
The Era of a Villain

Good? Bad? Strong? Weak? How are they decided? A young man, along with 40% of the population of the Earth, is transported to a different world. The young man was in a hospital bed in a coma, blissfully unaware he was not on the same—planet he was born on. Imagine waking in an unknown place with a purple-skinned man checking your vitals. 'Oh, a purple man? How nice they bought Barney the dinosaur to see me.' "Doctor! Doctor, the man passed out!" Vincent did not pass out; he closed his eyes because the lights blinded him. "Vincent Frost, the being who has sponsored you, has chosen you to be a villain. The villain system is now bounded and can't be removed." Vincent's mind, which was still cloudy, became clear instantly. He immediately shot up in his bed and screamed. You have to be kidding me! I created the cover using Webnovel tools; it has nothing to do with my character. Join our so-called villain and his journey to becoming a villain.

HNIC409 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


Victor had a vast, crazed smile on his face. 'This is what a true Grimm should be!' He turned towards his other grandchildren.

"Look after my grandson for me; I have to make a move after all these years." The building was threatening to collapse on top of everything.

Victor disappeared, and the others wanted to move toward Vincent, but someone else was already there by his side in the circle. Simon was there sitting by his feet with a cigarette in his mouth. 'You did good, kid; I am proud of you.' He shot the others a look. "If any of you cross that line at your feet, you will come to understand why I am called Simon the Barbarian. Go chase your grandfather and help him outside."

Kandice and the others wanted to say something but were stopped by Richard. "You heard him. Let's go outside."

The other six appeared in the circle as well. Markus was smiling and was in his armor. "Haha! Simon, we should spar after this. That old man ran away to deal with those outside." Simon ignored him and took another drag of his cigarette.

Vera and Tyre walked to Vincent but didn't touch him. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He has been stripped to the bone, and even those were destroyed." Vera was fixated on the rebirth process Vincent was going through. 

"I agree, it is rare to see someone come back alive from this state. The Grimm bloodline is fascinating." Tyre was taking notes. "Tyre, I expect a detailed copy of those notes to teach them to Vincent later." Jekel's voice was heard outside the circle since he was studying and trying to decipher it. 

Pyea giddily sat next to Simon. Simon wanted to move away but stayed still.

"Awww, look at you being so protective." She pulled one of his cheeks and got swatted away by him." Pyea dragged herself out of the wall. "Right, you are still Simon; nothing has changed."

On the Outside

The sky was myriad colors and gave off a feeling of suppression. Victor was standing in the air, staring at the sky. The elders had already transformed back into their human form. The sky above wasn't the only enemy.

People dressed in all black and wearing masks were before the elders. "Give us the kid. The kid isn't even an actual Grimm. You didn't watch him grow up, so don't give up your life for him."

Richard and the others arrived just then. "I want to see you get to my son." Richard's aura was unleashed at its total capacity. He equipped his weapon and armor. "I will talk to the people who hired you." Ryker and the others also went all out. 

The masked enemy's brows scrunched up. The one in charge felt how powerful they were the most. "Richard, it looks like this is the day I die. I will take one elder and two children from you." Blake was the first to move.

Vines and plants strangled the ones in the back. Kyle and Bridget made a frontal assault. Janet fell back and mumbled some words. Everyone glowed red, yellow, and white for a second. 

"Take out their supporter!" Richard and the elders confronted the leader. Ryker took out a pair of pistols with blades attached to the end of the barrels. "You will be dead long before." Lyla fell into the shadows and started assassinating people. Kandice took out a pair of gauntlets and charged after Kyle and Bridget. It was war.

In the sky.

"It has been a while since your kind made a move, dragon." Victor looked at a pair of clouds, and an eye opened. A voice full of power and age sounded. "Victor Grimm, how did I know you were involved." "That is not fair; I am not even responsible; it's my new grandson. He made a declaration, which must hold some truth since you are here."

They grew silent, and the sky itself seemed to egg them on. "HAHA! The heavens seem ansty. We should give them the show they want." He pulled out a long dadao sword.

"Riya, it has been long since you have tasted dragon's blood." Victor's sword, Riya, was glowing with a red sheen and cried excitedly. 

The dragon narrowed its eyes at the sight. "If you wish to die by my hands, you only need to ask politely." Pressure and aura that only belonged to Saint's burst out.

"One last thing, dragon, do not involve the young, no matter the result." The dragon roared in response, and the clouds gave way to a colossal figure. 


Vincent's body had already finished healing and being reborn. His mind was trying to untangle itself. 'Where am I? Who am I?' 'How did I get here?' "Jekel, get your ass over here! You are the mind guru." Simon shouted at Jekel. 

Jekel rolled his eyes and then frowned. "This is fascinating! His mind palace is being completely reformed from the beginning."

He placed his hand on his head. 'Hear my voice, Vincent, remember who you are and what you are meant to do.' Vincent felt his heart rate quicken. The man's voice he heard made him realize he was missing something. 

'What is it!? What am I supposed to do? How can I leave this place? I need to get my siblings!' It clicked and fell back into place. Jekel and everyone else was pushed aside by the burst of pressure from Vincent.

Lightening, water, ice, flames, and the temperature around Vincent flickered and changed. He opened his eyes, and they were not his but were like Millie's. 

The others did not look at them for long before an intricate mask covered them. The mask was coated in blue, white, yellow, red, and gray. The edges were like the feathers of a bird, and the closer you looked at the center, they turned into scales. The mouth portion was full of fangs and was menacing. The painted-on eyes were purple and had slits for pupils. 

Vincent took a step and brought everyone outside. The battlefields stopped. Victor and the dragon looked down in excitement and fear. The field on the ground, no one dared to move. Vincent walked into the middle of the lake and looked up at the dragon and the sky.

He spoke not with his voice but with a collection of voices—the most prominent one was Millies. "You are too late. He has been reborn anew. He will sunder the heavens and bring it crashing down if not respected. He will remember your betrayal and heed all your actions from now on."

Vincent stopped addressing the sky and summoned the halberd on his arm. With a simple sweep toward the sky, a low mumble of wild slash, the sky was wiped clean. The dragon's massive size was exposed. Vincent looked at the dragon. 

The dragon was yanked down from the sky and forced into its human form. "You will be his first servant since you were the first to defy him." The dragon was forcefully transformed into ink and applied to Vincent's torso. It wrapped around his torso twice, and its head pointed toward his heart. The stark comparison of the serpent and dragon was painted.

Victor came down from the sky and kneeled. The other Grimms followed his lead. They were not bowing to him but to the voices that currently resided in him.

"You all have made the Grimm blood proud and will all be reborn as well." A blood-crimson light fell on all of them. When it vanished, everyone had transformed. "It seems you reached the end of your evolution." Victor was not saddened but was happy.

"It is my honor to even talk to you." 

Vincent's body started to sink into the lake, so the voices moved it to the ground. "His body can't hold on any longer. He will be asleep for a month. The last think they did was kill the invaders and place a curse on their bloodline. 

Vincent body fell limped and into Richards arms.