
the entity's prey

"Imagine a life where you have no agency over your own body. Every action, every movement, is dictated by an external force. The pain and suffering that come with it are a constant reminder of your helplessness. You're trapped in a world that's entirely alien from the human experience. Would anyone be willing to accept you for what you are now, or would the fear of being controlled keep you isolated and alone? This is the story of Brian, the main character of this novel, whose life takes a dark and eerie turn as he struggles to maintain control over his own body and mind, which are being manipulated by a mysterious entity from a world beyond human understanding." *Characters description* *Wish Dragon - The Wish Dragon is a legendary creature, a wingless with a shifting color scheme, currently appearing as silver with black accents. Its colors change with each new guardian, a phenomenon that has been observed over time. Once golden in hue, the dragon's appearance has evolved to its current silver and black form. Though spoken of in whispers and tales passed down through generations, the Wish Dragon has never been chronicled in written records. As a result, many modern-day individuals view its existence as a mere myth, a joke, and struggle to comprehend its supposed ability to grant wishes like a genie. Skeptics question its whereabouts, wondering, "If such a creature truly exists, why is it not visible now? If it's immortal, where has it been hiding?" *Guardian of wish dragon - Over time, the guardians of the Wish Dragon have continually changed, with the root cause of this change being greed. Each new guardian who sought out the Wish Dragon did so with their own ulterior motives and self-serving agendas, seeking to exploit its wish-granting abilities for their own gain. The sole deity capable of eliminating every guardian . the deity associated with the elements of fire, air, and water. Paradoxically, this god, who is responsible for destroying guardians, is also the only one who can create new guardians for the Wish Dragon. Despite being the embodiment of these elements, this god has no physical existence, no discernible shape, and no audible voice. Yet, this god's power is evident in the creation and destruction of guardians, shaping the fate of the Wish Dragon. Kaelara (A female guardian) is also chosen in the same manner.She is neither human nor creature, but a sentinel entity solely dedicated in form of human body to protecting the Wish Dragon. Created by the divine hand of God, she serves as a guardian appointed to watch over the Wish Dragon across various periods, ensuring its safety and integrity. God himself has entrusted her with this sacred responsibility, tasking her to safeguard the Wish Dragon for generations to come.

Laksmi_Boro_1277 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

chapter 4

Xylia, standing at the forefront, drops to her knees and begs for forgiveness with folded hands, repeatedly pleading, "Forgive us, forgive us, forgive us." She prostrates herself, imploring mercy. Meanwhile, Henry, bound to the tree branches, struggles to free himself but ultimately surrenders.

A female voice bursts into laughter, "Ha... ha... ha... Ha... Ha... ha... ha... ha! After all so many years, someone has finally awakened me. I am ravenous! Bring me food, bring me food, bring me food!"

A blurry figure, seemingly human, materializes before Xylia, in shape of girl body. "I won't release him until you offer me 10 cows as a gift."

Xylia recoils, screaming.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. I haven't asked for much. I promise to grant you anything in return." blurry girl said.

Xylia glances at the suspended Henry and then at the girl, whose body is still taking shape. After a moment's hesitation, Xylia agrees, "Okay, but you'll have to wait a little longer."

The girl responds with, "Okay."

Xylia swiftly retreats to her car and drives away.

It was approaching 11 PM, but Xylia yet not return. Henry realized that Xylia had abandoned him, a bitter betrayal. Henry's response was maniacal laughter, his mind reeling with the thought. This was not the first instance of Henry facing deceit and treachery. He lost all hope in Xylia and in life itself.

However, a sudden turn of events rekindled Henry's will to live. A large truck came to a halt in front of the majestic tree in the heart of the forest, and Xylia emerged from the vehicle. "Sorry, Mr. Henry, I'm late." she said, her tone hinting at a mix of apology and self-assurance. She then scanned her surroundings and shouted at the top of her lungs, "Where are you? Come out! I've brought what you demanded!"

Within minutes, the blurry girl materializes from the tree's branches, to which Henry is bound. "Where's my food?" she demands, her voice childish and petulant, her tongue lolling out of her mouth like a panting dog. "Where's my food? Where's my food?" she repeats, her tone growing more insistent.

