
normal day

## Chapter One: Morning Moments

Between wakefulness and slumber, the shy rays of the sun sneak through Ahmed's window, gently rousing him from his deep sleep. He sways slightly on his bed, trying to coordinate his scattered thoughts between dream and reality. He listens to the faint sound of his alarm clock, reminding him that it's time to start a new day.

After a moment, Ahmed slowly opens his eyes to glimpse the strands of light filtering through the curtains, refreshing his face with the warmth of the morning. Ahmed stretches in his bed for a short moment, allowing his dormant muscles to slowly regain their activity, and he takes a deep breath to fill his lungs with fresh air.

Ahmed wears a faint smile on his face, feeling the inner calm and serenity as he prepares to face the new day. He sways a little around his bed, slowly pulling himself up to stand beside it, and pushes the small button on his alarm clock to silence its loud sound.

As Ahmed prepares to leave the bed, he listens to the quiet steps as he heads towards the bathroom. He lounges in the familiarity of the usual bath, washing his face with cold water to refresh his body and sharpen his senses. The morning sparkle shines in his eyes, expressing his readiness to face the challenges of the new day.

## Chapter Two: Getting Ready for a New Day

Ahmed's room fills with the increasing morning light, as he listens to the flow of sound from the awakened city through his shyly opened window. Ahmed stretches on his bed for a few extra minutes, trying to gather his thoughts and organize them between wakefulness and sleep.

Slowly, Ahmed moves to sit on the edge of the bed, feeling a bit of laziness overcoming his sluggish body. He raises his hands to stretch his muscles and sways a little to invigorate his blood circulation. He listens to his gradually accelerating heartbeat as the start of a new day approaches.

Ahmed looks around his room, seeing the familiar and beloved things, and feels grateful for every moment he spends in this place where he feels safe and comfortable. He smiles lightly and contemplates the next steps he will take to start his day.

Then, after moments of quiet contemplation, Ahmed rises firmly from his bed and heads to the bathroom to complete his morning routine. He washes his face with cold water again, rubs his eyes to fully wake them up, and confidently moves towards the mirror to tidy his hair a bit.

After finishing preparing himself, Ahmed heads to the kitchen to have his breakfast. He enjoys a light meal, preparing to face the challenges of the day with energy and vitality, looking forward to what the coming hours may hold.

## Chapter Three: Preparation Time

The clock hands move confidently, indicating that time is passing quickly. Ahmed continues to prepare for his day, working systematically and accurately to ensure that he is ready to face any challenges that may await him.

After having breakfast and preparing himself to go out, Ahmed returns to his room to take a few moments for reflection and mental preparation. He sits on the edge of the bed, closes his eyes for a moment, takes a deep breath, and tries to calm his scattered thoughts.

Ahmed regains his focus and prepares himself to face his day with strength and determination. He focuses on the goals he wants to achieve today, and imagines himself overcoming challenges and achieving success in every task he undertakes.

Then, after moments of quiet contemplation, Ahmed rises with strength and determination, ready to start his day with enthusiasm and optimism. He closes the door behind him and heads out into the outside world, excited about what this new day may hold for him.

## Chapter Four: Beginning of Work

As the clock approaches four in the morning, Ahmed finds himself on his way to his workplace. He drives his car with focus, listening to the soothing tunes filling the car, helping him focus and calm his nerves slightly before starting his work day.

Arriving at his office, Ahmed is welcomed by the quiet silence of the office, contemplating the comfortable and organized environment he finds in his workplace. Ahmed settles into his seat and begins to turn on his computer, preparing to immerse himself in his daily tasks.

Ahmed starts organizing priorities for the day, planning tasks that need to be accomplished. He checks his email and begins to respond to important messages, then prepares for the scheduled meetings in the morning.

Starting from four o'clock, Ahmed begins his work day seriously and diligently. He prepares to face challenges and solve problems, determined to achieve success and accomplish the goals he set for himself on this new day.

## Chapter Five: Focus and Achievement

As the clock approaches five in the morning, Ahmed sits in his office ready to immerse himself in work with seriousness and focus. He puts on his headphones and plays soothing music to help him concentrate, and begins to think deeply and plan his day's tasks.

Ahmed moves skillfully between files and documents, analyzing data and extracting necessary information for his daily tasks. He sets clear and specific plans to accomplish each task within the specified time, while maintaining accuracy and quality in every work detail.

As he progresses in his work, Ahmed feels a gradual increase in concentration and harmony with his tasks. He feels satisfaction and pride in every task he successfully completes, and feels capable of controlling and managing his time effectively.

Over time, Ahmed continues to make significant progress in his work, feeling confident and positive about what he can achieve in his day today and in the future. He continues to work seriously and determinedly, looking forward to achieving success and realizing his goals with confidence and optimism.

## Chapter Six: Worry and Anxiety

As Ahmed is focused on his work, disturbing news flashes on the TV screen in the background. The noise level in the office rises as the news breaks through the barriers of silence, quickly catching his attention.

Ahmed raises his head with concentration, turning to the screen to watch the report. He feels worried and anxious as he listens to warnings from the army not to leave homes or workplaces due to the dangerous situation outside.

Ahmed wonders what is happening and what is the reason behind these unexpected developments. His concerns grow as he thinks about his loved ones and their safety, and about how to deal with this new situation.

Emotions swirl inside Ahmed, between worry and tension, and between the desire to ensure the safety of his family and friends. He feels helpless in the face of these unexpected circumstances, and wonders how to deal with these sudden events.