others still went to the Revival Valley As the representative, they went to the Revival Valley to scout for news.

After all, the Revival Valley was in the celestial flower mountain. The celestial flower mountain was not close to the heavenly west city. Moreover, not everyone who could enter the void world could go to the celestial flower mountain. One could count the number of people who had gone to the celestial flower mountain with ten fingers... ...

At this moment, the void world was filled with a warm and touching feeling. Xia Junhuang, who had just woken up, did not have the time to see everything around her clearly before she was completely embraced by Ji Youyue. A scorching hot kiss blotted out the sky and covered the earth as it assaulted her It took away all of her breath.

Their lips and teeth intersected. It was intense and filled with intense fear. Even that soft lips seemed to be trembling slightly.

It could be imagined that Ji Youyue was really frightened by Xia Junhuang's injuries this time. She was just a little bit, just a little bit more. He and Xia Junhuang were going to become a ghost couple. Xiao Junyuan and Xiao Junyue were going to have a pair of ghost parents... ...

After Ji Youyue released Xia Junhuang, Xu Ziqing could not care too much anymore. He reached out and pulled Xia Junhuang into his embrace. He lowered his head and kissed her slightly red and swollen lips. There was a faint scent of blood in his mouth It instantly filled Xia Junhuang's mouth, causing her heart to tremble as well.

Xu Ziqing's kiss was not as passionate and passionate as JI youyue's, but it carried a deep sense of attachment and caution.

He was also afraid. Even though he knew that his and Xia Junhuang's lives were connected, he was still afraid. He could not bear to see her suffer even the slightest bit of harm. If there was a pill that could transfer the other party's harm onto his body.. He would definitely consume it without hesitation... ...

"Huang, are you alright? "

Xu Ziqing released Xia Junhuang and sized her up carefully for a moment. His azure eyes stared at her closely, carrying a trace of caution. He was afraid that Xia Junhuang would not be able to return the favor... ...

Xia Junhuang looked at Xu Ziqing. Her eyes were soft and warm. She shook her head and then looked at Ji Youyue and Xi Yanjin one by one. She smiled at the three of them.

"I'm alright. Although I did not succeed in breaking through, I've already gained some enlightenment. My body has also completely recovered. I'm fine now. In fact, I'm even stronger than before. "

As Xia Junhuang spoke, she stretched out her hand. A ball of silvery-white and resplendent spirit Qi appeared in her palm.

When Ji Youyue, Xi Yanjin, and Xu Ziqing saw this, their eyes lit up. It was as if something had finally completely disappeared at this moment. The corners of their lips unconsciously curled into a smile.

"Junhuang, your strength has increased again. " Ji Youyue said in a low and charming voice. Her tone carried a trace of joy for Xia Junhuang.

"Huang, do you mean that you're about to reach Mahayana? "

A trace of joy appeared in Xu Ziqing's Azure eyes. From the pure spirit energy that appeared in Xia Junhuang's hands just now, it could be seen that her strength had increased quite a bit.

Xi Yanjin did not say anything. He just looked at Xia Junhuang, waiting for her reply. The deep light in his eyes was deep and dense. It was as if he wanted to suck Xia Junhuang into his body. It was filled with deep love and longing.

"You can be considered to have one foot in the Mahayana Realm. I have already vaguely sensed it, but it seems that the opportunity has not come yet. I have never been able to break through. "

She should have woken up earlier, but it just so happened that she had sensed something and continued to sleep and cultivate. She had originally wanted to break through directly, but after a month, she had stayed where she was, one foot inside and one foot outside.

In the end, Lin's voice rang out, reminding her not to be anxious. The opportunity had yet to come. No matter how stubborn she was, it was useless. Only then did she relax and wake up. As for breaking through, she believed that this day would not be too long At least her strength had also increased by a lot.

"You can not be anxious about cultivation. Junhuang, take your time. "

Xi Yanjin slowly opened his mouth to comfort her. His deep voice contained traces of gentleness.