"You'll get your food, but first, you have to release Henry," Xylia negotiates.

The girl responds eagerly, "Yes, I'll set him free, but give me my food first!"

However, Xylia remains cautious and refuses to acquiesce, knowing better than to trust the girl's demands without ensuring Henry's safety first.

Unable to resist her eagerness, she finally releases Henry to the ground. "Now, where is my food? Where is it?" she asks with excitement and anticipation, her tone betraying her anger and impatience.

There was a button located in the middle of the key. Xylia pressed the button, and the rear door of the truck swung open immediately, as if triggered by the remote command.

Inside the truck, Xylia had brought ten healthy cows, securely tied and in good overall condition

As a strong gust of wind, the girl suddenly goes there into the truck and began devouring the cows with ravenous intensity, her hunger seemingly insatiable as she consumed the entire herd with alarming speed.

Witnessing the girl's astonishing consumption of the cows, Henry grew terrified and grasped Xylia's hand, urgently pulling her away from the scene. But Xylia remained steadfast, refusing to budge or leave the spot, her gaze fixed on the spectacle with a mix of fascination and trepidation.

"Xylia, this is not a jok time! We need to leave immediately. If we don't, we risk getting trapped here and never making it back home. Do you understand the gravity of the situation?"

"Mr. Henry, if ours ancestors' words hold any truth, I wish to remain here. We must seize this opportunity to make our wishes known and fulfill our dreams. Don't you believe that by facing this challenge, you can rise above your current circumstances and achieve greatness beyond your present situation?"

Upon hearing Xylia's words, Henry's pace faltered, and he hesitated. A glimmer of hope sparked within him, and he began to envision a possibility where his circumstances can improve. He starts to feel a sense of optimism, thinking that his fortunes might change for the better if he seized this opportunity.

In that instant, the mysterious girl emerged from the truck, her entire body now visible. She grasped a blood-soaked heart in one hand, while her other hand cradled a still-beating heart, which she licked with an unsettling intensity. The heartbeat was palpable, a stark contrast to the lifeless heart in her other hand, dripping with blood.

As she emerged, her body underwent a transformation, and her attire changed as well. Her hair, now a striking silver hue, cascaded down her back, while her clothes were replaced by a flowing black garment, its dark color a stark contrast to her radiant hair.

"Now, tell me," she said, her voice low and mysterious, "what can I give you?" As she spoke, she slowly licked the blood from her hands, her tongue darting out to savor the sticky liquid.

"You must grant Mr. Henry unimaginable wealth, making him the richest person on earth."

"(Smirk) And what will you get from this?"

Xylia gazed at Henry with affection and devotion, her eyes shining with warmth. "All I desire is to have you by my side, Henry. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

The mysterious girl burst into a fit of laughter, her voice booming so loudly that it seemed capable of shattering the sky itself. Her cackling echoed through the air, a deafening sound that was both haunting and unsettling.

As she continued to laugh, she stretched out her hands towards the sky. in a bewildering moment, a wooden staff plummeted from above, descending onto her outstretched hands .

With the wooden staff firmly grasped in her hands, she shut her eyes and commanded, "Descend, I summon you." Her voice was authoritative, as if she was calling upon a powerful entity to obey her will.

In a matter of moments, a colossal dragon materialized before her, descending from the sky. Its majestic body glistened with a sleek black scales, accented by shimmering silver hues, a truly awe-inspiring sight.

"I appreciate your offer, kaelara, but I must remind you that our agreement spans a century. You may only request something from me after fulfilling your obligation for the entirety of that period." The dragon addressed its guardian with utmost humility, its voice filled with reverence and submission.

(The guardian name is kaelara)

"Ha ha ha ha ....I was created by God Himself to serve as your protector. Remember that I possess far greater power than you could ever hope to wield."

"the god will never forgive you if you again brake the rule. You may have overlooked the fact that I have never exercised my power against my guardian. It is a principle I adhere to, a self-imposed rule that I have never broken."

"So now you will have to break it." Kaelara uttered an incantation, her wand glowing with magic, and hurled the spell at the dragon. Instantly, her words wove a prison of chains around the dragon, ensnaring it in a binding spell.