
The era of the reborn king

In her previous life, she had experienced the cruel end of the world. She had witnessed her parents turning into zombies with her own eyes. In order to survive, she had to rely on the strong. She had to endure humiliation and struggle to survive. In the end, she died in the third year of the end of the world. When she opened her eyes again, she was actually in the classroom ten years ago. Not only did she remember all the major events that had happened in the past ten years, from the national events to the winning numbers, but she also had a unique treasure. It was a small world created by an ancient cultivator. From then on, as she opened the function of the small world step by step, the business world had one more Weirdo who earned money the fastest and spent money the fastest. There was one more miracle doctor in the world who could determine life and death with his flesh and bones. He was also a guest of honor that was hard to come by in the political world That place brought out an invincible and terrifying goddess of death, and the entertainment industry had a legendary figure who did not appear on camera, did not act, and did not sing but had countless fans. Finally, the end of the world had arrived, a new era that belonged to the strong. In this life, she, Xia Junhuang, would become the strongest person at the top of the food chain. She would protect her family and friends, fight monsters when she had nothing to do, and establish the strongest base to stand on her own as the King From then on, she would become the king of the new world! Ps: This article is the long history of the female protagonist's rebirth and growth. Inspirational, strong women and strong men, cool literature in the city + fighting monsters in the end of the world Those who like modern words, urban powers, schools, stone gambling, antiques, entertainment and the end of the world, quickly enter the pit. This article has everything Don't forget to collect, vote, click, comment, diamonds and flowers. Your support is Xia Xia's motivation. Come on, let the storm be stronger [ statement ]1. This article is purely fictional, for entertainment. It is better to have fun alone than to have fun together. Please don't be too fastidious. 2. Xia Xia's writing is cool words. Those who like it, please support it Those who do not like it, if you really do not like it, please close the window of this page directly. You will not accept offensive comments. If you find them, you will delete them directly. However, a friendly suggestion is that you will listen carefully to the words. It is not easy. Please understand

Chengxia · Urban · MTL
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259 Chs

103: Dark Dragon Group VS PSIONIC mercenaries

Machine Translation

The walkie-talkie fell into silence in an instant. The people on the other side of the walkie-talkie were stunned for a moment and then lost their words in shock. They didn't care whether the information was true or false. In such a chaotic situation, there was no time to think about whether the information was true or false.

After hurriedly reporting for a while, Cheng Chen, who was waiting in the private residence, received the news from his subordinate at the first moment. Qin Yanyang, who was beside him, also heard it and immediately asked him to change the channel of the walkie-talkie.

"Hello, I'm the mayor of Mingli City, Qin Yanyang, you... "

Long Yuan patiently waited for the person on the walkie-talkie to announce his home, then interrupted him and ordered coldly.

"The people from the military district will be here soon. Everyone, cooperate with them. Clear the two-kilometer radius of the square, no one is allowed to stay, and there is no need for reinforcements. Your task is to ensure that no one is allowed to step into the area. Those who violate the rules will be arrested and awaiting trial. Execute it immediately. "

The voice from the walkie-talkie was cold and murderous. Even though they only heard the voice and did not see the person, everyone present, including Qin Yanyang and Cheng Chen, could not help but feel a chill in their hearts.

The voice was clearly calm and solemn. Even though it was cold and merciless, it did not pose any threat. However, they inexplicably felt a strong pressure pressing down on them. They almost did not dare to breathe, let alone question it.

Soon, various orders were issued. The people in the square were quickly evacuated by the police. The surrounding armed police and special police were dispatched to maintain order. The army also arrived at the scene of the incident one after another, dispersing the crowd of onlookers and numerous reporters A police cordon was set up two kilometers away from the square, forming a protective circle.

Many soldiers stood straight with machine guns in their hands, forming a huge circle around the police cordon. It was airtight, making the surrounding people who had been driven here to look around curiously, but they did not dare to come any closer Those reporters who wanted to poach the exclusive reporters had no choice but to wait in the outer circle anxiously.

At this time, Xia Junhuang had already arrived at a slightly shorter building next to the building where the riot had occurred. From here, she could see everything in the building next to it clearly through her x-ray vision. Fortunately, this building had already become empty Meanwhile, none of the military and police personnel who were investigating had discovered that she had slipped through the net.

