
the entity's prey

"Imagine a life where you have no agency over your own body. Every action, every movement, is dictated by an external force. The pain and suffering that come with it are a constant reminder of your helplessness. You're trapped in a world that's entirely alien from the human experience. Would anyone be willing to accept you for what you are now, or would the fear of being controlled keep you isolated and alone? This is the story of Brian, the main character of this novel, whose life takes a dark and eerie turn as he struggles to maintain control over his own body and mind, which are being manipulated by a mysterious entity from a world beyond human understanding." *Characters description* *Wish Dragon - The Wish Dragon is a legendary creature, a wingless with a shifting color scheme, currently appearing as silver with black accents. Its colors change with each new guardian, a phenomenon that has been observed over time. Once golden in hue, the dragon's appearance has evolved to its current silver and black form. Though spoken of in whispers and tales passed down through generations, the Wish Dragon has never been chronicled in written records. As a result, many modern-day individuals view its existence as a mere myth, a joke, and struggle to comprehend its supposed ability to grant wishes like a genie. Skeptics question its whereabouts, wondering, "If such a creature truly exists, why is it not visible now? If it's immortal, where has it been hiding?" *Guardian of wish dragon - Over time, the guardians of the Wish Dragon have continually changed, with the root cause of this change being greed. Each new guardian who sought out the Wish Dragon did so with their own ulterior motives and self-serving agendas, seeking to exploit its wish-granting abilities for their own gain. The sole deity capable of eliminating every guardian . the deity associated with the elements of fire, air, and water. Paradoxically, this god, who is responsible for destroying guardians, is also the only one who can create new guardians for the Wish Dragon. Despite being the embodiment of these elements, this god has no physical existence, no discernible shape, and no audible voice. Yet, this god's power is evident in the creation and destruction of guardians, shaping the fate of the Wish Dragon. Kaelara (A female guardian) is also chosen in the same manner.She is neither human nor creature, but a sentinel entity solely dedicated in form of human body to protecting the Wish Dragon. Created by the divine hand of God, she serves as a guardian appointed to watch over the Wish Dragon across various periods, ensuring its safety and integrity. God himself has entrusted her with this sacred responsibility, tasking her to safeguard the Wish Dragon for generations to come.

Laksmi_Boro_1277 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

"Once I've eliminated you, I'll finally have peace."

"You'll never be able to erase my existence. "

"I'm human but you aren't. Don't forget, I created you. And what I create, I can also destroy."

The response was met with mocking laughter. "You dare to laugh at me? You're useless to me now!"

The laughter grew louder, more menacing. "How can humans be so selfish? They love, then exploit, and when they're done, they discard. Destroy what no longer serves them."

"You shouldn't be so bold... you shouldn't..."

the sound of a throat being slit.









Brian was overcome with a fit of coughing and rushed to the bathroom. As he coughed, he began to vomit blood, filling the bathroom with it. He stumbled backwards, his face contorted in terror, and sat on the floor, holding his head and weeping.

His mother's voice broke through his distress, "Brian, Brian, Brian! Come down quickly and have breakfast. You're running late for college!"

Brian got up, wiping away his tears and cleaning the bathroom. For almost a week, he had been experiencing this mysterious and distressing vomiting, but he chose to keep it hidden from his mother. He couldn't explain why he preferred silence, but he suspected something was amiss. A visit to the doctor had ended abruptly when a question from the doctor had made him uncomfortable, and he didn't go there since.

After showering, Brian stood before the mirror, put on his college uniform, adjusted his white shirt's collar, and took a deep breath to compose himself.

"Breaking News: 10 Cows Missing from Farm, Found Dead with Livers Removed.

In a shocking incident, 10 cows went missing from a local farm, only to be found dead a short distance away. The gruesome discovery revealed that the livers had been removed from all the carcasses. The Ministry of Crime Affairs has issued a warning, advising people to stay indoors at night and avoid venturing into hilly areas. Citizens are urged to exercise caution and remain safe."

"How long will I have to endure seeing such news every morning?" Brian's mother exclaims. "Brian, be careful on your way to college. If you notice anything unusual, don't look back. Just head straight to college, understood?"

Brian, lost in thought as he plays with his food, suddenly stops. He remains silent for a moment, oblivious to his mother's concerns. His gaze remains fixed on the TV news, his eyes wide with a mixture of fascination and fear.

"Are you listening to me, or am I just talking to myself?" his mother asks, slightly exasperated.

