
7. The scream that wakes a dead man

A few weeks after the battle of the Red Capes and the two demons, in a training ground inside Dr. Romanov's bunker, Dr. Romanov and Hope, using an entire library of books, try to bring back the lost magic of hundreds of years.

"Sphaera Ignea" Can Hope be heard screaming and a fireball shatters against the wall.

"It seems that the spell is working correctly, but there's no consistency; you should feel power upon impact, and your fire lacks that power." Dr. Romanov

From the other side of the room, Hope looks at him panting, holding onto her legs, exhausted, and says: "I-I think that's enough for today; I feel like I might pass out if I cast another spell."

"Then you will pass out. You can't go out into the field in your current condition." Dr. Romanov

"What do you mean by that? I can still use weapons." Hope

"Your weapons have no effect against these new demons. I hope you understand that magic is your chance to counterattack. I have already informed Rex that you are not going." Dr. Romanov

"How?! Where should I go?" Hope

"The others will go out to look for Nick today." Dr. Romanov

"So soon? What about Sofia and Rozalia? They can't affect the new demons either. Lately, even Guardiol can't say he fought on equal terms with them." Hope

"You can do something about that; you should be grateful and continue training motivated. The others will be there to support Max and Rex against the hordes of demons. Even though they can't compare to the new demons, they are more effective against numbers. Do not try with your words to render others useless." Dr. Romanov

Hope looks a bit bothered, shakes her head, composes herself, and takes her fighting stance: "Spahera Ignea!"

Stepping out of the bunker, Rex meets the others who were waiting for him.

"So, Rexi, why did you summon us?" asks Rozalia.

"We're going to continue the search outside the wall." Rex replies.

"Finally!" Max remarks.

"It's time!" Sofia thinks to herself.

"Already?" Guardiol questions.

"Already?! We've been waiting for this moment for too many days." Rozalia responds.

With a disappointed expression, Guardiol looks at the others and says: "Guys, I'm not going."

"What?!" Nervous, Rozalia, while the kids look surprised with wide eyes.

"Is there any reason why you won't participate?" Rex asks.

"Considering my contribution in the last battles, I believe I'll be more of a hindrance than help." Guardiol replies.

"What are you talking about?! That's what we all do! We may hinder, but by being there together, we manage to survive; we've got each other's backs." Rozalia says.

"That's what it means to be comrades." Max adds, remembering the doctor's words: "Comrades, you are comrades when you cover each other's backs, Max. They will be your comrades. They will defend you, and you will defend them."

"We need to stick together..." Sofia states.

Guardiol turns away and refuses to say anything more.

Rex, lighting a cigarette, says: "Understood, you're free."

"Thank you!" Guardiol slowly retreats towards the bunker.

"The rest of you, what are you waiting for? Go get ready, be here until I finish my cigarette." Rex instructs.

"Understood!" Max.

"Sure!" Sofia.

With a nervous face, Rozalia runs inside the bunker.

"What do you think you're doing? Is this your response to everything that has happened?" Rozalia asks, catching up with Guardiol.

"Actions have shown that I'm not strong enough to fight alongside you on the front line. All I've managed to do is lie there, forcing the rest of you to protect me." Guardiol says.

"That happened right after you protected us. Are you trying to victimize yourself now?" Rozalia questions.

"Hmm... Probably victimizing myself, yes. All that matters is that if I go onto the battlefield with you now, I'll only be a hindrance. I can't protect anyone in my current state." Guardiol.

"We're all alive! That's all that matters at the moment..." Rozalia says.

"Are we all alive? Are you sure? What happened to the man I was supposed to protect above all else? He's been missing for months; we know nothing about him. He might be..." Guardiol starts.

"Don't say that! You should know him better than us; you know he's alive!" Rozalia interrupts.

"I'm not so sure anymore..." Guardiol says.

"Then... how will you feel if one of us... if I die today on the battlefield, and you weren't there to protect me? How will that make you feel?" Rozalia asks.

With a ashamed face, Guardiol lowers his head and continues walking.

"I understand now how ready you are to lose me and everyone else. However, you want it! Stay and drown in your alcohol; that's all you know how to do!" Rozalia says, changing direction to prepare for departure.

After about 10 minutes, Rozalia also leaves the bunker, with everyone else already there.

"What took so long?" Rex asks.

"I couldn't find my pistols." Rozalia, with a slow voice.

"Hmm..." Rex remembers that Rozalia had her pistols with her at the bunker's entrance. "Understood..." Rex thinks to himself.

In their search for Nick, Rex decided to leave the ATV at home, opting to travel in a standard battle car. Rex was driving, but occasionally glancing to the right to check on Rozalia, only to find her sitting with her head against the window, refusing to say anything or make eye contact. However, she wasn't much different from Sofia, who hadn't uttered a word since they left the bunker, lost in thought, holding onto the piece of material from Nick's cape wrapped around her neck.

