
Chapter 5

Verlock caught up with Lord Weyback along the palace coast. "She is crazy!"

Weyback smiled. Verlock had been in the kingdom for eight years and some months, serving the king. Although he had gone to war with Sharma, they had really not had a close one-on-one conversation like tonight. "Of course she is... so is everyone in the Wartaban's family—it's something hereditary. It exists in the blood."

"Is that sarcasm I hear?"

"You can make up whatever you want."

"She can't be serious about keeping the kingmakers an extra day."

"I am sure the kingmakers will understand. They have been around a long time."

Verlock was getting infuriated. They turned towards the Southern wall that led to the noble chambers. "Why does it sound like you are supporting her antics?"

Weyback stopped in his tracks and turned to him. "If you ignore the minor pattern, just look past the tiny shenanigans, you will comprehend the bigger picture, Sir Verlock!"

"She is different from King Andor. He was a more straight forward man."

"Of course! She is different! She is princess Sharma and not King Andor!" He placed his hand on his shoulder and squeezed it. "Give her time. You will get used to it."

Verlock hissed. "It would be difficult! Didn't you see what she did?"

"No, I didn't. What did she do?"

Verlock exhaled audibly. "Really? You may be an old man, but your eyes are very sharp, uncle!"

"Verlock, Sharma may be a little snarky—"

"A little??" He scoffed. "More like a lot!"

Weyback shook his head, smiling. "Fine! She may be snarky and sarcastic, but she is an adept listener. She held that conversation to tell us to trust her, didn't she? She knows what she is doing."

Verlock eyed Weyback. "You know, don't you?"

Weyback removed his hand from his shoulder and covered them in his robe. He smiled and started walking again.

Verlock ran after him. "You know something!"

"It wouldn't be so much intriguing now if I tell you, would it?"

He laughed.



Bohan was seated in his cabin, cladded in brown leather armour. He surveyed the map in front of him, his hands moving with purpose around it.

He felt the ship rock slowly until it came to a halt.

"We've arrived sire!" Naharo, a young man in his early thirties with dark brown hair and sky blue eyes, and his right-hand-man shouted from the entrance of the cabin. "We have your carriage and arm men ready. North of the border, sire."

"I believe it's a day's journey from Aridal?"

"Yes sire."

He nodded with approval. "Okay. I will be able to make it on time."

"The crowning is tomorrow, at the third hour. If we leave now, we will make it before then."

"Okay." He looked at the map in front of him, he accessed it one more time before rolling it up. He tucked the map into the space in his chest armour and looked at Naharo, "Let's go!"


My dear lady Sharma, I received your letter with utmost respect and urgency and the other kingmakers couldn't agree more. Do not fret, I witnessed your kingship by the late King Andor himself...may his soul rest in peace. I have the King's will and my brothers understand it fully. The ceremony will hold on Friday, the third hour. The Kingdom shall wait on you.


Sharma folded the paper.

She was reading it again for the third time; it had been giving her reassurance and strength since the day it arrived.

She thought about Windermer who always spent his time in the city's library which she had visited with her brother when she was little. She always had a curious mind and would ask him countless questions about anything and everything. Him being a very accommodating man, would laugh and heartily answer her questions. He was a noble but preferred to live a very quiet life.

She strolled to her window, her hand resting over the balcony. She heard distant noise from the people, from both the upper and lower town. She wondered if they were merrymaking or just partaking in their usual evening rituals and gossips. How she would have loved to to have someone really close to share some laughter with...

The lights were lit, just like the night her father asked her if it was beautiful—it was. Red, blue, orange, white lights illuminated the town roads and the palace stood at its magnificence.

The night was a full moon, it's elegance smiling down at the gold and silver sculpture and causing a mirage along the roads and pathways...casting thick shadows to the corners and walls—the trees too.

She rested her elbows over the balcony and breathed in the night's breeze, savoring her last night as the princess of Aridal. She smiled.

She was clothed in thick animal fur robe that rolled down her body to the floor, her night dress underneath. Metabul Aridal: an epitome of the greatest kingdom in its age.



"Princess Sharma??" Romayo shouted.

"Shhhhh! You are too loud!" Verlock eyed her. He looked around the compound where he stood, there was no one. He pulled her hand and drew her further inside. When he knew he was in the clear, he lowered his voice and said, "I told you to be discreet!"

"Well...what can I say? It came as a surprise to me."

"You are still too loud!" He gritted his teeth.

"Sorry." She said and she meant it. She walked closer to him, her height almost meeting him at his shoulder. "Who knows?"

"That, I can't tell you."

"You are being mean. You know I keep secrets well."

"And I am only telling you this because she asked for me to do so. She will need a maiden she can trust. Can you do it?"

Romayo looked at him, a thought crossing her mind. "Lord! This kingdom would have seen better days!" She swore.

"You are asking me to walk into the palace in the midst of fervent battle to serve her majesty and get killed?"

"Who is killing you?" Verlock was exasperated; knowing fully well that Romayo was used to magnifying situations.

"You know, the evil doers that dwell in high places? Those men with high noses and the best armours?"

"Look, Romayo, I know what you mean, but Princess Sharma is asking this of you. Don't you think it's because she trusts you? And she also trusts you to be able to make a better decision to bring in another maiden who will gladly be devoted to serving by her side?"

"And you both have known and encountered each other for a while. You understand each other to a certain level and you are both warriors. I know you are not a coward and serving and protecting her isn't the problem. So, what is it? What is holding you back?"

Romayo sighed. She placed her hand to her temple and shook her head. "I don't want to be caught in the middle of a blood bath."

"Blood bath?" Verlock laughed. "You know you have seen worse. You have always been in the middle of battles and wars. A simple blood bath is not your problem. And you—"

"Look," She interrupted. "I'm a traveler. Yes, I have seen wars and fought and killed, but I have done it with freedom. I love to travel from one kingdom to the other under no one's command. I don't want to be stuck in the beautiful palace of Aridal! I want to see uglier places! I want to drink beer in the and get drunk in the taverns!"

Leave it to Romayo to look for the most unfondly things...

Verlock looked at her, she was right. She had always moved from places to places; but Sharma had asked of her and he had passed his message. It was now left for her to ponder on it.

He rested his hand on her shoulder, a gesture that seemed to be prominent with the people of Aridal. He squeezed it a little and dropped his hand. "The crowning is tomorrow. She will be waiting if you change your mind."

With that, Romayo watched him walk away into the streets; a silhouette of a man dressed in thick fur and boots.

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