Brian snaps out of his trance, "Huh? Oh, sorry Mom. I was just thinking about college."

His mother's expression softens, "Okay, okay. Just be safe and if anything happens, call me immediately."

Brian nods, shouldering his bag and heading out the door. However, he only manages to take a few steps before his expression changes from determination to confusion. He looks around, realizing he has forgotten the way to college.

"Brian... (soft whisper) ...Brian... (gentle whisper) ...Brian... (urgent whisper) ...Get up, I'm hungry..."

A soft whispering voice like a gentle Breeze carries to Brian ears from an unknown direction. Although Brian had regained consciousness some time ago, He still lacks the strength to open his eyes. Despite his best efforts, He was unable to open his eyes. However as soon as someone touches his eyes , they suddenly spring open.

"You're mine, and mine only," again the voice hisses in Brian's ear, "so get up now. My hunger is growing."

Brian struggles to his feet, his voice shaking. "Who are you?" he croaks, his body swaying unsteadily. "Who are you?" he asks again, his voice barely above a whisper, filled with dread and uncertainty.

"Who am I? I am you," whispers. the voice like a gentle caress in Brian's ears. The words seem to dissolve into the air, carried away by the soft breeze, leaving Brian with more questions than answers.

"Cut the cryptic talk! Who are you, exactly? Why are you hiding from me? (Brian rubs his eyes, trying to clear his vision) Why can't I see your face? Who are you, and what do you want from me?"

The voice resonates clearly in Brian's ears. "We're two sides of the same coin, identical and inseparable." she bursts into cackling laughter. "Today, I'll dictate what you eat for dinner." The laughter becomes more frenzied and unsettling, hinting at a dark and ominous intent.

Brian's scream echoes through the air. "Where are you hiding?! Are you the one manipulating my life, causing all these bizarre events to happen to me? Is it your doing?"

"Must you shout so loudly." says but the voice laced with mocking concern. "I'm standing right behind you." Brian whips his head around, expecting to see, but there's nothing there. The tree's branches creak softly in the wind, but otherwise, everything seems still and quiet.

"Where are you?" Brian shouts, spinning around, but remains invisible. Without warning, a multitude of ropes ensnare him, wrapping around his body, restraining him completely.

"let me go! let me go!" Brian cries out, desperate bid for freedom. But the ropes hold fast, and he's powerless to escape. Then, in an instant, pulling him upwards. Before he can even process what's happening, he dangles 15 kilometres above the ground, utterly at the mercy of the entity, with no possibility of escape.

Just as Brian is about to let out a blood-curdling scream, a bizarre, arachnid-like tree branch with multiple thick legs snaps shut over his mouth, effectively gagging him and stifling his cry for help.

The density of the forest made it inaccessible to humans. If any living beings could thrive in this unforgiving environment, they would likely be unusual and mysterious creatures, unlike any found in more inhabited areas.

"Brian, do you have any idea how much I cherish and adore your lovely face?" Brian's gaze snaps towards the speaker, his eyes opening wide with a mix of fear, surprise, and disbelief, frozen in a stunned expression.

A disembodied head hovered before him, with a tangled mass of tree branches dangling beneath it, resembling a serpent. The branches emitted a eerie red glow, which illuminated Brian's eyes. As soon as the light touched his eyes, visions of past events began to flood his mind, reviving memories he thought were long forgotten.



Open your eyes...




But then, Brian's ears are filled with the comforting sound of his mother's voice, as if she's speaking directly to him.



Wake up...

After being summoned back to consciousness by his mother's insistent voice, Brian slowly opens his eyes, regaining awareness of his surroundings.

his four friends, clad in their college uniform , gazed at him in utter disbelief. Before Brian can even utter a word to explain what's happening, his friend Mike interrupts him, cutting him off.

"No no no, I don't want to hear any of your explanations or justifications. Why do you keep returning to this place, despite the danger and the fact that it's now illegal to venture into such hilly areas? What's gotten into you? What's happened to you? You should be grateful that I caught you in halfway, otherwise, things would have been much worse."

"Have I been there before?" Brian asks his friend with puzzleness.

Brian's four friends exchange astonished glances .

"Alright, alright, it's okay, you can rest now." Roy says, deciding to drop the matter for the time being, as Brian's health has been declining significantly lately. Not wanting to exert him further, Roy stops the discussion and his four friends exit the room . leaving Brian to rest.

Brian becomes deeply absorbed in thought, his hands cradling his head as he struggles to process his emotions and make sense of his surroundings.

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