"Hey, Sofi! Are you okay?" Max asked.

"I'm fine." replied Sofia.

"Can I ask you something?" Max inquired.

"Sure." Sofia said.

"Has something happened between us? Have I upset you in any way?" Max asked.

"You haven't bothered me at all, Max. It's just that I can't think about anything else when we're on a mission." Sofia replied.

"I mean, we haven't talked for a few months." Max said.

"Yes, we talk." Sofia stated.

"We only exchange pleasantries; we haven't engaged in a real conversation for a long time." Max clarified.

"Is there a specific conversation you want to have with me, Max?" Sofia asked.

"I want us to talk more, and spend time together." Max said.

"I don't understand what you mean; we're always together." Sofia remarked.

"Just the two of us!" Max, at which point they both felt embarrassed.

"How good it is to hear a human voice! I was starting to think I had gone deaf with all the silence you were making." Rex interrupted their conversation, bringing silence back.

Rex addresses them again shortly: "Red Capes, I want you to listen carefully. We have no guarantee that Nick is alive, so whatever we find out and whatever happens, you need to stay calm. Understood?"

"Not you too, Rexi..." Rozalia.

"Nick is alive." Sofia.

"I think we should assume he's alive until proven otherwise. Right?" Max.

"Sounds reasonable." Rozalia.

"He's alive." Sofia.

"I didn't mean to agitate you, but as usual, things might not go exactly as planned." Rex conveys, thinking: "As convinced as they are that he's alive, seeing him dead will probably devastate them... especially Sofia."

After successfully passing the area where they had their last battle, looking at them from the top of a hill in the distance, two silhouettes whisper to each other:

"Rich, I think we'll have some fun; they look strong." the first silhouette says, laughing.

"It's been a while since I used my blades; I hope I can get rid of the numbness." the second one replies.

Meanwhile, inside the Red Sector bunker, Guardiol steps into the training area where Dr. Romanov mentors and oversees Hope in mastering magical arts.

"Hmm... Guardiol, do you want to join us?" Dr. Romanov asks.

"Me? I don't think I have anything to contribute." Guardiol replies.

"You're talking nonsense. Hope, Guardiol is joining us. I was hoping you could focus on fatally injuring him with the next attack. Guardiol, just before the impact, concentrate a large amount of demonic energy into your shield."

"Alright!" Hope.

"How? I let the energy fluctuate in the armor during this; if I can't block the hit with the shield, it'll be fatal. Plus, I generally need to keep energy in the sword too." Guardiol says.

"If you can't use a large amount of energy in a single point, it's arrogant to think you can amplify it evenly everywhere efficiently." Dr. Romanov addresses him, laughing.

"What is he talking about?" Guardiol wonders, then responds: "Okay, I'll try. Show me, Hope!"

"Sphaera Ignea!" Hope.

"ARGH!" Guardiol, managing with great effort to block the fireball attack, then a thought crosses his mind: "I think the old man is right; I felt the attack much stronger than I could normally block, but somehow I managed to repel it."

"Sorryyy, Doctor!" Hope puts her hands on her head dissatisfied.

"Huh?" Guardiol.

"You lost all concentration, Hope. This time, you wouldn't have been able to kill even a fly." Dr. Romanov.

"How?" Guardiol.

"You're right; I think it has to do with the fact that it's the first time I had to attack a person. The killer instinct disappeared altogether." Hope.

"What are you two talking about?!" Guardiol.

"She missed." Dr. Romanov.

"I missed." Hope simultaneously.

"That was a missed attack?! Impossible... So powerful?" Guardiol.

"What are you talking about, Guardiol? You fought with them too; this attack couldn't hurt one of those demons or any President of Hell." Hope responds as she wipes herself with a towel.

Guardiol in his mind: "She's right... I'm so pathetic."

"I think that's enough for now, Hope. Go wash up, and if you still have energy, you can start meditating; if not, rest and find me later." Dr. Romanov.

"Alright, Doctor! Thank you so much!" Hope leaves the training area.

"Guardiol, I have some free time; let's talk about that division of demonic energy." Dr. Romanov to Guardiol.

"I don't think it will help; probably, this is the maximum level I can reach." Guardiol responds.

"You're talking nonsense. Young man, please start with 1000 repetitions of shifting from total focus on the shield to the sword and vice-versa." Dr. Romanov tells him decisively.

"Okay, Doctor!" Guardiol responds.

"BOOM" As the Red Capes advanced on their path, a black beam from their right struck the ground in front of the car, causing it to skid. Rex swerved hard to the left, but still couldn't control the car. Meanwhile, Max managed to pull Sofia and Rozalia out of the car before the impact.

The car collided forcefully with a rock, triggering a spontaneous explosion.

"Rex!!" Rozalia, being pulled away from the impact zone by Max.

Shortly after, Rex emerged from the flames with his angelic eyes aglow.