Xia Junhuang turned her head to look at Xi Yanjin. This lonely and cold man, even now, he was still reserved and deep. Only those eyes of his transmitted all of his love and passion to her.

Xia Junhuang reached out and hugged Xi Yanjin. Her face gently rested on his firm chest that was filled with a sense of security. She listened to his waves of intense and steady heartbeats and took a deep breath of the cold and scorching aura on his body.

"I've made you guys worried... "

A soft sentence brought too much gratitude and apology. She did not say sorry because there was no need between them, and she did not think it was necessary to say this sentence.

This battle was necessary. This disaster could not be avoided, and they would not need her apology. They even understood her. They even understood that this was what a strong person had to bear.

She said this because their worries made her heart ache. She also understood this feeling. Her words contained more gratitude, gratitude for their existence... ...

Xi Yanjin Hugged Xia Junhuang tightly. The floor was so tight, it was as if he wished he could bring her into his body at any time. His Chin pressed against her head, smelling the familiar yet lustful fragrance. He muttered, "It's good that you're fine... "

Xu Ziqing and JI youyue silently looked at Xia Junhuang. The gentle light in their eyes seemed to have fused with all the warmth and tenderness in this life, giving it all to Xia Junhuang alone.

At this moment, as if she had sensed something, Xia Junhuang stood up and looked not far away. When she saw the Qilin beast lying on the ground not far away, her eyes hurt. Then, she saw that pair of tightly shut eyes slowly open.

That pair of wise and sharp tiger eyes immediately landed accurately on Xia Junhuang's body. Slowly, ripples of warmth and softness rolled out.

"Junhuang. "

"Lin... "

Xia Junhuang's call was very light and shallow. It was as if she was afraid that if she spoke too loudly, the Lin would disappear.

Xi Yanjin let go of Xia Junhuang and stood together with Ji Youyue and Xu Ziqing. He watched as the Lin walked towards Xia Junhuang in the form of a Qilin beast. He watched as Xia Junhuang walked towards Lin step by step. His heart sank slightly.

Because they all knew that Lin should not be able to return to his human form. The reason for this was probably because of Junhuang... ...

"Lin, I will advance as soon as possible. " Xia Junhuang walked to Lin's side and stretched out her hand to hug him. Because Lin's Qilin beast body was as tall as a human, when Xia Junhuang stretched out her hand to hug him, Lin even lowered his body slightly It was convenient for Xia Junhuang to hug her neck.

Her huge head rubbed against Xia Junhuang's back and said gently, "Junhuang, it's alright. Take your time. You can't rush the advancement. I'm doing very well. Other than not being able to hug you and Hug Xiao Junyuan and Xiao Bai, nothing else has changed. "

When Xia Junhuang heard this, she retracted her arms. Lin's body was too big, so she could not completely hug his neck. She could only stroke his fur. "mm, I won't rush things. I won't let you guys worry anymore. "

After that, Xia Junhuang felt the movements of the void world. She knew that Qiu Yichen and the others had all entered the void world. With a thought, everyone's movements appeared in her mind like a distribution map.

When she saw Qiu Yichen, Ji Lanye, you Yi and the others rushing towards the life valley, she retracted her thoughts and looked at Lin, Ji Youyue and the others.

"Let's go back to the bamboo house. Have I been unconscious for a long time? " Only then did Xia Junhuang remember to ask about the time she had been unconscious. She felt that quite some time had passed.

"It's already been three and a half months. " Ji Youyue held Xia Junhuang's hand and answered.

When Xia Junhuang heard this, she raised her eyebrows slightly. It was indeed not a short period of time. Qiu Yichen and the others had all entered, which meant that nothing had happened outside. It seemed that she had to properly understand the situation during this period of time.

After that, the few of them left the cultivation pavilion together and went to the bamboo house in life returning valley.

