It speaks of the age when a woman took over the throne—a taboo according to the traditions of the ancient practice.
The kitchen was a busy place with a lot of women than men. There were dried meats hanging down from the ceiling and by the wall from a thin rope. The palace plates had been arranged on the serve tables and servants were coming in to pick the plates on trays, taking it through an exit door which probably led to the corridor, running to the feast hall.
Down in the middle was probably the head cook who seemed to be shouting at the top of his voice.
"Oi! Don't put that there!"
"Do it like this. Stir. stir. stir. You are stirring like a turkey with a sickness. Do it properly!"
"What is this? You call this a soup? You said you knew how to cook? Is this the best you can do? This is deficient! Add more spice...and salt. Add potatoes too. That soup looks too light even for babies! I can't believe you want to serve that to her highness. Tsk Tsk tsk."
"Wash those plates properly! Do you want to pass disease to the Nobles? Put those pots in the bowl!"
The head cook was a man who looked to be in his early fifties. He was a short looking man about five feet five and had tied a scarf over his head. In the midst of all the noise and discordance happening in the kitchen, the cook shook his head and walked back to his post where he was cutting his chicken.
The man walked into the kitchen with the pots of wine on his small cart and stopped by the door way.
"Who are you?" The head cook shouted to his direction, stopping midway in cutting the chicken.
"I am Fadun." The young man replied smiling at him.
"I do not care for your name! What are you doing in my kitchen?" He left his post and started walking towards him with the knife pointed at Fadun's face. "Did you come in to steal food? Cause I will not have anybody come into my kitchen three times now to steal that which isn't his!"
Fadun raised his hands in the air in surrender. "No, no. I am not a thief. I am her on an errand. Westen, the wine merchant. He sent me to deliver the wine to your kitchen."
The cook stopped and looked at him, inspecting him. Fadun was a young man with beard sprouts, brown hair, tanned skin and dark blue eyes. And even though he looked tough and strong, his face and body were very thin, hiding under big clothes. "Westen?" He asked.
"Y-yes. He said if I arrive, I should look for Drane, the head cook."
"I am Drane. But we didn't order any wine from him." The cook said, dropping his hands by his side.
"He sent it as a present to the Queen. The best wine to welcome the troops of Rabadon and their King."
"Where is the wine?"
Fadun turned to his back and rolled the cart to where Drane stood. "He said the wine for their stay might not be enough, so he sent me to bring additional so you don't run out of wine."
Drane opened the clothes covering the wine pots, there were four pots of wine ready. He opened the cover of one and dipped his finger in, tasting it. "Hm. Tastes even better than the usual."
Fadun smiled. "It's the best of the best. We spent dedication making it for days now."
"Thank him plentifully for me and that I will send his present to the Queen as soon as possible."
"I will." Fadun said and turned to leave.
"Are you new in Aridal?" Drane asked him.
He turned to look at him, "No, I am not. I am an apprentice in his yard. I have been there for months now."
"I see. I haven't seen you."
He laughed. "That's because I work in the cellar. Not the vineyard."
"That explains it. Go on then. I won't keep you."
"Happy cooking." He bowed and turned, walking out of the kitchen.
Drane walked after him and closed the door. He turned and looked at everyone working in the kitchen. With his hands on his waist and agitation in his lungs, he shouted at the top of his voice, "WHO LEFT THE KITCHEN DOOR OPENED??"
"If you need more water, let me know." Rod said against the door.
"That will be all, Rod. Thank you." Amon shouted from the room, splashes of water heard dropping on plastic.
The night had grown dim and the people had started to retire to their quarters.
Sharma walked alongside Ratarod facing the path leading to his quarters, Romayo and the King's servant following behind them from a distance.
"Aridal knows how to welcome guests, lady Sharma."
"You are a king. A feast befitting for one."
"And perhaps even more."
"That is what you proclaim, but I am certain Rabadon would do same. And maybe even more."
"A compliment I appreciate."
"Indeed. Rabadon may even throw a feast for a week, that is also adding the impression that you are known for extravagance."
Ratarod laughed out loud as they turned to his quarters.
They were being led by an Aridal royal servant, a pretty one too dressed in a plain off-white gown and violet corset, an off-white scarf added to cover her hair.
She stopped in front of the door of his quarter and bowed. "Your room, my Lord."
"The best one yet here, I presume." Sharma said to her.
"I appreciate it."Ratarod said as he walked in, his man servant walking up to him and admiring the drapes and bed with his eyes.
"Our kingdom is also known for making beautiful patterns of clothings." She turned to the maid. "I am sure there is an extra bed for his man?" She asked her.
"Yes, my lady. We arranged it according to the specifications."
She turned back to Ratarod. "A beautiful room for your comfort and that of your man, my Lord."
"You are very kind, Queen Sharma." The man servant bowed.
Sharma smiled. "If you do need anything, you can ask Mera here. She is your assigned maid for your stay. She will be coming around to check on you for the days you will be here."
Ratarod looked at her and nodded. "That will be all, Mera."
Mera bowed.
"Sleep well then?" Sharma asked.
"Of course. I will. Do think of my offer."
"That is a matter for when the day breaks, don't you think King Ratarod?" And with that, she turned to leave.
"And when the day dawns I hope you will have an answer ready."
She turned and faced him, her gown swirling with her movement. "What happened to giving it some months, Great King Ratarod of Rabadon? I will not be rushed by matters as trivial for me as that. You will have an answer before you leave Aridal. That, I can promise you."
He grinned. "Your promise is enough then." He walked to his bed.
"Good night." She said and turned to the door.
"Good night, my lady."
His man servant closed the door behind them.
Mera bowed to Sharma and walked away while Sharma and Romayo walked at a slower pace.
"You don't seem drunk." Romayo said.
"I didn't drink a lot of wine."
They walked quietly through the passageway towards the east wing.
"Verlock seems to have retired to his chamber as well."
"He retired early. He was knocked out." She chuckled. "He almost made mockery of the king of the presence of his brother."
"You don't say." Sharma smiled. "How did that end for him?"
"It wasn't serious. Even in drunken state, he had some sense left in him to walk away."
"Might wake up to his own larking with a blow to his head."
"A water to quench is taste too. He has knights to train tomorrow. He my need it."
"More than a blow." Sharma laughed.
"What is it that Ratarod is asking for? It seemed so dire."
"You wouldn't imagine."
"You can tell me, I will imagine it." She grinned.
"Funny. You will know it with time."
"I wonder how long of a time that will be."
"Two days. Before their departure. I promise."
"You sure are making a lot of promises these days, my lady."
"I don't make promises I won't keep."
As they walked to the east corridor, they met Rod. The hem of his trouser was soaking wet and he had sweat falling by his temple. He was panting and seemed to be in a rush.
"You look a mess!" Sharma exclaimed.
He sighed. "My lady."
"Where are you headed in that condition?"
Rod looked at himself as if not realizing how unkept he appeared. "Hadu—Hadu sent me to give this tonic," he raised the small bottle up. " to King Ratarod in his chamber. Said it will help with his...sickness?"
"Sickness?" Romayo was surprised.
"Hurry on then. He is ready for bed and I don't think he will appreciate anyone coming in later on." Sharma told him.
Rod bowed and staggered lightly as he walked away, Sharma and Romayo watching him go.
"He seems like he had his bath with his clothes on." Romayo said over Sharma's shoulder. "What sickness does King Ratarod have? I have never heard such a thing?"
"You ask so many questions, Romayo. I am also sleepy myself. I will have a shower before preparing for bed. I need to get out of this uncomfortable attire." She replied as they turned and walked away.