It speaks of the age when a woman took over the throne—a taboo according to the traditions of the ancient practice.
She chuckled." I can imagine." She said.
She sat in her arm chair, dressed in her royal milk and golden silk robe, legs and fingers crossed.
Verlock sat across her, feeling uncomfortable and trying as much as possible to condone it. She was studying him, her dark eyes surveying his every feature and emotion. And just like her father, he was sure she had a good sense of discernment. She didn't judge him—he was a man after all.
"How long till the King makers arrival?" She asked.
"I sent them your letter, they replied saying they are in Sandami. They will be here in two days."
She raised her eyebrows as a sign of questioning.
Verlock eyes locked with hers. "They are escorted by royal guards and Knights."
"That, I know. What I want to know is how they feel about it?"
Verlock didn't understand. "I'm sorry my lady. I do not get your question."
"Lord Sherdane and his cohorts: how do they feel about it?"
He sighed heavily. "I wouldn't quite know my lady. They've been staying quiet in their quarters a lot lately."
"And my cousins?"
"Sir Mobert hasn't been out since the cremation of the king. Lord Bohan on the contrary journeyed to Demitun fortress. He will be back tomorrow."
Sharma narrowed her eyes, thoughts rolling in her head... searching. She smiled to herself. "I see."
She stood up, using her hands to wrap her robe tightly around her body. "I will need new hand maidens." She said.
Verlock stood up too.
"New trusted maids whose mouths do not run freely. I don't want many of them. Two to three would be enough."
"Yes, my lady." Verlock said.
She walked towards him, he was tall. About six feet four inches, and she was an abstract contrast to him at five feet six inches.
She raised her head to his face and looked into his emerald eyes which focused straight ahead towards the window.
"The royal adviser, Lord Weyback!" One of the guards announced from her door.
Without turning her face from Verlock, she said, "Let him in."
The door opened and closed with Weyback walking into the chamber. "My lady." He greeted.
She looked at him, his head slightly bowed. "Weyback." She acknowledged and walked back to her arm chair. She sat and crossed her legs again.
She outstretched her right hand towards the other arm chair, "You both can sit."
"I will prefer to stand, my lady." Weyback said.
"I prefer to differ." She replied. "You'd be spending quite a lot of your time here; your precarious frail old legs cannot stand the hours."
She looked at him and saw him contain a smile. "Please sit." She offered again.
"Yes, princess." He bowed and took the seat, Verlock joining him.
She had exaggerated the situation. There was nothing she wanted to say that would have taken hours, but she wouldn't let them stand when she was sitting comfortably. She wasn't used to that special treatment yet. And yes! She was a princess of Aridal, but she had always looked at her fellows as comrades and friends. that she had gotten used to feeling like a warrior than an elite.
She uncrossed her legs, standing up and walking to stand by the windows. The day was bright. She looked down at the pathway and ground royale, the maids and manservants were passing by with some knights coming in the opposite direction. And then there was the palace Physician walking hastily with his aide, Rod.
"I want to be honest with you both." She broke the silence. "I have been thinking all these days that this weight is too heavy to carry. I have said to myself multiple times to back down and give in...that I cannot do it. I wanted to break down a lot but I could not bring myself to do it." She gruffed . "Because I'm a fighter...a warrior. My father laid his last hope on me and I cannot let him down. I WILL NOT let him down!"
She shook her head and faced them, they were watching her intently. "I reminisced how my father had rooted this kingdom: he laid a foundation...a foundation of trust." She glanced at Weyback who nodded.
She looked at Verlock, "A foundation of loyalty." He nodded also. "A foundation of understanding. That even before he spoke, his aides already fathomed him without questioning. I want to build that kind of foundation in my reign." She looked at them both, from one to the other. "I know my father already asked of you but I want to do this personally. Do you both, truthfully and sincerely take me as the ruler of Metabul Aridal?"
They stood up, Verlock first, Weyback seconding.
"My Queen." Verlock bowed.
"Yes, my Princess Sharma."
"Do you..." She walked towards them with slow intended steps. "...swear that you take me as a warrior, as one of you, a friend, a comrade, a king, a trusted commander; one you will die for, one you will kill for?" She stood before them, "One you will live for, like the days you served my father so shall you serve me?"
Verlock was inspirited. He could swear that he was liking this part of her. He got down to one of his knees, his hand rolled into a fist hitting the ground. "I vow with my life, my lady!"
She looked at Weyback who smiled. She was maturing. "My princess, I may be a frail old man but this old man has been loyal and will continue to be. I have served your father and my friend for many years and on his verge of death I had promised to serve his child till my end of days." Verlock stood up. "I avowed you as the ruler of Aridal the very first day your father told me of it. There is no other fit for this kingdom, my Queen." He bowed.
She was affirmed. She nodded. "Thank you Weyback. Thank you."
"The King makers will be here in two days, my lady. "Verlock said. "The ceremony will commence."
"The people have been left in turbulence. They are becoming afraid that Mobert will take the throne; even worse, his father." Weyback added.
"So I heard." She replied. "It won't be long soon. I'm getting the response I wanted."
"What are your plans, my Lady?" Verlock asked
She smiled, swiftly shifting her emotions like that of a chameleon into her usual charm. "The to become the first queen of Aridal... officially of course." She laughed. "We take it one step at a time."
She walked away from them towards her bath tub which was warming up with warm steamy water. She could feel their eyes on her. She decided to do what she had planned to do. It was one thing to talk, it was another to explain the actions.
She moved her hands to the bosom of her robe and let it fall to the floor.
"My lady!" Sir Verlock called out in shock.
She turned to them, both immediately bowing their heads.
"Look at me!" She ordered.
They didn't.
"Look at me!" She ordered again.
"I wouldn't dare, Lady Sharma! Please put on your robe."
She walked towards them, her dreaded hair falling over her shoulders to cover some parts of her breasts.
"I thought you perceived me as a warrior." It was more of a statement than a question directed at Verlock.
"We do." Verlock said.
"Then remind me the reason as to why you are refusing to look at me. Raise your heads! That is an order from your queen!".
They raised their heads slowly until they looked at her; their eyes briskly diverting to the tub ahead.
This wasn't the response she was expecting, but she wanted to reference something important to her. To them. "You both still see me as a woman. That is why your eyes and minds can't look without lust."
"Princess Sharma, that's not our intention." Weyback said. "It's just unruly to—"
"Unruly?" She raised a brow.
"My lady..."
"What I wanted was for you both to look at me like any other person. See me as a fellow comrade without looking to see if I am woman or not." She folded her hands and surveyed them. "You will get used to it because it will be happening more often than you imagined it would." She turned to the bath tub and stepped into it. She sat on the side that faced them, the water covering her up to her shoulder blades. "When the kingmakers come, tell them to take a rest for an extra day."
"An extra day?!" This time, Verlock looked at her. "My lady, it's been three weeks already!".
She was now getting the effect. She smiled. "The people waited three weeks, I am sure they can wait an extra three days"
"Isn't it too long, Princess Sharma?" Weyback asked.
She held her hand to her mouth to hold in a chuckle. "I know what you mean Weyback. Truly, I understand. But you of all people should be able to fathom what I am doing. I will rule like my father and myself alike."
Weyback was worried before, but after she said that last line, he understood. "Yes, princess. I understand. If I may leave?"
"Yes Weyback. You may."
He bowed and walked away.
"Do you have anything more to say Sir Verlock?"
He shook his head. "No, my lady. I will take my leave too. " He bowed and walked away.
Sharma smiled. "Rule like your father. An enigma only understood by his closest aides.". She submerged herself fully into the water.