
The Enlightened One (Senju!SI)

Man is self inserted into the body of an orphan in Konohagakure. Come to find out he's secretly a Senju with quite the lineage. Join my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7UqqJ6Nf9h Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Kakukami

Kakukami · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 31

Sento Terumi. At first glance, you really couldn't see the resemblance. Green eyes were the only thing his sister and he shared. His hair was black and cut short, combed to the side. He was a handsome man, at least I would consider him as such, and was rather tall standing a full head over me.

His green eyes glared at me from the window of his office as we walked the beach towards the town. Mei had wrapped herself around my arm, pressing her body into me and humming happily as we went. The Kiri jonin and Konoha jonin trailed behind us while sending wary glances to one another ever so often.

Anko was sitting on the head of my wood golem along with Chojuro who was on the wood dragon's head. The golem's massive form stomped beside us as we walked the beach at Mei's insistence.

Chojuro had squeaked about how he thought the dragon was cool and Mei, who I'm guessing had a soft spot for him, asked if he could ride on top of it. Considering I was trying to keep her happy, and with it not bothering anyone, I let him.

"The evening view is quite beautiful, isn't it? The setting sun's reflection casts over the calm waters. It's so romantic." She hugged my arm tighter as she looked up at me with a goofy loving face.

"It is." I agreed stoically. Internally I was trying my best not to shit bricks. The living volcano beside me was as stunning as she was terrifying. I knew it would take a singular slip-up before she'd be hearing something opposite from what I said. Even more than that, I feared the wrath of her and my women.

What would Naruko and Satsuki say? Fuck…what would Hinata say?

My eyes trailed down to the humming woman, she looked like today had been the best day of her life. She had a small hop in her step as she squeezed my arm so tight that the blood flow had stopped.

No…what would she say?

Would she blow up in a blind rage calling me a two-timing asshole? Would she force lava down my throat? Followed by a breath of scalding steam? Would she castrate me with a molten rock scalpel?

Teuchi, God, if you're listening, please deliver me from the injustice of a woman's wrath. Save me from their misunderstandings as well as their twisted minds. Ramen.

"So, where'd ya off Zabuza?" Mangetsu asked, walking beside me on my left and giving me an innocent smile.

His intentions were anything but innocent though, I could tell that much. I honestly trusted him more than any of the other Kiri shinobi, barring Mei, but I knew even if he was a more cool-headed person than his brother, he was still a reckless man.

An unpredictable man.

"In the forest somewhere. I'll show you later." I shrugged, which got Mei to let out a thankful sigh. Eventually, we left the beach behind, going through the forest and towards the town.

I had taken the heads of Gato and Atsuko, sealing them in a scroll to present to the town whenever we got there. I had also told Mei about Ao's head, she had forgotten who I was talking about at first but upon snapping out of her love-induced haze, she shrugged, telling me that the eye was rightfully Konoha's anyway.

Of course, I agreed and planned to take it back to Hiashi after reporting to the Hokage's mansion and giving our report.

With Gato and Atsuko dead, and Sento relieving the land of his presence, our mission was nearly finished. All we needed to do was build the bridge, and I could handle that tomorrow.

With Yamato-sensei's clone with us, I was almost certain he had told the others what had occurred tonight, and I was both relieved and very nervous. On one hand, I wouldn't have to explain this unexpected, but not unwelcomed, turn of events. On the other hand, Naruko and Satsuki's rage would have time to fester and grow.

It didn't take us any longer than half an hour to reach the town. Mei had insisted we move at walking speed since she didn't want to rush our time together and I wouldn't be dumb enough to disagree.

"I suppose this is where we part." I smiled at the woman whose head was pressed into my chest. The Konoha jonin stood behind me. Saying not one word the entire time, and for good reason. The Kiri shinobi stood behind her, waiting for her to say her goodbyes to the real me.

One of my clones would be taking them to the Executioner Blade and then they'd head back to the Land of Water where their base was. I had already told her I would try and get Konoha to aid her fight against the Loyalists, and I intended to stick to that.

