
The Endless Portal

Jin is a scavenger living on the fringes of society until he discovers a mysterious system that allows him to travel through dimensions. With the ability to access other worlds, Jin begins buying and selling valuable items, quickly amassing a fortune. But as he delves deeper into the workings of the system, he realizes that he may have stumbled upon a dangerous secret.

zJinnn · Fantasy
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28 Chs


While walking Jin Drink the Growth Potion and Strengthening Potion, after a few minute's finally they found a group of Goblins.

"Finally we found monster's and It just Goblins!" He said, and a quest suddenly popped up.

[ New Quest Arrived! ]

Exterminate all of the monster residing to Ethel Town

1.Goblin: 0/10,000

2.Shaman: 0/5

3.Goblin King: 0/1

Reward: 50,000 Dimensional Points, 1x Bottle Life

"A quest? This the first time the system issued a quest! and the reward is 50,000 Dimensional Points!" He said, and without a second thoughts Jin rushed into the battle

Level up..


"They are like butter Against my new sword! and the effect of overall equipment is significantly high" He said

"Eat some Goblin you might gain another skills " He command Zephyr

"Squish!" It replied

after an hour of fighting half of the ruined town monster is already killed by jin, and some intelligent monster starts to gather at the castle.

"It's been an hour, I am already at level 45 and it's been an hour since I last level up it is because my level it's already that high that's why I don't level up? and I don't see any monster at all and my eye start seeing a concentrated aura from that castle, is the monster gather in that place? is the boss here have some intelligence? it might be! I will allocate my points first before engaging to battle!" He said


After replenishing his health and consuming the growth and strengthening potions, Jin felt invigorated and prepared for the upcoming battle. He knew that time was of the essence, with the effects of the potions lasting only an hour. With a renewed sense of purpose, he and Zephyr made their way into the castle, their footsteps echoing through the dilapidated corridors.

As they ventured further, they encountered a formidable obstacle. A group of monsters had gathered, blocking their path. Jin observed their behavior and realized that these creatures possessed a level of intelligence. They had constructed makeshift barricades using armor pieces and logs, a clear indication of their organization and strategic thinking.

"There's truly an intelligent monster managing this horde! They've learned to work together and even establish their own armies," Jin remarked, impressed by their adaptability. However, he knew that he couldn't afford to be complacent. With a determined expression on his face, he charged into battle.

"Zephyr, buff!" Jin commanded, and Zephyr unleashed a powerful buffing ability, enhancing Jin's combat prowess. With a swift motion, Jin hurled Zephyr into the air, positioning him strategically atop a destroyed roof. From there, Zephyr provided aerial support, using his long-range skills to assist Jin in dispatching the enemies.

Jin showcased his exceptional swordsmanship, his movements fluid and precise. With each swing of his blade, he struck down the approaching monsters, their bodies crumbling to the ground. His dashing equipment shimmered in the dim light, lending an aura of heroism to his figure.

"Phew! That was quite a wave of long-range goblins. It seems we've taken care of them all," Jin remarked, wiping the sweat from his brow. He surveyed the area, confirming that the immediate threat had been neutralized. However, he remained vigilant, knowing that there were more challenges yet to come.


As Jin and Zephyr made their way closer to the castle, Jin decided to check the quest log to assess their progress and strategize their next moves. The quest displayed before them was an ambitious one:


Exterminate all of the monsters residing in Ethel Town

1. Goblins: 3,265/10,000

2. Shamans: 0/5 Goblin

3. Goblin King: 0/1

Reward: 50,000 Dimensional Crystals, 1x Bottle of Life

"Three thousand monsters already? In just Five hours? It's hard to believe, but we're making remarkable progress," Jin exclaimed with a mix of excitement and disbelief.

He understood that the journey ahead wouldn't be easy, considering the sheer number of monsters he still needed to defeat.

Glancing at the castle, Jin noticed a horde of thousands of monsters congregating outside.

The realization of the daunting task at hand struck him. Among the mass of creatures, he spotted a shaman, a formidable magic type monster.

"Facing them head-on would be suicidal. I need a plan, a strategy," Jin thought, quickly realizing the necessity of acquiring more powerful resources to overcome the overwhelming odds.

Taking a moment to assess his options, Jin decided to browse the marketplace for potential items that could aid him in the battle.

Explosives seemed to be the solution, as they could offer the necessary firepower to eliminate a large number of monsters effectively. However, he was aware that acquiring magic bombs or magic missiles through legal means might attract unwanted attention and suspicion from the authorities.

After searching through the available options, Jin's hopes were dashed as he discovered that the explosives on the market were insufficient for his current needs.

He longed for magic-based weaponry like Magic Missiles or Magic Bombs, which could potentially turn the tide in his favor.

Regretting his earlier decision to focus solely on aura, Jin realized the missed opportunity to master magic-related skills.

Thinking of ByteKnight's has advanced civilization it also, have advanced weaponry. But he remembers that advance weaponry is nothing against monsters without magic, and ByteKnight World doesn't have any magic it's impossible to acquire magic explosives.