At this moment, Duan Yunyun, Xia Zhenming, and old master Ji were taking Xiao Junyuan and Xiao Bai, the two children, to enjoy the shade in the courtyard. When Xia Junhuang and the others appeared, the first person who saw them was not the three adults, nor was it Xiao Bai It was Xiao Junyuan.

Even though they had not seen each other for three months, this little guy seemed to have a very good memory. His little face happened to be facing the direction of Xia Junhuang and the others. When he saw Xia Junhuang and JI youyue, his originally smiling face became even more radiant He opened his mouth and shouted out.

"DADDI... Mommy... "

His soft and soft voice was very clear and pleasant. It instantly made the hearts of Xia Junhuang and JI youyue soften.

Xiao Junyuan was already almost ten months old. He had long left his swaddling clothes. He was dressed in little clothes and bared his fangs and brandished his claws. He was very mischievous. His speech was also much clearer than children his age. His little head was also very smart. He could learn everything as soon as he learned it.

Ji Zhongyi, who was carrying Xiao Junyuan, heard Xiao Junyuan call out 'daddy' and 'mommy' . His eyes flashed with a touch of sadness. He sighed and said, "little guy, you miss a Yue and Junhuang too? I don't know how they are now... "

"It's already been more than three months. Although those children will tell us every few days that they are safe, Jun Huang that child hasn't woken up yet. It's always worrying... "

Duan Yunyun sighed worriedly. Although Ji Youyue and the others would let them take a look at Jun Huang's condition every time they told them that she was safe, Jun Huang's injuries were completely healed. She looked like she wanted to sleep, but she just wouldn't wake up.. The longer it took, the more worried she became. She was afraid that something unexpected would happen again.

Xiao Bai's little mind did not have as many thoughts as an adult's. Hence, when he heard Xiao Junyuan call out for his parents, his little head turned quickly and saw Xia Junhuang and the rest. His exquisite little face immediately rippled with a warm smile He called out softly and his little hands also reached out to ask for a hug.

"GODMOTHER... Hug! Hug! Xiao Bai wants to be a godmother ~ "

Xia Zhenming, who was hugging Xiao Bai, was instantly stunned. He saw that Xiao Bai in his arms was struggling backwards. Finally, he turned his head in puzzlement. When he saw Xia Junhuang and JI youyue and the rest, his eyes instantly widened Joy filled his heart.


When Duan Yunyun and Ji Zhongyi heard Xiao Bai's voice, they felt that something was not right. After that, they heard Xia Zhenming's scream and their hearts trembled. They quickly turned around and saw Xia Junhuang, Ji Youyue, and the others walking over with smiles on their faces.

"Junhuang... "

Duan Yunyun's eyes welled up with tears.

Xia Junhuang walked over quickly and threw herself into Duan Yunyun's arms. "Mom... I made you guys worry... "

"You did make us worry. We were worried to death. If you still don't wake up, your mom won't be able to resist coming out of the mountain and going to the cultivation pavilion to spank your ass! "

Duan Yunyun gently patted Xia Junhuang's back. It looked like she was venting, but in fact, it was more or less touching. There was a hint of sobs in her voice.

Xia Junhuang chuckled. "Well, if mom had done this earlier, perhaps I would have woken up a long time ago. "

"You child... " Duan Yunyun lifted her hand to wipe away her tears while carrying Xia Junhuang on her back. Then, she pushed Xia Junhuang away in a bad mood, but her face was filled with joy and a smile.

Ji Zhongyi also smiled in relief and said, "It's good that you're fine... It's good that you're fine... "

As for Xiao Junyuan who was in her arms, he had long been carried over by JI youyue. Ji Youyue hugged Xiao Junyuan's crevices and lifted him up. Her eyes were filled with a soft charm as she said, "Precious Junyuan, do you Miss Daddy? "

"I Miss Daddy... I Miss Mommy... "

Xiao Junyuan giggled. After hearing his father's words, he used only a few words to say it.

