
The Enigma of the V

What would you do if a pigeon told you that you had to save the world? This is what happened to Legend, a ten year old kid that was originally a seventeen year old named Jonas. Now he's in another dimension called the Arkana, and after accepting his new reality he's become a wannabe adventurer. After meeting new friends along the way, they uncover an evil conspiracy to open a dimensional doorway allowing something unholy into the Arkana. Will Legend and his new friends be able to stop those that long to see the world burn?

Jonkohrr · Fantasy
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141 Chs


In Midgard, at Raincoat Labs

Dr. Brauer: Have the parameters been adjusted?

Aid: Yes, boss.

Dr. Brauer: What about the commissioned units? Are they all ready?

Aid: Everything has been adequately taken care of, boss. We are ready to initiate the transfer.

Dr. Brauer: Excellent! Give it a go!

As the doctor said those words, the sequence to open the dimensional portal was initiated. The machine started powering up, and the entire large room was getting filled with steam. Everything was shaking. Lightning sparks emanated from the main machine and the arch through where the robots would be sent. These were the last-minute machines Dr. HP had commissioned in the name of Emperor Aurelius. Dr. Brauer had the machines ready but ended up sending them ahead of schedule due to the Reach's emergency.