
The Endless Portal

Jin is a scavenger living on the fringes of society until he discovers a mysterious system that allows him to travel through dimensions. With the ability to access other worlds, Jin begins buying and selling valuable items, quickly amassing a fortune. But as he delves deeper into the workings of the system, he realizes that he may have stumbled upon a dangerous secret.

zJinnn · Fantasy
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28 Chs

What's with this cheat skills!

[ Please Check your skills ]

{A/N: You can skip reading all this skill if you feel bored.}

I first looked at the skills for dimensional travel:

[ Dimensional Travel Skills ]

[ Dimensional Portal Creation ] - Cost: 2000 high magic crystals

Unlocks the ability to create portals to other dimensions. Requires a stable location and a source of power to create a portal. Once created, the portal can be used to travel between dimensions.

[ Dimensional Rift Detection ]- Cost: 800 high magic crystals

Allows the user to detect the presence of dimensional rifts in the area. The skill is passive and does not require any action on the user's part. The detection range and accuracy depend on the user's level and proficiency in the skill.

[ Multidimensional Navigation ]- Cost: 1500 high magic crystals

Enhances the user's ability to navigate between dimensions, making it easier to find specific locations or planes of existence. This skill also provides a greater degree of control over dimensional travel, reducing the likelihood of getting lost or disoriented.

[ Planar Shift ]- Cost: 2500 high magic crystals

Allows the user to shift their physical form between different planes of existence within the same dimension. This can be useful for evading pursuers or accessing hidden locations. The skill requires a certain level of concentration and can only be used once per day.

[ Interdimentional Communication ] - Cost: 1000 high magic crystals

Unlocks the ability to communicate with beings from other dimensions. The skill requires the user to understand the language of the target dimension or have a translator device. This can be useful for gathering information or negotiating with otherworldly beings.

After reviewing the skills for dimensional travel, I turned my attention to the skills for dimensional trading:

[ Dimensional Trading Skills ]

[ Bargaining ]- Cost: 500 high magic crystals

Enhances the user's ability to negotiate prices and deals with merchants. The skill increases the user's charisma and persuasiveness, making it easier to get a good deal or persuade a merchant to lower their prices.

[ Appraisal ]- Cost: 500 high magic crystals

Users gain the ability to assess the rarity and obtain crucial information about the target, including their level, name, and race.

[ Merchant Network ]- Cost: 1200 high magic crystals

Unlocks access to a network of merchants across different dimensions. The user can use this network to find specific items or negotiate deals with other merchants. The effectiveness of the network depends on the user's level and proficiency in the skill.

[ Trading Contracts ] - Cost: 900 high magic crystals

Allows the user to create binding contracts for trades and deals with other merchants or traders. The contracts are magically enforced and can ensure fair play and adherence to the agreed-upon terms.

[ Item Duplication ] - Cost: 3000 high magic crystals

Unlocks the ability to duplicate certain items for a limited time. The duplication is temporary and the copy will disappear after a set amount of time. This skill is useful for creating duplicates of rare or valuable items for trade or sale.

and After that I check the combat related skills

[ Passive Skills ]

Aura Mastery - Cost:1200 High Magic Crystal

Allows the user to fully control their own aura, enhancing their physical and mental abilities beyond human limits.

[ Magic Manipulation ] - Cost: 1500 High Magic Crystal

Enables the user to manipulate the elements and energy around them, granting powerful offensive and defensive abilities.

[ Mana Regeneration ]- Cost: 800High Magic Crystal

Increases the speed at which the user can regenerate their mana, allowing them to cast spells or use magical abilities more frequently.

[ Elemental Resistance ] - Cost: 1000 High Magic Crystal

Grants the user resistance against one or more elemental types, such as fire, ice, or lightning.

[ Divine Blessing ] - Cost: 2000 High Magic Crystal

Unlocks a powerful aura that grants the user increased resistance to dark magic and curses, as well as enhanced healing abilities.

[ Combat Skills ]

[ Sword Mastery ]- Cost: 800 High Magic Crystal

This skill allows the user to wield swords with incredible precision and skill. With Sword Mastery, the user gains increased attack speed, damage, and accuracy with any sword they wield.

[ Elemental Magic ] - Cost: 1200 High Magic Crystal

This skill allows the user to harness and control the elements of nature, including fire, water, earth, and air. With Elemental Magic, the user can unleash devastating spells that deal elemental damage to their opponents.

[ Firearms Mastery ] - Cost: 2000 High Magic Crystal

Grants expertise in handling firearms and advanced weaponry, including pistols, rifles, shotguns, and heavy weapons like rocket launchers and Gatling guns. Enhances accuracy and precision, making the user an expert marksman. Ideal for taking down heavily armored opponents.

[ Hand-to-Hand Combat ] - Cost: 600 High Magic Crystal

This skill teaches the user to fight with their bare hands, using quick strikes, grappling, and throws to defeat their opponents. With Hand-to-Hand Combat, the user gains increased speed and strength in unarmed combat.

[ Archery ] - Cost: 1000 High Magic Crystal

This skill allows the user to wield a bow and arrow with great skill, hitting targets with deadly accuracy from long range. With Archery, the user gains increased accuracy, range, and damage with any bow they wield.

[ Stealth ] - Cost: 500 High Magic Crystal

Move silently and remain unseen, allowing them to ambush their enemies and move through dangerous areas undetected. With Stealth, the user gains increased agility and the ability to avoid traps and alarms.

As I looked at the prices of the skills, I wondered how I could ever afford them.

Suddenly, my system beeped and asked if I wanted to use the exchange system.

The conversion rates were as follows:

1x High Magic Crystal = 100 Smc

1x Rare High Magic Crystal = 1,000 Hmc

1x Rare Magic Crystal = 1,000 D-Points

At the moment, I had 30 Small Magic Crystals, 0 High Magic Crystals, and 3 Rare High Magic Crystals.

"I could use the conversion system, but the conversion rate for Rare High Magic Crystals is 1000 High Magic Crystals per piece! That's a fortune, even by my new world's standards. But these skills are crucial. If I can awaken them, I can earn so much money," I murmured to myself.

Then, I asked the system about Dimensional Points.

[ Dimensional Points are the points you earn every time you travel to another dimension, such as killing monsters, trading with their dimension, or achieving certain goals. You can use them to buy items in the exclusive item shop of the host ] the system replied.

"Ah, that's right. I almost forgot about that, thanks to these cheat skills," I said, recalling the tutorial.

Finally, I made up my mind and decided to convert my Rare High Magic Crystals into High Magic Crystals.

The system beeped again and announced that the conversion was complete. Now, I had 30 Small Magic Crystals, 3,000 High Magic Crystals, and 3 Rare High Magic Crystals in my possession.

I knew that the prices were steep, but these skills could be the key to my success in this new world. After some consideration, I decided to invest in Appraisal and Merchant Network skills and Aura Mastery, as I believed they would be most useful to me in the long run. I made the purchases and felt a sense of excitement and apprehension as I prepared to embark on my dimensional travels and trading ventures.

"Only 100 HMC and 30 SMC left in the system possession," I muttered to myself. "Hey, system, can I convert the crystals back into physical magic crystals?"


[ Yes, you can convert them back into physical magic crystals in your possession ] the system replied.

"Great! I still have enough crystals to start trading back in the Solarium!" I exclaimed, a smile spreading across my face.

"I want to leave the System Territory," I informed the system.


As I opened my eyes, I saw Zephyr sleeping on my chest. I quickly checked the system to make sure that everything was real and not just a dream.