In front of him, a demonic silhouette made its presence felt. "Ha? At least you survived that."

"Was it supposed to kill me?" Rex asked.

"Not at all, wouldn't be amusing." replied the silhouette with a covered face.

"Who are you?" Rex asked.

"I apologize for my lack of manners. My name is Richard; I believe a more detailed description of myself is unnecessary for this encounter. Could you provide a more detailed description of yourselves?" the silhouette responded while revealing his face.

(Richard, an athletic man with blond hair and blue eyes)

"We are the Red Capes, and I am Rex, the captain of this team. We're looking for someone; we're not here to fight." Rex tried to calm tensions.

"Hmm? Looking for someone in our territory? You've got lost, leave!" Richard.

"We won't leave; we just want to talk." Rex.

"If you don't want to leave I'll let you talk with my friends." said Richard, elegantly presenting a completely black sword, with a lion's head at the end of the handle, "Lion King and..." proceeding to draw a second sword, a shining white blade with a red-golden handle, "Excalibur!" At that moment, Rex drew his sword, and Max his trident.

As Richard presented both weapons, the number 3 could be seen mirrored on his wrists.

"3?!" Rex astonished.

"Sofia, Rozalia, stay back a bit." Max tells them as he approaches Rex.

"You don't want to fight us. Just let us talk." Rex addresses the demon.

"No. I really want to fight." the demon confidently responds, approaching the two, at which point they assume their fighting positions.

"We will win this time, Rex, we are stronger." Max.

"No emotion." Rex

"SLASH" The moment of the crossing of the four mystical weapons creates a burst of light that illuminates the entire perimeter. The movements of the two Red Capes are much better than last time, managing to push the demon back bit by bit.

"Hmm... you have some power, you two. I'll be more serious now." Richard, turning his eyes red, shifts the advantage of the battle, putting Max and Rex at a disadvantage. Both of them ignite their eyes, balancing the battle a bit.

"Angel powers, then. I'm not sorry I stopped you. Ha! Ha!" Richard, thrilled by the fight, but then black lightning begins to surround his body, pushing Rex to one side, attacking him with speed overwhelming him. Seeing this, Max jumps in to help, at which point electric fluctuations can be seen on the trident. Richard notices this as he only uses Excalibur in his fight with Rex and creates his own black energy fluctuations on the black sword, Lion King, and the sword is surrounded by a charge of black energy that launches toward Max: "Regret of the Lion King..."

The energy charge hits Max head-on, leaving him momentarily unconscious, but in the dynamic of the fight, Rex manages to hold his own against Richard for a moment.

"You're struggling quite a lot, Richard." a second demonic silhouette appears.

"Just playing, Atalanta." Richard responds.

(Atalanta, a woman with long black hair tied in a ponytail, with a bow in hand and a quiver of arrows on her back, and through the wind-beaten cloak, something in the middle of her chest can be seen, the number 9)

"Another one?!" Rex.

"I won't interfere in your fight... We'll talk like ladies." Atalanta grins while extending her left hand towards the two girls, pushing them quite a distance away.

As the fall of the two stops, Rozalia says: "We have to fight, Sofi-"

"SHUSH" Atalanta appears, as if teleporting, in front of Rozalia. Atalanta leans, chin over Rozalia's right shoulder, and palm on her forehead. "No, no, I said we talk, but you're cheeky." Rozalia remains frozen, trembling, all that moves are the tears flowing in streams from her eyes, but without any sound.

"Hm? Just a crybaby, then." Atalanta moves her hand slightly from Rozalia's forehead, a finger stretch movement leaving Rozalia unconscious.

"We have to help the girls." Max wakes up from unconsciousness.

"Do you think you can afford this luxury, kid?" Richard, dominating Rex categorically in the fight.

"Hey! Richard... I'm gonna kill this brat!" Atalanta.

"Sure!" Richard.

"I won't let you!" Max, at which point Richard appears in front of him, followed by Rex.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! The Lion of Camelot!" Richard launches an X attack upon the two after the crossing of the two swords, an attack that slashes them both.

"No! Guys!" Sofia.

"Are you sure you need to worry about them?" Atalanta, looking at Sofia, who was full of tears.

Sofia remains silent.

"I suppose that was for you too." Atalanta, taking out an arrow, preparing to shoot Sofia.

In the nearby forest, something moves at high speed, and small black and red lightning can be seen, "Where?..."

"Where are you?! Help us! N.." Sofia.

Atalanta sends an arrow charged with demonic energy towards Sofia, and at the moment of impact, the arrow collides with a sword, a katana, controlled by a silhouette with long brown hair, dressed in a black cloak, multiple black and red lightning bolts floating above his body.

"...ick" Sofia with a surprised expression.

"Are you okay, kiddo?" Nick asks, turning around and grinning at Sofia.

"Now I am, Nick!" Sofia responds with tears in her eyes but a face illuminated with happiness.