
Paradise lost

The ground was shaking profusely and with violence. With all these different tremors happening across the Arkana, one couldn't help but think that the world was in labor… that it was about to birth something new. These tremors were definitely precursors of something of extraordinary nature. Whether that would be good or bad remained to be seen. 

In the west wing tower of the Sylar palace, while Romina had finally found the person responsible for the annihilation of her entire people, Andreza found the object of her infatuation... in the same person.

Andreza: WAIT! – she shouted with every ounce of her being. Everyone's eyes were fixed on her now. She managed to get everyone's undivided attention. The following words coming from her mouth were going to be a shocker to everyone. But she didn't care anymore. She spent most of her life worrying about what everyone else would say or think. It was time to shout how she felt from the mountaintops.