This caused Ji Youyue to happily kiss his little face a few times. After that, she was carried over by Xi Yanjin.

Xiao Bai was flapping around in Xia Zhenming's arms happily. He said to Xia Junhuang continuously, "godmother hug! Xiao Bai wants a hug too! "

Xia Junhuang stretched out her hand to Catch Xiao Bai. Before she could even move, Xiao Bai had already kissed her on the cheek. After that, he laughed in an exceptionally satisfied manner.

"Mommy, mommy... "

Xiao Junyuan saw that his mother had been taken over by someone. He immediately could not take it anymore. He kept flapping his little arms to summon his mother.

When Xi Yanjin saw this, his eyes contained a trace of a smile as he carried Xiao Junyuan and walked towards Xia Junhuang.

Xia Junhuang smiled as she carried Xiao Junyuan who had extended his hand over. After Kissing Xiao Junyuan on the face, Xiao Bai was in her left hand while Xiao Junyuan was in her right hand. Ji Youyue, Xi Yanjin, Xu Ziqing and Lin all felt their hearts ache when they saw this.

However, they also knew that this little weight was nothing to Xia Junhuang. They could only watch helplessly from the side.

After the family played in this warm, warm, and noisy manner for a while, Qiu Yichen, you Yi, Ji Lanye, and Bai Xiyun also arrived.

They had just walked into the wooden house when they heard a burst of laughter. The Crisp and soft sound of a baby was like a silver bell. The few of them were slightly stunned. Their hearts were filled with joy as they hurriedly walked in. What they saw was the scene of a few family members chatting and having fun in the courtyard.

"BOSS! " Qiu Yichen was so excited that he directly blurted out.

"JUNHUANG! " Bai Xiyun also called out excitedly. After that, she was the first to run over to Xia Junhuang. Her crafty eyes were filled with a joyful smile. "That's great. You're finally fine. "

You Yi, Ji Lanye, and the others also walked over. Ji Lanye sized up Xia Junhuang for a moment, then hugged Bai Xiyun with some jealousy. He said coldly, "you're quite healthy. "

Xia Junhuang looked at Ji Lanye, and raised her eyebrows with a smile that was not a smile. She was already used to this wife-obsessed.

You Yi first looked at Ji Youyue and the others. When he saw a huge and mighty Kirin beast, he was slightly stunned. His eyes flashed for a moment before landing on Xia Junhuang.

"You're fine? "

Xia Junhuang looked at you Yi, then looked at Qiu Yichen, who was filled with joy and worry. She smiled at the few of them and said, "I'm fine. "

After obtaining Xia Junhuang's confirmation, the few of them finally felt their hearts settle. Only then did they notice the mighty Kirin beast by the side. A look of surprise flashed in their eyes. What a powerful aura. What a mighty beast.

"This is... Lin? " Bai Xiyun hesitated for a moment, blinking her novel eyes as she asked ...

"This is my original form. "

Lin slowly opened his mouth to speak. His clear and moist voice allowed the few of them to finally confirm their thoughts.

Xia Junhuang looked at Qiu Yichen and asked, "how's the situation outside? "

When Qiu Yichen heard Xia Junhuang's question, his expression immediately changed He said seriously, "after you fainted, the robots, beastmen, and insect beasts that were scattered throughout the various regions have all retreated. I believe that the situation in the various provinces should be the same. Up until now, it has been more than three months, but there has still been no movement from the Stilt Blue Jue Empire. "

Ji Youyue's eyes were dark and ruthless, and they were filled with darkness. Her Bright Red Lips opened slightly, "looks like Qiluo Xiuluo's injuries are not light. "

"since the stilt blue jue empire is so powerful in the universe, once Qiluo Xiuluo falls, the creatures of other planets will definitely take action. "

Xi Yanjin furrowed his brows and said in a deep voice. His identity before the apocalypse had always been special, and he was also unusually sensitive to military matters. So, he immediately analyzed the key to this.

