
The ending.

RAFTEL12 · Action
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51 Chs

An war

Aizis:we shouldn.t stop till we reach our goal.

Marco:anyways,you told me that every world and supreme ruler's realm were destroyed but how did holy world resist it?

Raizel:king of gods maybe cast some spell to resist his own spell but it cause some destruction because of my magicsl spell 'wise destruction'.

Maria:i can.t believe that we are end up facing a great war even if i.m still 17.

Raizel:well,it doesn.t matter how old are you if you had the intense of doing something but still i don.t consider it as a great war heh.

Elesia:anyways,what are you planning to do now?

Raizel:i have to take others supreme rulers under my control.

Aizis:only absolute god can control them,what are planning?

Raizel:i will be destroyed by normal servant of the transcendetal world let alone the absolute god so i have to find some way to get even stronger.

Marco:hmm but what is transcendental world?

Elesia:the world which literally exist above everything included holy world.You know that we live in a space box which is 1st layer and the transcendental world exist in the 7th or i say in the final layer.This world known as absolute god's realm.


Marco:here we come.

Marco,maria and aizis send slashes to raizel and elesia....

Raizel destroyed it with one swing....

Both raizel and elesia attack others three....

Few moment later....

Others three's sword drop from their hand....

Elesia:we won,right?

Raizel:you can't beat me any way.

Marco:haah,i know.

Raizel:anyways,you guys did good.

Maria:thanks but not enough.

Raizel:you still have a long way to go so don't worry.

Aizis:well,we should go back now.


They vanished from the realm....

Next day....

In the classroom....

Aizis:raizel,i get a news that really important.


Raizel:i got upper hand on others because of my magic type absorbation.

Elesia:it helps you to transcend everything.

Raizel:indeed truth.

Maria:then let me give you a title.

Raizel:huh?What is it?

Maria:The one who transcend everything.

Aizis:wow,excellent title..

Elesia:that's not a bad title.

Marco:let's have a match between ourself.


Marco:i and maria versus you and elesia,sword battle.

Raizel:not a bad idea.I can solo both of you alone.

Aizis:as marco says,2v2.

Elesia:fine by me.

Raizel:ok then let's do it in my realm.


They teleported away....

They appear in the supreme ruler realm....

Marco:huge size.

Aizis:you can't find the other side of the realm without imagination teleportation cos it's too long.

Raizel:i wonder who made these things?

Marco:wait,you are not the one who made this?

Raizel:obviously no.

Marco:then who the hell did?

Raizel:well,i don't know.I just reach realm and grant my order,that's it.

Maria:that means there are someone who create everything.

Raizel:sure there are one.

Marco:anyways,let's do it.

Raizel:ok but aizis will join you guys.


Raizel:ah wait..

Raizel drew a magic circle and summon 5 steel fang sword....

Aizis:a war might happen in the absolute god's realm between the servants and the narrators.


Aizis:well,no idea.

Raizel:these peoples work in order but for that i have to go forward slowly and carefully.

Maria:hard words to understand.

Aizis:well,you two are gifted so you two will get strong servant?

Aizis:hmm and also he says that they need help from you.

Raizel:hm but i can't do anything without know the whole subject.Narrators exist for different reason than the servants.Narrators control the story of everything of the creation and their story controlling greater than the supreme rulers.

i wrote 21 chapter till now and there was many miss speling so forgive for that

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