"No matter if it's thirty moons or thirty months, my heart will long for you always." She whispered. I gently grasped her chin, planting a kiss on her supple lips as I tilted her head up. This one lasts a bit longer than the last one. It wasn't deep or filled with lust, but the longing she felt radiated through our lips.

"Then I will patiently await the day you return to me, my dear Mei."

She shivered again within my grasp, forcing herself back. I thought I did something wrong, but judging by the smile she sent me I realized I hadn't.

"We should depart now. If I stay in your arms any longer, I may not ever be able to walk away from your embrace."

Okay, she fell harder than I thought.

"Then go, every moment of every day, I will be thinking of you, feeling your calming heat, and smelling your intoxicating scent. Until the day we meet again."

She swooned, before catching herself and turning around. "As will I."

My clone jumped towards the trees, the Kiri shinobi giving chase until they disappeared deep into the forest. I stayed there and stared into the darkness of the forest for a while before I was snapped out of my haze as Anko slapped me on my ass.

"I can't fucking believe it, how'd you pull that off, lover boy?" She laughed, pulling my head into her breasts.

"I…don't fucking know," I answered honestly. We should have died. That much is a fucking fact. Mei alone would have been enough to handle us, add the two of her shinobi and her brother, and we were fucked.

"Color me impressed." Ebisu chuckled, taking off his shades to reveal brown eyes. Huh, never seen him without shades before.

"You do realize though that you don't hold that much weight in Konoha though, right?" Anko asked, rubbing her fist into my hair. I pulled away quickly, catching her off guard.

"That's what you think. I'm the Head of the Senju clan and Gramps and I are rather…close." I shrugged, making my way to Tazuna's place.

"That doesn't mean you can decide that Konoha's going to war with Kiri?" Anko frowned, crossing her arms under her bust. "Lord Hokage is gonna be upset with you, brat. At the end of the day, you may hold some real importance in the village dynamics, but you don't have the power to declare war."

If only she knew…

"Then I'll deal with it when we return. Until then, you're welcome for saving your fucking life."

She was caught off guard by my aggressive tone, surprise etching itself over her beautiful face before her lips twitched upward in a smirk.

"I like you, brat."

We didn't say anything else as we made our way over to Tazuna's place. Yamato-sensei had dismissed his clone the moment Mei and her party had left. As we reached the door, it was flung open, a blonde missile burying into my gut. I was too tired to stay standing and ended up getting tackled to the ground.

"Lei, you're okay!" She shouted in my ear, I winced at the noise. My body was exhausted, but my girl was worrying.


I ran my hair through her silky smooth hair, her warmth immediately bringing my heart rate down to a steady beat. This entire day had been so incredibly action-packed. Since we had stepped onto the Land of Waves, I had my guard up, never once dropping it until right now. Even as we ate earlier, I was constantly watching through the eyes of my clones.

So for the first time in what felt like a long time, I allowed myself peace.

"You're an idiot."

And of course, she would have to interrupt it.

I looked over the head of the blonde to see Satsuki frowning over me.

"Yes, I am, but I'm a smart idiot." I agreed easily.

"Damn right, you are." Anko chuckled, stepping past us and making her way inside, Ebisu following behind her.

"I'm glad you are," Satsuki admitted, dropping to her knees, she gently lifted my head and put it on her lap, my head immediately being cushioned by her toned, yet moderately plump, thighs. "We were worried. We were going to run over when Yamato told us you were staring down the Living Volcano."

Her hands ran through my hair, a smile on her face. "Then he told us how you de-escalated the situation and made allies in the process."

I grew nervous but that tenseness subsided when I saw Satsuki's smile was still genuine with no underlying threat.

"You both aren't mad?"

"Why the hell would we be mad?!" Naruko shouted as she picked her head up from my chest and glared at me. "You're alive, that's all that matters!"

"Agreed. The three of us, Naruko, Hinata, and I had already agreed you would need to take more women than just us for the sake of your clan continuing. We decided that the children born to us would each take our clan's names, which would mean the Senju name would die if you didn't take other women."