Qiluo Xiuluo was so powerful, and he fought everywhere. Naturally, he made too many enemies, becoming an existence that the various planets feared. So, once he fell, those planets that were once oppressed by him would naturally not let go of this good opportunity.

When Xia Junhuang and the others heard this, they also agreed with Xi Yanjin's words. It was likely that the current stilt blue jue empire had a lot of 'guests' to entertain.

"although Qiluo Xiuluo's injuries are not as severe as mine, they are not light either. Now that I'm awake, logically speaking, he should have woken up long ago... " Xia Junhuang said thoughtfully.

When she finished speaking, it was as if she had thought of something. She drew an illusory talisman in the air, and numerous voices resounded through this space, causing everyone to be stunned.

However, Ji Youyue, Xu Ziqing, Xi Yanjin, and Lin were not surprised. This was because they knew that Xia Junhuang had placed a talisman on those pregnant women.

After listening to the information that they had accumulated over this period of time, Xia Junhuang and the others finally confirmed that Qiluo Xiuluo had not woken up. Although the reason was not clear, they could at least confirm that this was a good thing.

Ever since Qiluo Xiuluo learned how to take care of Xiao Junyue, he had been personally taking care of Xiao Junyue's everything. Those few pregnant women had been put aside, so the information that she had received had almost become zero.

Now that Qiluo Xiuluo had met with an accident, Xiao Junyue had been handed back to the few pregnant women to take care of. Currently, it was still those few people who were taking care of Xiao Junyue. It was clear that Qiluo Xiuluo had not woken up.

"mummy ~ "

After that, when they heard a clear whistle, everyone turned to look at Xia Junhuang. Xia Junhuang was slightly stunned, and her eyes softened.

That was Xiao Junyue. She actually knew how to call her mother... ...

Although she knew that Xiao junyue would definitely be able to speak now, she never thought that Xiao junyue would still call her mother... ...

"Junhuang... did you hear that? Xiao Junyue is actually calling her mother! Our precious daughter can call her mother now... " Ji Youyue excitedly held onto Xia Junhuang's hand, and her eyes flashed with the joy and excitement of a father hearing his daughter call her parents for the first time ...

Xia Junhuang's eyes also flashed with a little bit of emotion and joy. However, she looked more at JI youyue. She knew that Qiluo Xiuluo would never teach Xiao Junyue to call for Mommy. It was probably because Ji Youyue had taught her quite a lot... ...

What Xia Junhuang did not know was that Qiluo xiuluo would indeed not take the initiative to teach Xiao Junyue to call for Mommy. However, he would watch images of Xia Junhuang every day and then tell Xiao Junyue how your mother was like. As time passed.. Xiao Junyue's memory of the word 'mommy' was becoming more and more vivid, especially her impression of Xia Junhuang.

Even Xu Ziqing and the others were very excited. Xiao Junyue did not forget Xia Junhuang, so they were relieved.

However, when they heard Xiao Junyue call him 'Hu' in the message that came later, their faces immediately turned black. Especially Ji Youyue, she wished she could dissect Qiluo Xiuluo!

Godfather? ! !

That robot actually dared to let Xiao Junyue Call Him Godfather He was simply shameless!

The few men were angry in their hearts. Actually, to put it bluntly, they were just jealous. It was a good thing that Xiao junyue could call him 'mother' , but Xiao Junyue did not know how to call him 'father' , she only knew how to call him 'Godfather' ... ...

The men thought to themselves worriedly. Could it be that their father's position had been replaced by that Qiluo Xiuluo? ...

SOB, why are the poor male leads deprived of their rights as fathers? QUICKLY RETURN OUR LITTLE PRINCESS TO US Haha, I wish all the big babies a Happy Dragon Boat Festival ZONGZI CHEERS Roar There are activities today, don't forget the birds

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