
The Engineer

Noah is a normal guy who got traversed to an another world. And he was stuck underground. Read, how he got to the surface. And what mechanical wonders he made along the way. And his only help was a system that is only capable transerfer knowledge! [English is not my main language, so sorry about the grammar. Thanks for the reading!]

Bendzsi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs



[Task completed, Do you want to recive your reward?]

Noah groggily opened his eyes. He got up from the bed and washed his face. Ready for what's to come.

"Yes, please!"

[Okay Host, get ready for a slight headache!]


[You recived:

- {Basic} Atack Magick For Dummies

- {Basic} Magic For Home Application

- {Basic} Enchanting For Dummies

- 5000 points


Now Noah was ready for it, and his brain was already enchanted, so the pain was more berable and Noah didn't blacked out. The headache only lasted for a few minutes.

But all the pain was worth it Noah finally was able to use Magic. He opened his hand and concentrated. At first it seemed nothing is happening but after a few seconds a small flame lit up in his open palm.

"Yes! I can do magic!"

'Okay this is the battle magic when I use the mana in my body for spells. It has more destructive power'

Noah held out his hands towards the clay mug on the table and tried to move it with his imagination. The mug started to tremble increasingly and at some point the mug was no longer on the table but floated in the air.

"Hehe, I became one with the force!"

Noah was so excited, that he totally forgot about the mug floating in the air.

*Crash!* (I don't know how to write sound effects!)

The Mug fell to the ground and broken into pieces.

"No! My favorite mug!"

Noah shouted in fright. It was a perfect that he made with many hours of practice.

'I shoud stop' tought Noah while scratching the back of his head in embarassment.

After cleaning up the remains of the once glorious mug. He started to think again. 'Mana in the air doesn't have a high concentration, so the magic using it as a source has a limited scale. It is still capable of dealing damage but because it is convient to use it got the name of the magic for home application'

'Let's move on.' Noah summing up his knowledge about enchanting. Started to think with a frown on his face. 'Enchanting is about adding magical properties to things. But I need something with magical properties. But what sould I use?'

Looking around in his small but cosy house. His eyes got stucked on the different kinds of stretched out leathers. He stood up and started to inspecting them one by one.

"Okay this should do it!"

Noah said, after finding the one with the highest magic concentration. It was a bigger piece, it was black and little bit rough. It was a hide of a big black beard that Noah hunted down with painstaking efforts.

Noah grabed the big piece of leather with his left hand. And he extende his right hand upward. And fully concentrated on the end of his index finger. At first nothing happend but after a while wind started to gather at the end of Noah's finger. The wind condensed into a form of a short but sharp, transparent blade with a little green hue in it. But it didn't stop there, it started to extend out with break neck speed towards his face. Luckily Noah reacted quickly and stopped supplying the spell with mana but it still scratched his cheek. The wind blade quickly dissipated and the winds calmed down. Everything went back to normal like nothing happened. If it wasn't for the cut on Noha's cheek that started to bleed a little, the spell would have left no trace of existence after himself.

Noah wiped the blood down from his face with his hand. And then looked at the blood on his hand in disbelief. And then the realization hit him like a train.

"Fuck, I almost killed myself with my own magic!"

"I have to learn to control my magic!"

Noah breathed in and started to concentrate on his index finger again. He concentrated so hard that drops of sweat started to apear on his wrinklead forhead.But Noah coudn't care less.

The winds started to gather at the top of his finger again. And started to condense into a small wind blade. But unlike the last time with Noah's firm hold on his magic it didn't start to extened crazily.

Noah breathed out in relief.

"Huff, I'm still alive!"

Noah acted quickly before he could lose his control over his magic. He cut the leather in squares, all roughly in the same size. After he was done he looked at the wind plade and cut the mana suply. The blade disiplated quickly.

After Noah inspected his work he felt satisfied. He grabbed the piecesof leather. And walked to the sturdy tablel with a chair next to it. It is Noah's workstation. It usually is filled with junk and random things but he cleaned it up just for this. He placed down leather. And sat down in his chair excitedly.

"Okay, let's get started!"


Hello, the author here. I just wanted to say sorry for the late update. I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue the novel but I sad fuck it I'm doing it. So here it is. I hope you liked it!

Ps.: Sorry about the grammar, I'm just too sleepy to care.