Nevertheless, he understood that time was of the essence, and he couldn't afford the luxury of practicing magic at the moment.

The best course of action seemed to be a temporary return to Earth to acquire the necessary explosives.

Jin was aware of the risks associated with navigating the black market, but he considered it a necessary step to equip himself with the tools needed to face the challenges ahead.

"I will need to buy those explosives from the black market after all. The extermination of Ethel Town Monsters and the completion of the quest are at stake.

There's no time to waste," Jin declared, resolute in his decision. With a portal back to Earth.

"Will be back, Zephyr let's go. Once we have the necessary firepower, we'll return to The Ruined World and face those monsters head-on," Jin assured his loyal companion.

With determination in his eyes, he activated the portal and stepped through, knowing that he needed to act swiftly to ensure their chances of success in the upcoming encounter.


Jin checked his Magic watch that he had left on top of the small cabinet and saw that it had been 5 hours , the same as in the ruined world. "I need to make a call to the shopkeeper.

I think that person is trustworthy and might know where to buy heavy magic explosives and other magic weaponry.

I can also inquire about buying other magic weapons from ADF, but they must serve the sole purpose of hunting monsters and it has a limit of 3 guns and 10 tons of explosives, as going over that limit would raise suspicions with the government.

"Hello, Mr. Shopkeeper. I have something to discuss, but it's a private matter that I can't explain over the phone. Can we meet in person, or perhaps you could come to my house? It would be much better," Jin said.

"Sure, Mr. Jin. I'll be on my way in 30 minutes," the shopkeeper replied.

After waiting for 30 minutes, the shopkeeper arrived at Jin's house, and Jin welcomed him inside to start their conversation.

"If it's a private conversation, then allow me to introduce myself. I am Victor, the shopkeeper of MagiTech," he said.

However, Jin discovered something intriguing after using the Sage's Eye ability on Victor.


Name: Victor Thornwood

Class: Notorious Arms Dealer

Rank: B-Rank Ability User

Occupation: Illegal Arms Dealer, Shopkeeper

Skills: Negotiation (B), Acting (B), Sharpshooter(B)

Description: Victor Thornwood exudes an air of sophistication and cunning, always one step ahead in the world of arms dealing. With a reputation for acquiring and distributing the most sought-after weaponry, he navigates the shadows of the underground market with finesse and discretion. His network spans across the galaxy, and his clients include both influential figures and those seeking firepower for various purposes. Victor Thornwood's charisma and sharp business acumen make him a formidable and dangerous player in the realm of arms dealing.

"What's this? I simply wanted to inquire about the black market, and now the black market has come to my house!" Jin exclaimed in his thoughts


"Yes, Mr. Victor, or should I say Mr. Victor Thornwood, a notorious illegal arms dealer of the galaxy?" Jin said, maintaining a poker face.

"What did you say?" Victor's tone changed, and a gun was already pointed at Jin's head.

"How did you know my identity? Are you from ADF?!" Victor asked.

"No, don't worry, just relax. As I mentioned, I am a businessman, and I need to do some business with you. Let's cut to the chase, Mr. Thornwood. I need a lot of Magic Bombs and two Magic Ballistic Missiles!" Jin said confidently.

Victor calmed down, "I see you're a customer. When do you need the arms?" Victor asked.

"I need them right now," Jin replied.

"What? No, I can't provide high-quality items on such short notice. It would take at least a week or two," Victor explained.

"Then how much for the low-quality ones?" Jin inquired.

"Even though they're called low quality, they are still powerful enough to kill thousands of C-rank monsters, hundreds of B-rank monsters, and even a thousand humans," Victor said with a devilish grin.

"No, I will not use them on humans, and if they can kill thousands of C-rank monsters, then that's sufficient. How much?" Jin asked again.

"1 million for two low-rank Magic Ballistic Missiles and 1 million for 100 tons of Magic Bombs. Each ballistic missile has the explosive power of 50 tons of Magic Bombs, but the advantage is that you can deploy them from a long distance," Victor explained.

Jin then converted the 2 million Magic Crystals into physical crystals from the system.

He had already accumulated around 2 million Magic Crystals after checking the market and finding that the High Energy-Source had been sold by someone he didn't know.

"Do you accept physical crystals, right?" Jin asked.

"Yes, and all transactions need to be physical to avoid leaving any traces," Victor said with a smirk as he saw the 2 million Magic Crystals.

"When will the arms ready?" Jin inquired.

"It will take about half an hour, and I can't bring the arms inside Arcadia. You'll need to go outside the barrier. Is that fine with you? I know this isn't your first time buying an illegal product," Victor said, trying to gauge Jin's reaction.

"Yes, I understand. I am a businessman after all, This kind of illegal transaction is not new." Jin replied, bluffing to ensure Victor didn't see him as a pushover.

"Then I will contact you after half an hour, Mr. Jin," Victor said as he bid farewell.