
The era of the reborn king

In her previous life, she had experienced the cruel end of the world. She had witnessed her parents turning into zombies with her own eyes. In order to survive, she had to rely on the strong. She had to endure humiliation and struggle to survive. In the end, she died in the third year of the end of the world. When she opened her eyes again, she was actually in the classroom ten years ago. Not only did she remember all the major events that had happened in the past ten years, from the national events to the winning numbers, but she also had a unique treasure. It was a small world created by an ancient cultivator. From then on, as she opened the function of the small world step by step, the business world had one more Weirdo who earned money the fastest and spent money the fastest. There was one more miracle doctor in the world who could determine life and death with his flesh and bones. He was also a guest of honor that was hard to come by in the political world That place brought out an invincible and terrifying goddess of death, and the entertainment industry had a legendary figure who did not appear on camera, did not act, and did not sing but had countless fans. Finally, the end of the world had arrived, a new era that belonged to the strong. In this life, she, Xia Junhuang, would become the strongest person at the top of the food chain. She would protect her family and friends, fight monsters when she had nothing to do, and establish the strongest base to stand on her own as the King From then on, she would become the king of the new world! Ps: This article is the long history of the female protagonist's rebirth and growth. Inspirational, strong women and strong men, cool literature in the city + fighting monsters in the end of the world Those who like modern words, urban powers, schools, stone gambling, antiques, entertainment and the end of the world, quickly enter the pit. This article has everything Don't forget to collect, vote, click, comment, diamonds and flowers. Your support is Xia Xia's motivation. Come on, let the storm be stronger [ statement ]1. This article is purely fictional, for entertainment. It is better to have fun alone than to have fun together. Please don't be too fastidious. 2. Xia Xia's writing is cool words. Those who like it, please support it Those who do not like it, if you really do not like it, please close the window of this page directly. You will not accept offensive comments. If you find them, you will delete them directly. However, a friendly suggestion is that you will listen carefully to the words. It is not easy. Please understand

Chengxia · Urban · MTL
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259 Chs

086: three-day appointment, meeting

Machine Translation

A voice full of smiles, apologies, and pleas entered their ears. Jiang Ming looked up and saw that it was actually the famous manager of Kai Shuo in the entertainment industry. He suddenly remembered that he had received a call from Kai Shuo before It was said that there was an accident on the plane that delayed the time. Xia Junhuang's plane also had an accident. Moreover, it was also a flight from Mingli city to huating city. In that case... ...

It was very likely that both parties were on the same plane!

Before Jiang Ming could look at Xia Junhuang in surprise, Kai Shuo, who saw Xia Junhuang turn around, suddenly looked as if his throat was being strangled. His pair of sparkling eyes immediately widened He was shocked to see a girl with an indifferent expression who should not have appeared in this kind of situation. Then, he rushed over with stars in his eyes. If Xia Junhuang had not flashed quickly, he would have hugged her with excitement.

"Junhuang I'm so happy to see you. Why are you here Are you here to participate in the casting What Role Have you been selected Are you lacking a manager What do you think of me I can say that I can move and do housework. I can do anything. If you really find me to be your manager, you can save on assistants, butlers, and even nannies... ... ..

Suddenly, Kai Shuo and Jiang Ming felt a silver light flash past them. It was as fast as a shooting star. Then, Kai Shuo felt a sharp pain in a certain part of his body as if he was hallucinating. After that, he couldn't utter a single word!

Kai Shuo was instantly shocked. Then, he felt terrible. His mouth opened and closed, but he couldn't utter a single word. He was so anxious that his eyes were wet. When Jiang Ming saw this, he was stunned for a moment. He thought Kai Shuo was joking.. However, when he saw Kai Shuo's red eyes, he realized something was wrong.

"What's going on? Kai Shuo, what's wrong? ! "

Jiang Ming's voice was unusually anxious. In fact, very few people knew that he and Kai Shuo were very good friends. It was just a joke that they were so estranged just now.

At this time, Lan Xu, who had been watching from afar, slowly walked over. He didn't look at Kai Shuo. Instead, his eyes sparkled and rippled as he stretched out his hand towards Xia Junhuang and threw himself into her arms.

"BIG SISTER HUGS! Xu Xu misses you... "

Xia Junhuang felt the burning gazes around her. Her eyes instantly turned cold as she warned in a low voice, "if you miss him for the rest of your life, you can hug him. "

Instantly, Lan Xu's hands stopped when they were about to touch the corner of her clothes. His mouth twitched, and his eyes turned red as if he had suffered a great grievance. His eyes were as pure and gentle as a deer's.. One look could make one's heart soften.

