
The Endless Hunt

The Gods are real, demons are all real, all their myths are real. And they're bored so why not use humanity. Humans have never failed to entertain them before but this time why not up the stakes a little bit and who knows maybe humans will go back to worshiping them. And why not up the stage for the maximum amount of entertainment. Let’s make all creatures from mythology real. And let’s add classes to this as well. Now some will die, but their deaths will serve as their amusement and some will rise to the peak's of heaven while others will descend into the darkest pits of Hell. And let’s make who awakens completely random because the humans always get jealous of others who they feel outshine them which causes them to act irrationally. Who knows, maybe some will rise high enough to even rival the gods and constellations and mantle them. I'm a recent Highschool graduate and this is my first ever novel. So hopefully you can excuse the beginner level mistakes I make. This is a passion project of mine.

TrueChaos_9558 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 5

"Holy shit!". Alexander exclaimed. " That has to be one of the most brutal ways I've ever seen someone kill a harpy, especially a rookie. Alexander added. " Is it over? Did I kill it" Khalil said, gasping for air. "Trust me you it's dead". Alexander said, walking towards Khalil while laughing. " Ok let me heal you real quick" ALexander said. *Greater Heal* A gold aura surrounded Khalil's body. The deep gash on his stomach was closing right before his eyes and the slash marks on his back and arms were healing even faster. " It's so soothing and relaxing, like a warm embrace," Khalil said in euphoria. Once the spell had stopped Khalil looked over his body in amazement. All the cuts and bruises that he had acquired during that fight were gone. "Go to the harpy's body" Alexander ordered. " What why?". Khalil questioned. "Just do it," Alexander responded. Khalil walked near the body of the harpy and it surprised him how mangled the body looked. The arms of the harpy were bruised; its left wing was almost completely torn off. And then there was the killing blow on its neck or what's left of it. There was a massive hole where a part of the neck was and blood was just spilling out. The body of the harpy started to disintegrate and become light particles and they entered Khalil's body. "Holy shit that feels so good," Khalil said in ecstasy. Then Khalil entered a trance. "Oh it started". Alexander said in surprise. Khalil was in a big white room and in front of him was a giant pillar. " What is this place?" Khalil questioned. Khalil was just standing there and then he started walking towards the pillar. It was like the pillar was calling out to him to touch it. When he did he snapped out his trance three cards and a message appeared in front of him.

Class Selection Achieved

Please Choose

"Hey Alexander, do you see this stuff too?". Khalil asked. "Nope, but I know it says Class Selection Achieved Please Choose". Alexander responded. " Everyone who has gained a class has that exact same thing appear in front of them". Alexander explained. " Also there are three cards in front of you right now. Those are the classes you qualified for and out of those three you have to choose one." He added. " Wait, what do you mean qualified for?"Khalil said, confused. " I thought that classes were completely random, and that if a person got a high ranking class then they were just really lucky, " he added. " You're both right and wrong to achieve a class you have to meet some requirement while in the first floor and then you have the right to qualify for it and also the class you qualify tends to be connected you are or might become or at least it looks like that" Alexander explained. "But the randomness of it is that no one knows what the requirements are and it's those times that it comes down to fate not luck ". He added. " Damn so I'm guessing that since a lot of people tend to get common ranked classes they must have done the bare minimum to qualify for the class". Khalil said. " Maybe or maybe it's just they're fate". Alexander said uncaringly. " Then what's my fate?'' .Khalil pondered. " Look at the cards and see but fate is a tricky thing". Alexander said. In front of Khalil were three cards floating in the air, each card had a different and had a different description describing the class.

Nightwalker- you are one with the night and the night is one with you. An everlasting night will follow you wherever you go

Executioner- Heads and limbs fly whenever you swing your weapon. One strike and one kill describes you perfectly. A sea of blood and a mountain of corpses will be left in your wake.

Demon Predator-You've risen from the blackest pits of the abyss. Everyone and everything will become your prey. You are the ultimate predator.

"Ok let's try and think about this with my head because fucking hell do these classes all sound really badass and powerful".Khalil thought. " Ok so Nightwalker does sound cool but I'm getting an assassin vibe from this or something similar to it. But I don't think that an assassin fits me". He continued. "Executioner now this sounds very edgy. But I roughly get the idea of what the class is." He added. What Khalil imagined from reading the description of this class as an Executioner would be a big guy with a massive fuckoff great sword or axe wearing a black hood over his face. But for imaging a Nightwalker, he thought of an assassin completely covered in shadows and darkness. " Executioner fits me more than nightwalker but let's look at the last one and see". Khalil thought. "What in the absolute fuck". Khalil screamed. After reading the Demon Predator description Khalil at first was hesitant because of the "Demon" in the title and thought that he'd stop being a human and become a demon which he didn't want. " Hey Alexander, are there any classes that would change me from being human to something else". Khalil asked. " No class that I know of has the power to do that, they can definitely change your appearance but turning you from human into something else. I've never heard of a class that can do that." Alexander responded. " Ok that makes me feel a little bit better". Khalil thought cautiously. " I wonder what class he got?" Alexander pondered. . For the next hour Khalil just stood there in silence weighing the possible pros and cons. "Ok so Nightwalker does sound powerful but doesn't fit me so that's out of the question. So it's between Executioner and Demon Predator. If the Executioner class is what I'm imagining in my head then I don't think that'll fit me either. But Demon Predator the description makes it sound like you're some kind of demonic hunter or a hunter who has demonic-like powers and I do have experience with hunting." Khalil thought. [ If it's taking this long you must have gotten some good classes] Alexander said telepathically. " It still feels weird to have your voice just randomly pop in my head like that," Khalil said. " But I think you're right but I don't know all the classes that exist but these names sound like they're powerful but for all I know they could be like common or uncommon classes". He added. [Just because a class is common or uncommon doesn't make it weak and just because a class is legendary or even mythical doesn't make it powerful, that's a misconception everyone has and that misconception that will definitely get you killed. The power of your class depends entirely on you and how you use your abilities]. Alexander responded. "So even if I get a common class I can still be powerful?". Asked Khalil. [Yes you can it just be harder the higher you go but it's not impossible just really difficult. Ares has an apostle that has a common class] explained Alexander. "Still doesn't make the choice easy though" thought Khalil. After hearing Alexander explain the real power of classes that no matter the rank of the class the user can still become powerful that gave him more hope. Another hour passed and finally Khalil made a decision. "Ok i'm choosing you". Khalil exclaimed. Finally he reached for a golden card. He was now a Demon Predator.