When she activated her x-ray vision to look inside the building after avoiding the police and military personnel who were investigating, she happened to see a man who looked about twenty-five or twenty-six years old. He was holding a walkie-talkie and talking about something. Behind him were two men wearing black singlets and black pants The young man who was wearing military boots looked like a soldier, but he did not look like one. This was because they had an additional sense of hostility and oppression compared to the soldiers, especially the man who was leading the group.

The three-dimensional perfect side profile was as unmatched as a sharp knife. His tall body emitted waves of invisible pressure, as if a king had descended. The cold killing aura around him made one's heart tremble with fear. With just a glance, Xia Junhuang knew that this man was not simple.

However, just as she came to a conclusion in her heart, the man seemed to have sensed something and turned his head to look in her direction. Separated by the walls of the corridor, the streets, and the stone walls of the building.. It was as if he still could not block the man's sharp and cold gaze. It fell on her body with incomparable clarity.

Xia Junhuang was instantly startled, and she hurriedly averted her gaze, no longer daring to peek into that world.


Xia Junhuang's heart thumped rapidly twice. That pair of eyes that looked over were deep and sharp, cold and murderous. They were clearly calm and unruffled, but they seemed to carry the pressure of a mountain-toppling and sea-toppling expert and the soul of a king, shocking her into a state of confusion.

On the other side, long yuan, who had retracted his gaze, furrowed his brows slightly. What he saw was clearly a wall on the corridor, but he clearly felt that a pair of eyes were peering at him from behind the wall When he looked over, that pair of eyes suddenly disappeared. This reaction not only confirmed his guess, it also made his gaze become deeper and colder.

There were actually other extraordinary people here besides them!

Xia Junhuang did not dare to look at the place where the man was, afraid that she would attract unnecessary trouble. Hence, her gaze fell on another place, which was the direction where the four people had escaped.

At the south and east exits of the building, two extraordinary people ran out respectively. On the east side, one of them was thin and small, while the other had a head of golden hair. Wherever he passed, the thin and small man would casually pull and throw, creating a bloodbath The golden-haired man would occasionally throw out a ball of flame, burning the slow-moving crowd around him.

The two men who appeared at the south entrance laughed loudly as a golden wind blade flew out from his hand, instantly cutting off the neck of the last person who was running around. Looking carefully, it was actually a thin piece of metal The man clearly did not have anything in his hand, but when he attacked again, another thin piece of metal flew out.

However, just as he was about to cut off the second person's throat, it was wrapped by a sudden white light, finally turning into bits and pieces and dissipating into the air. Xia Junhuang looked over and saw three people chasing after her from the exit of the corridor. They were dressed in black, black pants, and wore military boots Their attire was obviously the same as the man who had discovered her.

Seeing that his actions were stopped, Golden Wolf turned his head to look. When he saw the members of the Dark Dragon Group who were chasing after him, he scoffed disdainfully, "who did I say was it? I didn't expect it to be a bunch of dogs who won't let go! "

"Golden Wolf, DEMONIC CAT! You guys better stop putting up a fearless resistance and follow us back, " said the member of the Dark Dragon Group.

The man with a pair of vertical pupils, demonic cat, sneered mockingly, "what a joke! We can still survive if we follow you guys back? ! "

"Don't waste your time talking to them. Just capture them. Otherwise, boss will be angry, " the member of the Dark Dragon Group reminded him.

As he spoke, the other two nodded and the three of them rushed over. The expressions of the golden wolf and the demonic cat changed, and they prepared for battle with vigilant expressions.

Immediately, the sound of metal colliding was sharp and ear-piercing. The members of the Dark Dragon Group who had stopped the Golden Wolf just now attacked the Golden Wolf with ice blades that were like snowflakes that filled the sky with the light of blades and swords The body of the Golden Wolf, which was originally no different from an ordinary person, suddenly changed. His entire body was quickly covered by dark golden metal. The ice blades were blocked by the metal just like that, making a sharp and ear-piercing sound.

When the Dark Dragon Group member saw this, a ball of red flame rose from his hand, like a fierce wave of fire thrown at the Golden Wolf. The Golden Wolf immediately dodged Nimbly, and a ball of terrifying fire lit up where he was standing Even the clothes hanging behind him were burnt to a crisp.

Meanwhile, the demonic cat met another member of the Dark Dragon Group. The silver lightning in this area suddenly crackled. While the demonic cat dodged, it also released a thick black mist. At the same time that the dark dragon group member dodged.. The tiles on the floor were hit by the thick black water, making a sizzling sound of corrosion.