But who was Xia Junhuang How could she be confused by Lan Xu's appearance? She directly ignored him and looked at Kai Shuo, who was looking at her plaintively because of her words.

"If you can't control your mouth anymore and keep chattering, I'll really make you unable to speak for the rest of your life. " As soon as he finished speaking, his fingers moved slightly, and a silver light was absorbed into it. Meanwhile, Kai Shuo's mouth was finally free.

"Ah... I can finally speak! I can finally speak! So scary! Ming Ming... I thought I suddenly became mute... i... "

Just as Kai Shuo started to chatter non-stop, Xia Junhuang gave him a glare and made him shut his mouth obediently.

Jiang Ming was completely stunned. He looked at Xia Junhuang with uncertainty in his eyes. She could actually make a person unable to speak. Why did he suddenly feel like he was in a Wuxia novel... ...

Lan Xu's eyes darkened as he looked at Xia Junhuang's drooping fingers. Suspicion and inquiry constantly alternated and finally turned into thick excitement and interest.

It was so fun How could a person have so many secrets What should he do... ... Xu Xu loved to reveal secrets ...

For the next two days, Xia Junhuang was discussing with Kai Shuo and the relevant personnel about the costumes, props, and filming location. Lan Xu arrived late, and Jiang Ming was not the kind of person who would allow people to use the backdoor Therefore, he was completely cut off from the drama of Lang Ya Board. However, he did not leave because of this. Instead, he refused to leave. He even shamelessly checked into the hotel where Xia Junhuang was staying and occupied the room next to her room.

However, no matter how much he pestered her, no matter how much he tried to act cute, it was useless. After two and a half days of pestering, Xia Junhuang's expression did not even change. She did not even give him the corner of her eye. It was even stronger than an iron wall This also stimulated the stubbornness in Lan Xu's heart.

He did not believe that he could not attract her attention!

Thus, after Xia Junhuang left, the miserable great manager of Kai Shuo suddenly realized that the money tree that he had raised since young had disappeared. The only thing left for him was a short text message.

"Dear Little Shuo, please help me cancel all the jobs and performances. Ah Xu is going to chase after your daughter-in-law. "

Suddenly, a shrill and tragic cry was left in the hotel. Unfortunately, no one paid attention to the pitiful and lonely manager... ...

After Xia Junhuang returned to Mingli city, she first returned to the apartment she rented. After changing her clothes, she went out to the imperial court hotel to rush to her three-day appointment.

She had no idea that she had already been glued to a fresh and tender Brown candy... ...

When they arrived at the Imperial Court Hotel, Xia Junhuang was brought to the presidential suite on the eleventh floor by a man in black who had been waiting for her for a long time. The man in black stopped at the door and stood guard outside. Xia Junhuang walked in by herself and passed through the large outer hall A spacious and gorgeous office desk in the inner hall was the most eye-catching decoration in the entire hall.

It was obvious that that thing did not belong to the hotel. The only possibility was that the owner of this place had asked someone to put it in.

However, at this moment, although Xia Junhuang had seen all of this, she did not have time to think about it. Because her gaze and mood were all attracted by the man who was sitting on the soft chair and giving all kinds of orders Even though she had already seen him once, when she saw him again, the shock he gave her was still so great.

He was a man of about twenty-six years old. He was wearing a dark gray suit, and his hair was fluttering with natural dark gold. He was obviously a foreigner However, he had the smooth and fair skin of a Chinese man. He was like an ink painting of a beautiful man standing in a pavilion in the misty rain.

Elegant, Noble, graceful, and noble. It seemed to gather all the wealth in the world, and the Noble Aura made people worship him.

That devastatingly beautiful face was even more beautiful than the Ice Lotus blooming on the peak of the Snow Mountain. It seemed that no words in the world could describe his peerless grace, especially those blue eyes. They were too vast, too empty, and too cold It was like a lifeless picture scroll, but also a beautiful picture scroll.

St. Lancaster. Pisino. After she finished what she was doing, she raised her head. She was wearing a simple white t-shirt, cotton-hemp halen pants, and cream-white Roman shoes. The ordinary clothes on her body looked extraordinarily expensive and beautiful.

It was not because of her fair and delicate face, but because of her cold and mysterious temperament.

This time, it was St. Lancaster. Pisino. Qing saw her. It was not the first time she ignored her. It was so empty that she forgot about it in the blink of an eye.