My eyes widened, they hadn't told me that. I had expected our clans to merge all sharing the name Senju with the addition of their mother's clan. Like Naruko and I's child would be Senju-Uzumaki.

Though I guess her way of thinking does make sense. Mito Uzumaki married Hashirama Senju, but upon doing so, she didn't become Mito Senju. She kept her clan name, and though her kids took the Senju name, had she been the last Uzumaki, I highly doubt she would have allowed that.

"...I see."

"Y-You're fine with that?!" Satsuki asked, blatant surprise apparent in her beautiful face.

Eh, it didn't mean much to me. I was initially born a clanless orphan, though I had grown to respect and cherish the Senju name, I wasn't so overly adamant that my girls take my name, and the same for our kids.

"No problems here." I chuckled, running my hand through Naruko's hair. "As long as I get to name the firstborn child to each of you."

"No! I wanna name my child!" Naruko crossed her arms, not even bothering to look at me until I accepted her selfish request.

"Agreed." Satsuki smiled, her hand patting my head. "Sorry, dear, but you're gonna have to wait in line."

That blows.

"Alright, maybe Hinata will feel differently." I sighed, gently pushing Naruko off my lap and getting off the ground. I patted myself off as we made our way inside.

"Full house." I whistled at the gathered people in the kitchen. They were drinking, apparently with Yamato-sensei having explained the details, they learned of Gato and Atsuko's deaths as well as Sento leaving the area.

"Oh, it's gonna be a party tomorrow! We'll drink until we die."

"Oi, do that on your own time, old man, we got a mission to complete!" Anko laughed, downing a cup of sake. "Ah."

"Give me a cup." I made my way over, sitting in one of the empty seats. Satsuki took the last seat before Naruko could sit down. I immediately felt bad, I wanted my girls comfortable after all, so I went to get up but was pushed down by Naruko. A blush on her cheeks as she glared at me. Then she turned around and sat on my lap.

This girl is dangerous.

The night was honestly a lot more fun than I expected it to be. Naruko hated sake and didn't even finish her cup, while Satsuki was slamming them down and asking for more. The fun lasted far into the night with Anko knocking out on the table.

We made our way upstairs.

More specifically, I carried Satsuki upstairs, since the girl apparently couldn't handle the amount she was drinking, and tucked her in the futon.

Naruko passed out the moment she laid her head down, and I excused myself from the room. I went outside to find Tazuna on the porch along with Inari.

"Tazuna." I greeted, earning their attention and a wave from the old man.

"Lei, or should I call you the man who saved our dear home through the power of love?" He laughed, earning an amused smile from Inari.

"More like the power of bullshit." I snorted.

My response got Inari to laugh. We sat in silence, Tazuna taking it as a sign from me.

"How about you head on up to bed, eh, Inari?"

Inari looked between us before giving a nod. "Okay, goodnight Grandpa."

We listened to his footsteps as he walked inside and made his way upstairs. "The beach is littered with the corpses of the dead, I'll clean that up, it was me that caused it after all," I explained earning a tired sigh from the old man.

"I'll never understand you shinobi. To have to bear the weight of killing so soon, it's just-

"I'd rather not talk about that."

He looked at me, my face shadowed by my hair.

"Alright, that's just fine. Won't force you to." Another silence descended over us it wasn't tense nor was it calm.

"I'll finish the bridge tomorrow, then we'll head out."

Tazuna looked at me and then up at the moonlit sky. "You did this place a great service. You have no idea how much pain and suffering they caused while they were here."

"Let's be honest, it was a necessary part of the mission. Even if we protected you until you built the bridge, they just would have destroyed it unless we dealt with them." I glared at the old man with no real heat.

"Again, I apologize for forcing your hand like I did. I cheated you all on the price and very nearly got you all killed."

"It's fine, old man. Let's just finish this thing up so we can go home." I smiled at him, and he looked at me, sadness deep in his eyes. He gave a very tired sigh and stood up, offering me his hand.

"Let's finish this."